Jun 11, 2009 00:42
Hello! Wow, what a wonderful community you've got going on here. I'm new to Axel/Roxas and this place has already helped me out so much.
Here's the thing: I've just finished 358/2 days - which has suddenly thrust me into the AkuRoku side of KH fandom - and I'm feeling the blues. All the fic I've read for this pairing so far has been excellent but, well, pretty damn depressing. So, I was hoping that some of you could rec me some good but cheerful AkuRoku fic. I'm not necessarily looking for teeth-rotting sweetness or fluff, at the moment something that doesn't make me want to cry will do plenty. I know it's a tragic pairing, but I'm sure that there must be something out there!
I know this is a very general sort of request, but as I said, I have never read this pairing before and there's so much out there that I'm at a total loss as to where to start. So I'm hoping you guys can help me out. I'd be really grateful for a couple of pointers. :D