[ The video feed shows the interior roof of a building - you might remember it as professor Elm's lab if you had a good memory and had ever paid the place a visit... and had taken note of the wonderful ceiling
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[action] it is the best face of "happy" ever.imthe_shitJuly 10 2010, 13:16:54 UTC
... Pokeballs?
[Crouches down, and sets Sunny on the ground gently, letting her look at the Sentret. In the meantime, he reaches into his backpack and looks at the contents... Pulling out a ball, he raises a brow at it.]
... [Looks at Hiruma, then at the Sentret, then at Sunny, then at Hiruma, then at the Pokeball, then at Hiruma again.]
[Watching you a couple feet with a Togepi in her arms, she gives him a smile.] I don't think there's a rule against having two of the same pokemon. The professor told me when I asked earlier.
Comments 202
You're saying there's magnet Pokemon? How the heck does THAT work?
[Heather's only seen animal-based Pokemon thus far.]
Yeah, according to the fucking prof there are quite alot of pokémon.
That's pretty weird. Do they even look like animals?
Oh, and in terms of your initial question, the fucking flood hasn't receded much in Violet City. I dunno how it is anywhere else.
It's still bad up there? I'll tell you how it is down here. Annoying.
Really fucking annoying.
[ A-at least he's swapped from swearing in your nickname to saying something almost normal? ]
I caught them in the fucking prof's lab. Quite a few of them floating around.
In the P-Professor's lab? He l-let you in there?
So I stole 2 of his Magnemites, kekeke.
[ He has no idea that it isn't stealing ]
How's the ice cave treating you?
You caught them? [8T has yet to figure out how anything works in this world.]
[ Holding his last remaining pokéball up to you ]
You should have 5 in your backpack, right? Maybe you could try catching one of the fucking magnets?
[ Glances towards the Sentret following him and back to you ]
Just don't catch that thing, it's sort of mine, kekeke.
[Crouches down, and sets Sunny on the ground gently, letting her look at the Sentret. In the meantime, he reaches into his backpack and looks at the contents... Pulling out a ball, he raises a brow at it.]
... [Looks at Hiruma, then at the Sentret, then at Sunny, then at Hiruma, then at the Pokeball, then at Hiruma again.]
...Yeah pokéballs. You're supposed to hit pokémon you want to capture with them - they join and you get stronger.
[ He reaches into his own backpack and brings out a slightly wet book ]
There's a guide book in your backpack for trainers, if you ever feel like reading it.
You got a name, old man?
What the hell are those things?
[ Hiruma doesnt answer you at first - he's busy drying himself with a towel and Cerberus' Ember for heat ]
Oh hey, fucking bomb. They're Magnemites, apparently.
Hey, you're all the way back in Newbark, Freak. Something' to do with the floods?
I couldn't be bothered walking through the water so I came back here - the fucking prof gave anyone around some shelter and his lab was full of...
[ Camera will now show Hiruma sending out a pair Magnemites ]
These fucking magnets, kekeke
You stuck here because of the fucking flood too, or did you just get here?
Both, actually. I arrived her a few days ago and came over to catch Akio, but the professor won't let me out. How long have you been here?
[ He takes a seat on the floor ]
Che, long enough. About a day.
I was caught in a flood not too far from here and had to come back.
[ He nods his head at the Sentret beside him ]
Thats when this fucking thing started following me.
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