Title: Coming Of Age, Masterpost
destiny_ficPairing Merlin/Arthur, with a little bit of Merlin/OCs, and Arthur/OCs thrown in for drama
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 18448 for the whole fic
Spoilers: 1x01 - 1x09, it's AU from there
Disclaimer: If I owned it Angel would have been wearing all this makeup during the first series, and we'd just be accepting that she and Bradley don't have on screen chemistry, but Bradley and Colin do like WOW. That's not what's happening, so clearly it belongs to someone else. I make no money on this, so please don't hurt me.
Summary: "An orgy. The celebrations for Arthur's 21st birthday were a three-day orgy." So yeah, lots of sex...though I'll be honest, and the orgy part is pretty limited, it's mostly just Merlin/Arthur. This is ridiculously sappy porn. I am a sap, I'll admit it...but that'll be pretty easy to see once you've read through this.
Notes: My first foray into the world of Merlin fic (and my longest fic to date...last one was barely 1k)...and it's Porn with a Plot. It actually started out as a hell of a lot more porn than plot, but thanks to my wonderful bud and beta
wordsdiminish, it became more plotty. And Epic. There's a sequel I'm already working on and a bunch of one offs after that.
This is completely AU after 1x09. I'm pretending the rest didn't happen...unless I decide it suits my needs later.
Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5