The Truth Is Hard To Swallow [One]

Aug 22, 2010 09:24

Title: The Truth Is Hard To Swallow [One]
Author: detourtoyou 
Rating: NC-17 overall
Pairing: Jack/Alex
POV: 3rd
Summary: Of course the one time he decided to act his age, Alex would end up messing even that up. But in his defense, it was hard to act his age when he was faced with things so entirely beyond his age and maturity level, like a one-night decision that decided to follow him into the rest of his life.
Warning: Future mpreg
Disclaimer: This is sadly false and a complete lie created by my mind.
A/N: Hey newcomer here and LJ noob. Sorry in advance if I make any mistakes and for the trite setting/plot, but the clichedness goes away with the later chapters I have planned; it's just in the beginning :) Anyways, I'm a little nervous so I'll just go hide under a rock now. Title taken from Toxic Valentine by All Time Low.
P.S. Sorry for the crazy length and rushed, failed sex D:

"So, there's going to be another party tonight."

Alex glanced up from his math homework, eyebrow arching at the sudden, out-of-place statement. He was supposed to be helping Zack with said homework but so far, all they had done was mess around and procrastinate. Even now, Zack was rifling through his CD collection instead of working on the problems which Alex set out to finish about ten minutes ago.

"And I care because...?" Alex intoned, eyes falling back to his notebook. It was pretty much no use working on it though; Zack was highly distracting.

"Because you should come." Zack shrugged, grinning cheerfully at the other before replacing the Blink-182 CD back in its space. He turned to Alex. "C'mon, Alex. It's just one party."

"It's always just one party, Zack," he responded evenly, tip of his pencil tapping against the still-blank paper.

"Yeah, but that's 'cause you've never even gone to any of them."

"Yeah, because I have better things to do." Zack snorted at his reasoning which Alex chose to ignore. "Besides, it's not like I ever get invited anyways," he reminded his best friend. He wasn't bitter about not being invited to high school parties. It never bothered him and still didn't to be honest. He figured it was just a bunch of kids getting drunk off their asses and making out in every visible corner. It wasn't exactly something he thought he was missing out on.

"Well, I'm inviting you."

This time, Alex let loose a snort. "Yeah, no, I'm going to have to pass, thanks."

"Dude, lame." Zack flopped onto his bed, looking up at him with pleading eyes. "Just say yes this once? I promise it won't suck majorly."

Eyeing the stack of homework he had piled on his desk, Alex sighed and sat up. He closed his notebook and tossed it onto the floor of his bedroom in defeat. Who was he kidding about getting any work done anyways? "I am so going to regret this later, I just know it," he finally gave in, making a face at Zack who brightened.

"So you'll go?" The hopeful lilt of his voice made Alex shake his head with a small smile.

"Only if you promise me that if it's boring and sucks, you'll take me home pronto. No complaining, no questions asked," he compromised, brow raised expectantly.

Zack nodded his agreement eagerly. "Deal."

Groaning more for show than anything, Alex got up from his bed and grimaced as he caught sight of his rumpled clothes. "I need to change..." he mused to himself, ignoring Zack's protests of you look just fine, let's go. They ended up leaving his apartment two outfit changes and four hairstyling attempts later. Although, if Zack had just left him alone while he was styling his hair, they would have been able to leave much earlier, so technically, it was all Zack's fault.

The house they arrived at was medium-sized with a nice, manicured lawn and dark red shutters. Alex winced when he saw a high schooler throw up into said lawn as Zack parked on the already crowded street of the cul-de-sac. Turning in his seat to face the other, Alex asked, "Uh, who the hell's house is this again? And why the hell aren't his neighbors calling the police or something..."

"Don't worry so much," laughed Zack, patting his shoulder. "And I believe it's Rian's house."

"Rian?" The name sounded unfamiliar to Alex who just turned back to the house, looking out the window. The door opened, allowing a cut of rectangular light into the otherwise dark street. More people stumbled inside. Unbuckling his seatbelt, Alex got out of the car and followed Zack up the driveway and to the door. He felt a little nervous and had to remind himself that if he didn't like it, Zack would take him home immediately because he was a good friend like that.

