Nice summing-up of Trumpsky's foolishness on health care

Apr 07, 2019 07:16

"...Trump just won’t let [Repubs in Congress] let it go. First he ordered the Justice Department to get fully behind a lawsuit seeking to have the ACA struck down in its entirety, and now he’s making extravagant promises he has no intention of keeping, and which his fellow Republicans are going to pay the price for ( Read more... )

not forgotten, redridingcrop, insanity, rambling thoughts, hypocracy, politics strange bedfellows, hoist on petard

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Comments 11

meisje_viktoria April 7 2019, 12:50:50 UTC
The issue is that the Dems are tumbling over each other, they might not get the gift.


devifemme April 8 2019, 03:40:46 UTC
Good point, dear Viktoria! I likewise worry that the Dems could screw up, not taking adequate advantage of the gift which the asshole is foolishly giving them.

I happened to watch on TV tonight the third installment of the new history of Nixon's time, "Tricky Dick" (sexual angle duly noted!). It's good in integrating the then-secret White House tape recordings into the more well-known public context.

His over-reaction to anti-Vietnam demonstrations back in the day, setting up the "plumbers" to break into the Dem headquarters! Damn, it felt EVEN more poignant, thinking about Trumpsky's criminal acts -- than I remenber from all the earlier history of Nixon's similar disregard for the "rule of law"...

Glad to hear from you again on all this sad history.

Kisses, J


meisje_viktoria April 8 2019, 13:01:43 UTC
I did not watch it, I am kind of Nixoned out. It seems to me, that a lot of reporters, especially Rachel Maddow, keep bring up Watergate, because in my opinion, they want to be the next Woodaward & Bernstein.

Yes Trump gave them gift after gift, but the Dems seem to be still lost, and I am really confused about their focus.


devifemme April 9 2019, 03:47:09 UTC
I know what you mean about Watergate -- Rachel just replayed the 45-year-old scene too damned often in the past decade or two. (Though I did like the movie two years ago called "The Post" -- which re-hashed the whole Woodward/ Bernstein epic!)

Ah, but Rachel did score tonight: she pulled up the March 2017 New Yorker story on the Trump Tower built (but never opened for business) in Baku, Azerbaijan -- with reported financing from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard (the notorious IRG !!). She noted the story had sunk without a murmur -- but now, two years later, what does Trumpsky do?

He declares the whole damned IRG a terrorist entity (which does mean pretty severe UN sanctions -- and Tehran came out viciously against being bashed). So -- was there a "falling out among thieves"? Or did Trumpsky decide IRG wasn't going to play whatever game they'd agreed in Baku?



My late afternoon... devifemme April 9 2019, 21:24:05 UTC
Moved on to the dinner place -- my crew should be along in 10 minutes or so! Timing -- as in so much of life -- is the key!

No oysters can be had until 6:00, but -- given the crowds -- you need to be a half-hour early...or at least one of you does, so I'm the anchor today.

Cheers, J


RE: My late afternoon... meisje_viktoria April 9 2019, 22:58:38 UTC
Enjoy your dinner.


Re: My late afternoon... devifemme April 10 2019, 13:08:07 UTC
I just discovered this sweet -- and ironic! -- message from you. I can unequivocally say that, however good dinner was, my post-midnight snack was especially enjoyable!

(That my dinner consisted of several dozen oysters is doubly delicious -- you do know what "they say" about consuming oysters, that they enhance one', performance in bed.)

your J


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