Chase/Thirteen Icons

Mar 16, 2010 18:12

I know, I know. Sorry for spamming your f-lists.

Chase/Thirteen icons this-a-way!

Okay, then it's a totally appropriate question... )

chase/thirteen, graphics: icons

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Comments 35

sweetone41185 March 16 2010, 22:15:55 UTC
He's so pretty. I'm still mad that Cameron is gone, even though I know lots don't like her. But I'm warming up to Chase/13.


devexation March 16 2010, 22:19:17 UTC
Yeah, I was one of the ones that didn't really like Cameron. Although I kind of miss her now that she's gone.

I'm glad you're warming up to them! I totally thought of these two as my crack!ship before, but it almost looks possible that the writers are planning on getting them together...


sweetone41185 March 16 2010, 22:57:15 UTC
I've always liked her and I shipped Cameron/Chase forever so when they had him kill James Earl Jones I knew it was the beginning of the end. I was mad. Lol. Its sort of like what they did with Alex/Izzie on Grey's not quite as bad tho.

I know, it really does look like they're slowly going in that direction. With is good cuz I hate when shows just throw people together without any build up. Its annoying. Plus Chase is getting more screen time anyway which works for me. Because again, he's so pretty. Yes, I am that shallow sometimes. Lol.


devexation March 16 2010, 23:04:27 UTC
I'm so mad about Alex/Izzie. Did you hear about Heigl? D:

I agree. The relationship means nothing if there's no build-up. OH DON'T WORRY BB. I'M SHALLOW TOO, AND I AGREE.


tressophistique March 16 2010, 22:28:58 UTC
CHIRTEEN ICONS AT LAST. snagging 5, will credit :D


devexation March 16 2010, 22:30:29 UTC
IKR? Thanks, enjoy :D


sunset_my_house March 16 2010, 22:34:49 UTC
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! *happy faint* AWESOME!!! We need more fics for them, and wallpapers, and everything! *dances*


devexation March 16 2010, 22:36:39 UTC

I'll happily make wallpapers and icons, but I'm not the fics type. LOL.


hope_assassin March 17 2010, 00:06:36 UTC
If the show creators feed me some more shippery stuff, I could do fic for you. :3


devexation March 17 2010, 00:09:12 UTC
OMG, that'd be great! *wills writers to write more Chase/Thirteen*


valespince March 16 2010, 22:39:30 UTC
i love the fourth one :) and i also LOVE YOUR BANNER, that song is great and so is katy. great work.


devexation March 16 2010, 22:40:39 UTC
Thanks bb ♥ She really is :P


christangel13 March 16 2010, 23:53:28 UTC
Took #4 & #5!!


devexation March 16 2010, 23:55:54 UTC
No problem. Enjoy! :)


bklynlady March 17 2010, 00:00:18 UTC
I love the cute icons.
I'm a Chirteen shipper. :)


devexation March 17 2010, 00:01:48 UTC

Me too! *highfive*


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