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Comments 7

anais_pf July 14 2019, 03:56:01 UTC
devifemme July 15 2019, 13:14:10 UTC
Thanks, Anais -- didn't know you were so much into the classics...


devifemme July 15 2019, 13:25:41 UTC

Woohoo! I love this site, dear Anais! The songs crank up instantly, and the vids are terrific. This one "Angie," blows me away!

Wonder WHERE I was when I first heard it...


devifemme July 15 2019, 13:32:15 UTC
And here's another take on "Angie," live in 1982 -- shows the limits of concert recording back then, but so evocative!


shannon_elaine July 14 2019, 10:33:46 UTC

The concert isn’t until Monday. It’s pretty awesome that Mick Jagger stayed instead of cancelling. Hoping for minimal damage so the show can still happen.


devifemme July 15 2019, 13:08:42 UTC
Thanks for the correction! My friend's brother was a bit vague -- but it's TODAY, then!

You can make it if you try
They always told me
I could make it if I tried
I'm going to make it if i try
Yeh, yeh, i'm gonna make it if I try
If you try

Good luck to N'Awlins tonight! And especially to the brave first responders to the storm. We spent a lot of time there after Katrina (when W & Co. let the city down so badly!). I remain impressed by Orleanians' indominable spirit!


jasperslagoon July 14 2019, 16:03:29 UTC
I remember many years ago when someone gave me tickets to a Stones concert, the "Steel Wheels Tour" and it was down in San Diego, a two hour drive away. But I thought what the hell, free tickets, I probably should someday see the Stones play.

I was BLOWN AWAY by the performance. The band was tight, perfect, flawless. Mick pranced around like a 25 year old kid and had the audience captivated for the entire concert. The mix was unbelievable, the light show, the fireworks were amazing, it wasn't a concert - it was an extravaganza.

I don't believe that The Rolling Stones are human, their energy levels performing are beyond compare.


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