New vid: deep blue sea (Sherlock Holmes movies)

Feb 24, 2019 11:01

I premiered a vid at Escapade last night! Vid of my heart. And it wouldn't exist without
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vidding, my vids, escapade, whee, sherlock holmes, vids

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Comments 8

harrigan February 25 2019, 02:38:21 UTC
At first, when I saw the title of your vid, I thought it was from the movie Deep Blue Sea ( ... )


destina February 25 2019, 04:40:05 UTC
Nope. But I logged in to reply because in your recap, you missed the only important thing about that movie, which is that LL Cool J became the first black character to survive in a disaster movie all the way to the end.

Carry on.


harrigan February 25 2019, 05:36:27 UTC
LL Cool J was great in that!

I have to confess, I haven't seen the Holmes movies. But your vid... oh! It certainly made me want to remedy that asap!


destina February 26 2019, 02:21:21 UTC
I think that's a delightful idea! :)


moonflower999 February 25 2019, 15:58:11 UTC
Wow! This is so beautifully done!


destina February 26 2019, 02:21:33 UTC
Thank you very much! :D


slb44 February 25 2019, 16:40:29 UTC
OMG so good! Your love of RDJ is showing and you made me fall for him all over again.


destina February 26 2019, 02:22:00 UTC
My love for RDJ is always showing! *g* But in this case, I love Jude Law equally as much. Almost. Thank you!


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