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Comments 5

ggary September 19 2015, 00:16:49 UTC
Don't know if that comment got through, but it was me! (It seems that the masturbation quote was a spoof speech bubble put in by a reader. I'll bet that if the issue were really about that, it would have sold enough for the writer and artist to retire.........


A spoof... devifemme September 19 2015, 03:31:04 UTC
Indeed, Gary, it did get through -- how cool, somebody fiddled with a dialogue bubble or two! Gosh, the lettering was quite authentic-looking. Guess we can trust EVEN the comics, these days!


Re: A spoof... devifemme September 20 2015, 03:54:37 UTC
Yes, Pooh does NOT use the word "fuck" -- except when fiercely provoked...

And, as for Mickey, well, as long as Uncle Walt isn't listening, he HAS been known to... http://ultradevi.tumblr.com/post/129466178102/indeed-kisses-justine


khall September 20 2015, 21:50:13 UTC
She was 'bound' with WonderWoman's lasso of truth. So she had to tell the truth. The last panel shows you why she blurted that out. Because she was compelled too. I think anyway.



devifemme September 21 2015, 04:46:01 UTC
Aha, good point -- the truth about simply wanting to play with herself. BUT Gary has me convinced that, in fact, it's a hoax, a Photoshopped thing -- like the other silly shots I dragged into my response to him.


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