Inside it looked slightly better than what Alex had imagined it to be. There were high schoolers, some he recognized from his school and most he didn't, all around them, almost everyone carrying a red Solo cup filled with some type of alcoholic beverage. His nose wrinkled at the heavy smell of alcohol and sweat. The rap music pouring through the speakers made him cringe as he watched people dance to it, bumping bodies. In all, it pretty much looked every bit as Alex had imagined a typical high school party to look: messy, alcohol-filled, and horny teenagers going at it like rabbits.

"Let's get something to drink. I think the keg's in the kitchen." Zack maneuvered through the crowd with relative ease. Alex followed closely behind, not wanting to be separated from the only person he knew. Call him clingy, but the idea of being left alone in a house full of people he didn't know did not really sit well with him. He could already feel the eyes on him, probably wondering what he was doing here and why.

As it turned out, the keg was in the kitchen. Along with food and other drinks. Alex hung back by the kitchen table as Zack moved towards the keg, studying a bag of Cheetos before a cup was thrust in his face. He took it, holding it with cautious hands like he was afraid the liquid would explode if handled incorrectly.

"Bottoms up," cheered Zack before drinking.

Alex blinked down at the liquid before placing the rim between his lips and tipping it slowly. Even with the small amount, he still choked, coughing as he held the cup away from him. Zack laughed, and Alex had half a mind to elbow him in the gut.

"Dude," he wheezed, throat burning, "this stuff is disgusting."

"Yeah, it is."

"A little warning would've been nice, asshole," coughed Alex, giving the other teen the much deserved elbow to the gut. His throat felt really hot, and he glared at the seemingly harmless liquid in the plastic cup.

Still chuckling, Zack dropped a hand on his shoulder. "But then it wouldn't have been as fun."

"Asshole," he confirmed, sticking his tongue out at the other. Eyeing the cup of beer with obvious distaste, Alex gave it a shake. "Isn't there anything that doesn't taste like complete crap?"

Before he could answer, there were people coming up and greeting Zack. Alex scooted out of the way, wondering if he looked as out of place as he felt. Wiggling his fingers against the cup, he leaned back against one of the chairs. It was pretty obvious, however, from their enthusiastic chatter that they weren't going to be leaving any time soon. With a small sigh, Alex stood on his tiptoes and pointed back towards the main room when he caught Zack's eyes. The other boy looked uncertain, like he didn't want to leave Alex alone and really, Alex didn't want to be left alone, but he didn't want to ruin Zack's time either so he just smiled reassuringly and walked off before Zack could stop him.

He didn't have a destination in mind because honestly, there was really nowhere for him to go. Parties weren't his thing, and as his first time going to one, it was kind of losing some serious points. Why would anyone want to go to this thing?

Not watching where he was going and unable to avoid being jostled around by the crowd anyways, he ran into another boy, getting beer splashed onto him. Alex yelped, the cold liquid weighing down his shirt. It made him drop his own cup which ended up spilling all over the carpet (fuck the carpet though because he got freakin' beer all over him) and onto his shoes. He groaned, shooting a quick glare at the other boy who looked apologetic.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry!" he apologized before taking a quick glance down at the floor. "Fuck, Rian's gonna be pissed about his carpet."

"Fucking hell," Alex muttered to himself, looking down at the stain with a sigh.

"I'm really sorry," the boy said again, wincing ."Here, let me help you get cleaned up."

The boy took a hold of his elbow and led him. He seemed to know his way around the house so Alex just followed him up the stairs and into one of the spare, unoccupied bedrooms without complaint. It had a connecting bathroom which made Alex cheer inwardly. The smell of beer was making him cringe, and it felt absolutely disgusting against his skin.

"The downstairs bathroom is occupied," he explained as he shut the bedroom door behind them with a smile. "Sorry about that."

"It's okay," mumbled Alex, quickly heading for the bathroom and unbuttoning his shirt.

"I'm Jack, by the way. And still really sorry about that."

Looking up from the running faucet, Alex managed a small smile. "I'm Alex. And it's still really okay."

