Stuff I wrote, plus pumpkin shenanigans

Sep 23, 2017 16:10

I have six stories sitting in drafts on AO3 to be posted - two of them brand new - and they've been languishing there for weeks because I can't think of titles or summaries for them. Untitled by Destina - Doc and Wyatt get it on is not a particularly enticing gateway to my Tombstone story. What about Untitled by Destina - hey I wrote this Sinclair/ ( Read more... )

the eagle, writing, my writing, merlin fic, penny dreadful, trader joe's

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Comments 10

catalenamara September 23 2017, 23:29:23 UTC
How about "CatalenaMara Would Love To Read Your Tombstone Story" for a title? :-D Now I want to watch the movie again and read some fic.


alby_mangroves September 23 2017, 23:52:18 UTC
here here!


destina October 9 2017, 20:52:37 UTC
Heh, I found that so encouraging that it took me another three weeks, but it's posted. *g*



catalenamara October 11 2017, 04:47:37 UTC
*g* And you came up with a great title. Thanks for posting; loved reading it. :-)


alby_mangroves September 23 2017, 23:55:16 UTC
yay Yuletide! Are you signing up this year? I was thinking about it the other day and realised that it'd just be all the same requests from all the previous years and thought.... eh. Maybe I won't bother and just stalk the pinch hits and write treats instead...

Your Eagle fic was gorgeous. Loved it so much <3

When in doubt, song titles? The Bradley/Colin could be literally any of Death Cab for Cutie or Alt-J song titles, remember how he loved those bands :DDD


destina October 9 2017, 20:52:07 UTC
I did not sign up this year - I have pretty much stopped writing to spec. I usually write 2-3 treats, but the advantage of that is, I pick the recipient and the prompt, and if I don't get it done, no one cares. Since I'm the only one who knows I planned to write it. *g*

I used to use song titles, and now I just...don't. I don't know why. I realize I am weird! :D



seticat September 24 2017, 01:06:57 UTC
Pumpkin spice hot chocolate. I love this time of year!


destina October 9 2017, 20:52:52 UTC
Me, too! :D


slb44 September 24 2017, 15:02:40 UTC
Sinclair/Garibaldi!?1? You've been holding out on me babe! *makes gimme hands*

Yup it's Pumpkin time again! Got Pumpkin Spice Mini Wheats, one (it was all that was left) Pumpkin Spice donut with dark chocolate frosting, and Pumpkin Spice multi grain bread while shopping this week. I'm in Pumpkin Spice heaven! And that granola sounds fantastic!


destina October 9 2017, 20:54:10 UTC
I thought you had already read this story! Maybe not? It's the one I wrote for Laz years ago. 2005ish. It's not that great. One sad thing is, it was beta read by Sabine/iamsab, who has passed away since then. :/


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