Not Bloggable -- Alas!

Mar 23, 2010 23:00

Here are some wonderful shots by terrific shooters who simply don't let their work be blogged. Do check them out ( Read more... )

diana, annette, sabrina, ziggy

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Comments 2

80s_child March 24 2010, 03:43:34 UTC
I really love that gun-tattoo xD


When being wrong feels SO good... devifemme March 25 2010, 01:30:10 UTC
As I discovered a day after posting this, Sabrina Dacos (who is on Tango's list of 25 Muses) was both willing and quickly able to open her shots for blogging. So now there are only three where there's doubt that I could post them. And, interestingly, the Swedish girl Annette has an indirect connection to another of Tango's 25.

Small world...after all!


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