Spider-Man NWH and Hawkeye: Ronin

Dec 19, 2021 09:53

I have Spider-Manned and I have also Hawkeyed. There are lots of spoilers here, but I'm 100% only talking about things I loved, because there were so many.

Memes come to life! That scene in the lab where Ned called out to Peter, and then Peter Parker, and All The Peters chimed in, is the embodiment of the Spider-Man Pointing Meme, and I burst out laughing with delight. Honestly, almost everything about this movie was wonderful, and I don't feel the need to go on about it all - I just want to point out a few things I thought were wonderful. It was a masterfully crafted film, which did exactly what it set out to do: evoke emotion and joy and tears and nostalgia. Perfection.

- The way they chose to introduce first Andrew Garfield's Peter, and let him have his moment, and then Tobey Maguire, was brilliant, and I got so emotional, and there was a man sitting next to me in the theater who was full-on sobbing. Three generations of Spider-Men, if you will, who were all important to their fans, and meant something to them, and this movie gave each their space to be themselves, and to grieve and to celebrate who they are individually. It was so perfect.

- That scene where they're all shooting the shit before they start the action. "You're amazing. No, you're amazing." I LOL'D.

- When Tobey Maguire's Peter stopped Tom Holland's Peter from killing Osborne; not a word exchanged, it was all done with what was in their eyes, and it was MASTERFUL use of two excellent actors to do what they are best at. Tobey's Peter's essential goodness, and TH's impulsiveness and anger, it was a wow.

- And AG's Peter mourning Gwen, and saving MJ, and telling TH's Peter he didn't want him to become bitter. "I stopped pulling my punches." OMG. I started to cry there.

nestra WHERE ARE YOU ARE YOU OKAY BECAUSE I AM SUPER OKAY NOW, all I wanted for Christmas was Charlie Cox in the MCU and my wish has been fulfilled. :). And you know once Peter isn't preoccupied with...stuff...he is going to think back on that moment where Matt caught that brick - BEFORE PETER EVEN REACHED FOR IT - and be like, hmmm. :D :D :D

- Peter choosing to let MJ and Ned lead safe, normal lives without him - even though it's not what they would want, and it's not what he wants - was even braver than choosing for the world to forget he exists in order to save the fabric of the multiverse. I love him.

- Peter going back to his Spidey roots - sewing his own costume, etc - no more Stark tech. Hero of the people, the underdog of Queens, the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Hopefully that will satisfy all the people who complained that TH's Spidey wasn't Spidey enough, IDK, IDC, I like it for what it represents for his character, his optimism and can-do and determination to make a difference.

- Dr. Strange slipping up and admitting that he is one of those who loves Peter, and didn't want to forget him. AWWWWW. That was subtle and perfect.

- All the spectacular actors who were our villains in each incarnation of the Spideyverse, but ESPECIALLY Willem Dafoe, who fucking killed as Green Goblin, I mean, WOWWWWW, wow, wow. The malevolence coming off him, hoshit. And the way the movie gave each of THEM space, too, to change and to be revealed, was perfection. I love a good redemption story, so I was pleased about Doc Ock especially.

- All the Spideys swinging in and their suits and their poses!

- NED CAN DO MAGIC FUCK YEAH HE CAN, I hope Strange doesn't forget that part.

- And lastly, honoring all the Bens, and their message, but letting May be the one to deliver That Line, was *chef's kiss*. (Let us not speak of her pointless death and ruin the joy, tho. Bleh.)

All right, now I'm going to go on to Hawkeye for a second. More spoilers below for ep 5, Ronin.

Spoilers are delighted by girls night out!

Okay HI KINGPIN HI ok no I didn't just want Charlie Cox for Christmas, I wanted Vincent D'Onofrio too. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ME!!!!!
nestra WHERE YOU AT!!!! Listen they come as a pair or they don't come at all, and I'm very pleased that Feige knows what the people want. THIS IS WHAT THEY WANT. YAY.

Also amazeballs in this was Florence Pugh; her entire conversation with Kate should go into the MCU Hall of Fame. AMAZING.

mcu, hawkeye, spider-man

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