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Comments 2

fufaraw December 18 2018, 21:15:54 UTC
I just went and watched the vid again. Honestly, there's nobody in that movie I didn't love in their character in that movie. Could Sam Elliot be any uprighter? Michael Biehn be any more perfect a foil for Doc? This may have been Paxton's first restrained role, where he wasn't playing OTT loser. And as you say, surprise Heston. Just the cinematography--man, it would be a sacrifice for sure, but watching the whole thing on mute wouldn't be so much of a hardship, there's so much to absorb and process, just in light and movement. And your vid sort of takes the whole movie and distills it...a few drops of perfection.

Greedily, is there a download somewhere? I really need to add this to my own personal vault o' vids, with permission.

Also, maybe it's heresy, but Wyatt Earp may have been Quaid's finest, and the rest of the cast was very good, too. Nothing wrong with that movie excising forty minutes of Costner closeups wouldn't cure.


destina December 20 2018, 21:06:58 UTC
There isn't a version for DL currently but I'll see about that after the holidays. (I stopped putting things up for DL, and went to streaming, because it was easier for me. Heh.)

I agree about Quaid's Earp, but I just find his joyless almost-dead Doc less what I'm after with Doc than Kilmer's Doc. TOTALLY AGREE about excising Costner. WHen he's good he's great, but when he's not, he's...wow, get out of that frame.


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