Jack sat on the bed while Alex cleaned himself up in the bathroom, wiping himself dry with one of the towels. He tried to wring his shirt dry, but it was still wet and he couldn't exactly walk out with a wet shirt. As if on cue, Jack popped his head into the bathroom, holding out a hoodie with a sheepish smile.

"I don't really have an extra shirt or anything, but you can borrow my hoodie until your shirt dries. If you want, that is."

He eyed the offered dark blue hoodie, chewing on his lower lip before taking it with a grateful hand. It was better than walking around shirtless, he reasoned. "Thanks."

"No problem." Jack walked back over to the bed and sat back down, patting the spot next to him with a grin. Alex followed suit, working the zipper up so that he was covered. "So, I've never really seen you around here before."

"I'm not really the... party-type," hummed Alex absently, picking at his jeans. "I only came because a friend of mine asked me to. It's actually my first time.

Jack nodded, saying, "I see. I'm guessing that since I found you alone, it's safe to say you got ditched by your friend?"

"Something like that." Alex tugged at his hair lightly. Zack hadn't exactly ditched him. If anything, he had been the one to ditch Zack but only so that the other boy wouldn't feel obligated to babysit him.

"Well, in that case, wanna get back to the party? If you don't mind, I can keep you company," Jack offered with a nervous chuckle, hand rubbing the back of his neck almost bashfully as he stood up. He held out his hand, palm turned upwards.

Eyes falling to his feet, Alex bit his lip before lifting his eyes back up to match with Jack's. With a shy smile, he nodded, taking Jack's hand in his own and getting up from the bed. He swallowed back a noise of surprise when their palms touched, the warmth of his calloused hand spreading throughout Alex's own hand and up his arm. He followed Jack back out of the room and down the stairs, the thudding of music growing louder once they hit the living room. Jack continued through the crowd, the people parting for him, and into the kitchen, letting go of Alex's hand to instead rummage through the refrigerator.

"Found it!" Jack emerged from behind the fridge door with a colorful tray of little plastic cups. Grinning, he placed it on the counter, picking up one of the orange ones and popping off the lid. He handed it to Alex, who took it with a curious hand, before taking one of the green ones for himself.

"Jell-O shots?" he asked, shaking the cup and watching the jelly jiggle harmlessly.

"Yup. Taste better than beer, and it's a good way to start off, seeing as to how this is your first time." The other boy quickly downed the colorful shot, tossing the empty cup into the trashcan. "See? Harmless."

Alex drained the orange jelly, managing to hold back his cough as it slid down his throat. This being his first time drinking, he could distinctly taste the alcohol burn against the sugary jelly. It tasted better than beer but still bitter and unpleasant. Although the sweetness of the jell-o definitely helped. He hesitated before taking another one, red, and throwing it back down as well, being careful not to chew it. This one tasted more sweet than alcoholic.

"Not bad, right?"

"Definitely better than beer."

Jack laughed, a sound Alex was finding more and more pleasing with each time he heard it. Warm hand wrapping around his wrist, the other teen led him out of the kitchen and back towards the mess of other students. He stopped when they spotted the dance floor, couples shamelessly grinding against one another and making out in the mess.

"Do you want to dance?" asked Jack, his mouth suddenly pressed close to Alex's ear so that he could be heard over the loud music.

Flushing red, Alex turned to look at the dancing couples before quickly shaking his head. The last thing he wanted was for Jack to see him flailing like a loser. He responded in a near-yell, head inclining away from Jack, "I don't know how to."

"I could teach you. It's not hard."

He knew that saying no again could push Jack away into finding someone who wasn't such a wet blanket, but at the same time, he did not want to scare the boy away either with his horrible and nonexistent dancing skills either. He liked Jack and wanted him to stay. He could only hope that the other boy felt the same way. Shaking his head again, Alex declined, "Uh, it's okay."

"Hmm, in that case, let's just head out back," he suggested, tugging Alex's hand. Alex followed him back into the kitchen where Jack let go to mix up two drinks, handing one to the other boy. He took it, eyeing the dark liquid with distaste. "Don't worry, it's just rum and coke."

"Oh." Somehow, Alex didn't think he would like this any more either but tried it all the same. Jack was watching him over the rim of his own cup, leaning back against the counter.

"What d'ya think?"

