Happy 40th!

Oct 26, 2010 21:15

I was just reminded that Doonesberry turns 40 years old today. I heard a great interview with Trudeau this morning on NPR, particularly about the ditzy Joanie Caucus's precarious law career -- and about the hard decision to "maim" his gung-ho military type, BD (who, Trudeau explained, only joined up originally in order to escape consequences of an ( Read more... )

comics, life

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Comments 3

elvenforever October 27 2010, 01:24:27 UTC
I love Doonesbury. 40 years, wow! I'm only 2 years older than the comic strip!

And awesome you have a handwritten letter from Gary Trudeau. Lovely! :)


the road not travelled -- Doonesberry! The Play ! devifemme October 27 2010, 01:36:47 UTC
If I recall rightly, I even offered to split any royalties with him !



Re: the road not travelled -- Doonesberry! The Play ! elvenforever October 27 2010, 01:47:07 UTC
Hee hee, that probably wasn't what he was after either. :)


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