Life in the Fast Lane

Mar 30, 2010 12:42

I'm driving home along A1A (which, ironically, has NO fast lane ( Read more... )

fast lane, 2 girls, dude

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Comments 8

qt3_14159 March 31 2010, 03:06:34 UTC
MMmmm bed...still tired...


xoxo_fleur April 4 2010, 00:47:18 UTC
Ha ha - no, I haven't been online for so long! I'm studying, studying for exams. I JUST came on and started to catch up with my friends page - I'm trying to, anyway. There are so many new posts! (Yours, of course, stand out, but I can't reply to all, as I should be studying. I'm being bad; I should get spanked, don't you think?) :)

And I never did reply to the message in which you sent me the article. Let me say I liked it, and thank you for teaching me a name for a type of rope bondage.

And alas, "lagnolalia" does not mean what urban dictionary claims it does, so I had to take down my post. Hardcore Lit major that I am, I must side with the OED. Lagnolalia is merely the discussion of sexual matters, which is sexy enough a definition.

Are you leaving FL? :( Your blog seems to suggest so...


devifemme April 5 2010, 04:08:57 UTC
Dear Fleur --

Yup, drove north Thursday-Friday, into the awful pre-holiday traffic. It was insane north from Richmond, dead stopped or creeping! Finally resorted to a back road into DC!

And, yes, you DO deserve a spanking --that goes without saying!

It was about you studying or NOT studying, or not replying. I suppose. But it's lovely of you to suggest it. I'd definitely enjoy spanking you -- if Papi permits...

What are your studies now? Post-grad ?

I'm sorry you and I won't be sharing FL for a few months. I'm in Washington until mid-May, then Italy for a month, a week afterwards in London, then back to DC for maybe two months, and back to Vero in about September!

Any travel plans for you?

Kisses, Justine


xoxo_fleur April 4 2010, 00:55:07 UTC
P.S. Love the Eagles. Love them, even though they were before my time!


Eagles devifemme April 5 2010, 03:49:34 UTC
How sharper than the serpent's tooth...*Feeling old!*

Not that I think of Walsh and the boys as "contemporary," or anything...


Re: Eagles xoxo_fleur April 8 2010, 00:59:34 UTC
You're not old! What, you're in your forties? I envy older women their sexual experience and sophistication. Plus, I think age is sexy and beautiful (of course I would, I married an older man). Love that you're past the awkward twenties - you know they're FULL of growing pains...

Yes, I meant I was bad for not studying, but I guess you could make the case that I was being bad by not writing back...I apologize. I do not always have time to return to this blog, you pulls me away.

Exams are over! Thank God! I had surgery today, so I won't be posting to Fleur for a while. But I wanted to get back to you on a decent kind of timeframe so I came on just to reply to this.


Re: Eagles devifemme April 8 2010, 02:57:32 UTC
Thanks, Fleur -- very kind of you to come say hello specially! I hope your operation (was it yesterday? Tuesday?) went well, and you're in the process of bouncing back!

As for age, I didn't think I was going to enjoy my 40's -- but it's been okay. If I were surer of my relationship (she's BEEN my 40's, and a chunk of my 30's as well!), I'd probably be more comfortable with getting older.

And, BTW, the Eagles were AMAZING during the 1980s!!

Hugz, J


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