"It tastes... a little sweet and weird," he commented before taking another sip. It didn't smell particularly wonderful but the taste was at least manageable despite the burn when slipping down his throat.

Jack smiled, pushing himself off the counter and heading out the backdoor. Confused, Alex followed him. Out back, the noise of the music was far more muffled and the number of kids decreased. There were only a few groups here and there, chatting and drinking. Jack plopped down on the porch, patting the spot next to him. Alex sat down carefully so as not to spill his drink.

"Um, so..." Alex quickly racked his brain for anything to talk about, fingers tapping against the plastic of the cup nervously. "I'm guess you go a lot. To parties, I mean."

"I guess you could say that. Gotta live a little, right?" He chuckled, draining his cup.

"Y-yeah... right." This boy was clearly so the opposite of Alex. It made his stomach flip with weird butterflies.

"What about you, Alex?" The sound of his name drew shivers from the teen.

It took another drink of alcohol to give him some time to calm his spiking nerves. "What about me?"

"This is your first party, right? There's gotta be things you were looking forward to experiencing or something, am I right?"

Truthfully, Alex hadn't even thought about it. He had just figured that he would go to the party with Zack, and they would eventually get bored and come home. Zero expectations. But now that Jack was bringing them up, he could hear several buzzing in his head. Yeah. There were things he was looking forward to experience. Admittedly, none of them were something he would actually have the courage to go through with.

"You could say that," he remarked, voice keeping casual. Already, he felt lightheaded, brain unhinging the more reckless parts into freedom from the effects of the alcohol. This was probably dangerous, and he was probably going to do something utterly stupid. A hand settled on his thigh, stopping all thoughts instantly. Alex turned to face Jack at the small touch, surprise painting his face.


The fluttering in his stomach grew faster and his palms began to feel sweaty against the cup he was clutching in his hands. "Ummm," he stammered, red-faced. "Y-yeah?"

Jack looked just as nervous, averting his eyes downwards for a few seconds before bringing them back up as he spoke, "Can I... Is it okay if I kiss you?"

The question may have sounded stupid to anyone else, and if Jack had asked it anytime other than now, Alex would have probably laughed, but he just smiled shyly and let his head dip into an eager nod despite the flush of red across his face. Scooting over to close what little space they left between their bodies, Jack pressed their lips together in a simple touch. He was pulling back far too soon for Alex's liking, however, and Alex pouted.

"Is it okay if I maybe kiss you again?" he asked, breath skimming across Alex's lips.

"Yeah," was Alex's breathy answer.

Jack closed the space between them again, the hand on his thigh moving to hold Alex's hip while the other was pressing against the back of his neck, pushing him closer and crushing their mouths more insistently. His tongue flicked against his lower lip, and Alex more than happily parted his lips. It was a little awkward for Alex at first because he had no idea what he was doing, but he began to shyly explore Jack's mouth with his own tongue, running along the ridged roof before licking the walls. It felt incredible, to say in short, and he could feel pleasure lazily bubbling throughout his body.

Alex broke away first, breathing heavily. He had never kissed anyone and found himself unable to ignore the burn for oxygen unlike the other boy. It was probably really evident that this was his first time kissing as well. The thought made his cheeks burn.

But it was quickly wiped away as Jack took the time to press kisses to his jaw, moving up slowly and tickling his skin when he reached just below his ear and pressed the tip of his tongue there. His arms came up to wrap around Jack's neck, giggling as he pressed his face into the cross of the other boy's neck. Jack just trailed his tongue up the shell of his ear, thumb rubbing in a circular motion against his clothed hip.

"Do you," he huffed into Alex's ear, "maybe want to go upstairs?"

If he was sober, this would be the part where Alex would say no and walk away or maybe even suggest something else because this was moving entirely too fast for his comfort. But he wasn't one hundred percent sober and everything Jack was doing to him just made him feel so good.

"Yeah." It seemed that was the only word capable of leaving his lips.

Grinning, Jack placed another quick kiss to his cheek before standing and pulling Alex up with him. Hands held tightly together, the pair quickly moved through the house and up the stairs, making their way to the empty bedroom they had first gone to. By some miracle, it was still empty and Jack was kissing Alex again as soon as they were in, foot kicking the door shut.

