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devifemme July 17 2010, 20:56:05 UTC
Not sure, exactly -- maybe I could check it out, join you for a session??


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NOT self-portraits! devifemme July 17 2010, 21:35:56 UTC
Oops, I find I was WRONG about them being self-portraits. Scarlett just replied to me, pointing out her Flickr profile. In it, she writes --
"Scarlett is the muse and Ghost the photographer.
Each shot is a joint effort and is a way to express ourselves and create something that we like and share the things that interest us."

Apologies to Ghost, whom I somehow missed in all my visits! (Well, Scarlett is a heck of a distraction!)


kehleyr July 17 2010, 21:07:58 UTC
Wow that is gorgeous!!!


devifemme July 17 2010, 21:41:39 UTC
Oooh, thanks! I read on your LJ that your heading off on vacation on Gotland. Have a lovely time up there, on the Baltic Sea, I guess? (Actually, just Googled it -- fascinating history before becoming part of Sweden, interesting geography, etc.)

Hugz, J


kehleyr July 17 2010, 21:53:45 UTC
I love this place!! It's definitely worth a visit if you ever go to Sweden :-D! Thanks


ready2please July 17 2010, 23:44:32 UTC
I see why she is one of your favorites. Beautiful.


the sun is in the north fairwells July 19 2010, 02:29:19 UTC
I SO want that outfit.


cobra9474 July 19 2010, 12:03:02 UTC
A good photo to break the limit with. Lets see how long until 40 decays to a lesser value. :P


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