Ex-Gauge [3%] - Action

Jul 20, 2009 11:54

[Another scream, another kidnapping and another groan from Nero. He rolled onto his back on the bed, threw an arm over his face and swore vehemently.]

...Malnosso slumber party and I didn't even get an invitation. Least you could do is let me fucking sleep.

[It was a lost cause. Even when the journal grew quiet it just gave him more time to think ( Read more... )

there's a demon loose, trees meet your maker, mallynappings are bad for the complexion, stress relief

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[Action] lady_kalina_ann July 21 2009, 20:43:42 UTC
[Here, have a Lady who just so happens to have her own weapons as she's out for some training of her own.]

Didn't think I'd be bumping into you here.


lady_kalina_ann July 27 2009, 21:58:02 UTC
Don't flatter yourself kid, you're not that cute.

[Lady winced at behing crushed into the tree, but she noticed it didn't hurt as much as she thought it would. She dropped down when Nero's translucent hand finally disappeared and dodged and rolled towards him, kicking out a leg to swipe it right under his feet.]

[ooc: My money's on the forest and it's wild life. Fuck yeah squirrels.]


devil_reborn July 29 2009, 03:03:48 UTC
[Nero cursed, distracted enough by the pain in his demonic arm that he barely accounted for Lady's quick recovery and even quicker counterattack. He instinctively reached for his sword, swinging the blunt end and striking against the heel of her shoe.

He hadn't counted on the strong momentum behind the kick, his grip on Red Queen faltering and he was left to watch it plummet to the forest below. With his priorities focused primarily on keeping his ground and his teeth he couldn't afford to go in search of it so it would have to remain a casualty. Instead he reached for Blue Rose, quickly replacing its clip and firing a couple of shots to draw new boundaries.]

[ooc: Squirrels are naturally vicious. They almost mugged me yesterday for the peanuts in my hand. Luckily they are easily distracted and I was able to escape. So yes, squirrels will win. But we'll all lose in the end...(misses peanuts)]


Oops, almost posted with Michiko account ha~ lady_kalina_ann July 29 2009, 11:30:41 UTC
[Lady kicked her other leg out in an effort to buy herself a bit of time for her to get her Uzi out. She met his shots with her own, the sparks of some of the bullets clashing flickering through the night. She managed to roll away, putting a good distance between them and emptied out her clip.]


;D devil_reborn July 31 2009, 19:40:51 UTC
[Nero continued to blast, guns blazing, going all out as was his style. Inevitably the gun reached its last bullet, the clip empty and the barrel shooting blanks into the silence. Nero didn't have to reach into his coat to know it was his last one...he'd known that before he'd challenged Lady. He'd just assumed she'd never make it far enough for it to matter.

So the lesson here was to not underestimate a woman armed to the teeth. He'd remember that in the future, he was sure.

Nero held out his gun, emptying his clip and letting it fall in the space between them. He smirked, darkly amused despite himself.]

Looks like I'm all outta ammo. Should have known one bullet was never gonna cut it.


lady_kalina_ann July 31 2009, 20:12:33 UTC
[Lady heard the familiar click of her own weapon running out of ammo and tossed the weapon aside.]

Looks like we're in the same boat.


devil_reborn August 1 2009, 00:53:50 UTC
[Nero placed Blue Rose back in it's holster, unzipped his coat and tossed it to land where it would. He rolled his shoulders, working out the kinks before he brought up his demonic hand, finger crooked and beckoning.]

So we settling this like men?


I can't wait to get to Jenny. :D lady_kalina_ann August 1 2009, 01:30:40 UTC
[Lady laughed as she stood up. She stretched her arms and cracked her knuckles over her head.]

Men? [She looked around.]

Funny, I only see one around and that's me.


That poor damn couch...he's taking full responsibility devil_reborn August 1 2009, 22:17:15 UTC
[Nero chuckled under his breath, shaking his head.]

Then check your glasses grandma.

[No sooner had the words left his mouth then he was off at a sprint, demonic arm glowing dully behind him. Deciding now was as good a time as any he threw himself into a handstand, demonic arm using the last of its reserves to summon its ghostly apparition. It bent at the elbow and, like a spring wound to tightly, uncoiled and snapped, thrusting him toward Lady feet first.]

Or better yet...I'll do it for you.


fffft, I have no idea wat i'm doing yo. took me forever to reply. lady_kalina_ann August 2 2009, 16:24:34 UTC
I'd like to see you try.

[Lady jumped back, swerving around him to kick him from behind.]


Join the club devil_reborn August 2 2009, 20:33:05 UTC
[Nero thrust his demonic arm into the bark to stop his momentum, leaving deep, painful grooves in the branch. He barely managing a twist that placed his arm as a shield between them and took the brunt of the kick that, human or no, still managed to slam him into the tree bark and knock the ever loving wind out of him.]


Here, enjoy the view~ lady_kalina_ann August 2 2009, 21:10:03 UTC
[Lady took advantage of this and seeing an opening, back flipped towards Nero, ending with her legs firmly wrapped around his neck. She gave a tight squeeze and pulled forward, grunting as she slammed him into the ground with as much force as she could muster.]


As it breaks his neck...yeah, thanks devil_reborn August 3 2009, 04:58:15 UTC
Son of a bi-...

[The rest of his sentence was cut off by a violent vertigo that only ended with his impromptu crash into the branch. He blinked at the canopy above, his breathing labored and the edges of his vision spotty from having nearly having his windpipe crushed by both Lady's thighs and his headphones.

Fuck, he's sure he'd heard them break under her hold and the pieces were now cutting his breathing off. He managed a shaky roll away, standing and scraping the remains from around his neck.]

Shit, shouldn't you ask people before you violate them like that?


It's the least I can do and the most action he'll ever get from a real woman lady_kalina_ann August 3 2009, 20:19:17 UTC
[Lady snorts, rolling her eyes.]

Aw, and here I thought you would at least be durable. Is playtime over now that you got a little boo boo? Sorry, but mommy isn't here to kiss it and make it better, so suck it up.

[ooc: fyi, feel free to body slam her into the ground if need be. She likes it rough and I like the nitty gritty. LOL, I swear this fight is two steps away from being a slap fest with both of them going "beeeetch! Not the hair!"]


Ouch, below the belt. Keep it clean babes ;D devil_reborn August 4 2009, 05:06:48 UTC
[Nero sneered, flipping Lady the bird for her trouble. Shit, this wasn't getting him anywhere. She was durable, a lot more than he would have ever expected from her. She matched his moves, his stubbornness and his mouth, which, to her credit, not a lot of humans could do.

Fuck this. He was tired, aching and he'd run out of surprises three witty remarks ago. Now he was just going for the jugular.

Somewhere between the eye roll and her high horse he made a feint, used the opening to grab her throat with his demonic hand and slammed her down into the bark with satisfaction, holding her struggling body down with his thighs.]

Do you ever shut up? Must be nice to think people care about what you're saying.

[ooc: Did you one better. Choke hold brah. It's official, this has devolved into a betch fight.]


But there's nothing to really hurt down there so it's fair game. lady_kalina_ann August 4 2009, 17:13:15 UTC
[That pretty much knocked the wind of out her, but she wasn't down for the count just yet. She struggled a bit, a dark look in her eyes and a cruel smirk on her lips as she panted.]

I'm sorry, you were talking?

[With her arms pinned to her sides she had no other choice but to retaliate with a swift kick to the back of his head to get him off her.]

[ooc: No prob bruh. It's about to be a gurrl fight! NOT MA HUR! But I like how Nero keeps underestimating her. She's Lady, she doesn't have badass boots for nothing.]


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