They tumbled onto the bed, lips locked together and Jack with a knee between Alex's legs. The fall had pushed up Alex's -- or rather Jack's hoodie to expose the strip of skin between the waistband of his jeans and his navel. A hand was lying flat against it, filling Alex with a sudden warmth that had him moaning into the other's mouth. It inched upward, dragging the hoodie up higher and exposing more skin for his hand to touch. Alex lifted his arms from the bed to wrap them around Jack's neck again.

Lips tapering off, Jack braced himself on one hand next to Alex's head while the other laid flat against his stomach, fingers drumming lightly. Mouth moving to his ear, Alex could hear his whisper and shivered at the low rumble of his voice.

"Is this okay?"

This was more than okay. This was fantastic. But Alex just bobbed his head enthusiastically, urging Jack to do something again as he hooked his leg around Jack's. It was all the reassurance Jack needed to match their mouths together once more. He grinded down against Alex who gasped at the friction of their jeans. The hand on his stomach moved to tug the zipper of the hoodie down in one swift pull. There was a slight struggle as Alex lifted his upper body up to take it off, but it was managed without breaking the kiss. A warm hand began to trail all along his chest, touching all it could before trailing down to the hem of his jeans.

The slow pace did not last long, however, as Jack withdrew from Alex's lips to move down his neck. He found the boy's rapidly beating pulse and nipped at the spot before biting and sucking hard on the flesh. Alex hissed sharply and tilted his head, hands moving up to Jack's hair as he continued to work the flesh with his teeth before laving a hot, wet tongue over it.

"I want," he panted a little incoherently, eyes glazed over with lust. He licked his lips, pulling on a fistful of Jack's shirt to convey his want.

Jack grinned, sitting up to pull off his shirt and throw it to the side. Instantly, his hands came to rest above Alex's jeans, fingers deftly unbuttoning them and pulling down the zipper before sliding them down and off. Alex felt slightly self-conscious in nothing but black boxer briefs and turned his head to the side as a blush crept up his neck and onto his cheeks. Jack chuckled at the action, lips touching down gently to his exposed neck as he palmed the boy through the thin material of his briefs. Alex gasped at the sudden heat, eyes screwing shut and mind losing itself to the haze of building pleasure. He could barely feel Jack's tongue tracing a wet path down his torso before dipping into his navel, teeth nibbling on the skin just below.

It was gone all too soon, and Alex did not even fight the whine of disappointment that broke through his throat. He could feel fingers hooking into the waistband of his underwear before removing them completely. The bed shifted, creaking a little at the movement, and Alex peeked up to see Jack tugging off his own jeans and underwear. The clothes were tossed aside, and he lowered himself back down, the bare skin of their chest touching and their now free cocks rubbing together. Both of them hissed at the contact, whining in the backs of their throat.

"Fuck," muttered Jack lowly, immediately moving down to capture Alex's lips in another lustful kiss. Jack's mouth was moving fervently against his own, tongue exploring the inside of his mouth, as their bodies rocked together. Alex began to feel dizzy from all the heat and friction, hips pushing upwards with each downward grind of Jack's own. He needed to feel more.

The heavy weight of the other's body disappeared as he reached over to rummage through the bedside drawer. Alex could only watch with anticipation, resisting the urge to just touch himself because the pressure was beginning to unbuckle him into a mess of hormones.

It didn't take long for the warm body to be smothering his once more and a cold finger to be running along the crack of his ass. He hissed as it slipped past the tight ring of muscle, shuddering at the feel. It didn't hurt, but it didn't feel particularly pleasant either. A second one was added and Alex shut his eyes at the intrusion. He was beginning to feel a spring of pain, fingers clutching at the bed sheet beneath him. The third finger burned, and Alex made a noise of protest, whimpering as his body turned in disapproval and attempted to expel the other.

"Calm down," whispered Jack softly, kissing his lips. "Relax, Alex. Just relax, and it'll get better."

Crooking his fingers inside of the other, Jack frowned a little as he tried to find the sweet spot that would have Alex begging. It took a little searching, but he found his prostate, fingers curling and pressing into him. Alex let out a loud, wanton moan, back arching as he greedily pushed back on his fingers. Jack smirked in victory.

