Friending an LJ artist I met on Tumblr

Mar 13, 2014 00:04

There's this charming artist I followed on Tumblr tonight. There isn't much bio-info on her, not even a name, but she's young and infatuated with femmeslash and other fandoms typical of post-teens. She's a feminist -- oh, and she has a LJ that is sorta intriguing, including access to her fan-sketches of sexy Glee characters. Anyhow, I did a reblog ( Read more... )

lezzie possibilities, tres-girlie, long legs, blond and dark haired

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Comments 2

alicephilippa March 13 2014, 05:12:48 UTC
She seems to be quite talented as a artist.


devifemme March 13 2014, 10:54:10 UTC
Glad you agree with me -- I want to see more of her stuff. Hopefully she'll have a Flickr collection.


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