Alex looked about ready to sob, body writhing in pure pleasure at the newfound sensations replacing the pain. He moaned again, unable to keep the sounds buried.

Jack pulled out his fingers, much to Alex's displeasure at the empty feeling ,and tore open a small packet that the older boy recognized as a condom. Fingers restlessly twisting the sheets, Alex wriggled under Jack, needing more attention. It came in the form of a quick kiss to the throat.

Matching eyes with Alex who just looked up at him, dreamy and expectant, Jack took a hold of his erection and guided it towards Alex, tip pushing in. A strangled noise signifying pain escaped. This felt even worse, and Alex did not know how Jack seriously expected to fit inside of him. It felt as though he was being split open the further Jack slowly inched in. Water gathered in Alex's eyes as he bit his lower lip to keep it from trembling. Oh god, it hurt so much. Alex could hear the boy's stuttered moans, clearly meaning that Alex was the only one in pain. He clenched his eyes shut, trying to breathe.


"J-Jack," he whimpered, wanting the boy to do something, anything to take away the pain.

As though finally noticing the shorter teen's discomfort, Jack gripped his hips with rough hands, prompting Alex to wrap his legs tightly around his waist. He pushed their lips together in a messy kiss, sucking on the boy's tongue and pulling out so that only the tip of his cock remained inside. Jack pushed back in with a moan.

"Fuck, you're tight," murmured the younger of the two.

He thrust into Alex, trying to locate his prostate once more with each movement. Below him, Alex kept his eyes shut as he squirmed, the pain refusing to subside. He could feel his body rocking from the force of Jack's thrusts.

A loud cry filled the air around the bedroom as Alex's eyes snapped open wide, hands flying up to the other's shoulders and nails biting down into his skin. His legs tightened around Jack's waist, trying to pull the other closer with each thrust. He moaned and groaned, knowing very well that he sounded no better than a whore but not being able to bring himself to care. He was reduced to nothing but a mess of hormones finally and choked on a whimper as a warm hand wrapped around his cock. Jack's hand moved, stroking in time with his thrusts a few times before squeezing the base.

It was quickly becoming too much for Alex, the feeling of ecstasy bubbling in his groin and quickly sparking through his veins. He could feel his entire body throbbing as Jack continued to drive deeper and harder into him, brushing against his prostate continually while pumping his erection. Alex thrust into Jack's fist, hips snapping and mumbling incoherently in a garbled plea for more.

Alex felt himself losing all of his senses as pleasure spiked through his body, threatening to spill over. He couldn't even think about being embarrassed at being seen the way he was right now, open, exposed, and completely vulnerable. Everything just felt too good for it to register, and he stared up into Jack's lust-darkened eyes. He reached his climax, body arching up off the mattress and toes curling. This time, he really did lose himself to the haze and burn of release, the feeling coursing throughout his body as muscles clenched tight and hot around Jack. Alex did not even hear the other boy in his current state of bliss, too focused on the smoldering high wrapping his entire being.

When he finally began to regain pieces of his senses, Alex could see Jack above him, body twitching with spasms and eyes hidden beneath skin and a curtain of heavy lashes. Sweat rolled down his bare skin as Alex let out a hum of contentment. Jack collapsed on top of him, muscles worn out and beginning to let the ache be known. Their sweaty bodies pressed together as the sound of heavy panting filled the room. Alex couldn't separate his breaths from Jack's, both of them mingling and coming too fast for him to tell apart.

His hand moved to play with the hair on the nape of the younger boy's neck, high fading a little bit faster now. Alex let out another soft hum.

Suddenly, Jack was pushing himself back up, arms braced, and pulling out of Alex. He separated their joined bodies, skins no longer sticking together as one as he moved to sit on the side of the bed. His movements were sluggish.

Alex blinked, still mildly disorientated and dead exhausted. It wasn't until Jack stood up, throwing the condom out into the nearby trashcan, and stated collecting his clothes that he was able to break through and vaguely understand the gist of what was going on: he was just a one-night stand.

atl, the truth is hard to swallow, fanfic, pairing: jack/alex

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