New Merlin story: The Gate of Memory

Jan 03, 2015 09:28

merlin_holidays stories have been revealed, and so here is mine. Sadly, this is probably the last Merlin story I will write, but I'm glad this particular story is the one to close out my time in the fandom. I miss my show. And my Arthur. :/ Thanks to the mods for keeping this fest going this year.

The Gate of Memory (14494 words) by Destina
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Read more... )

merlin holidays, merlin fic

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Comments 6

lawgoddess January 3 2015, 22:24:34 UTC
Thank you so much for writing that lovely, lovely story!


destina January 3 2015, 22:42:30 UTC
Aw, thank you. You are so nice. I was thrilled you were my recipient, and this was truly a joy. :)


anoesism January 6 2015, 18:11:35 UTC
Oh my gosh, nooo...! :(((((

Destina, you're my favourite writer in the Merlin fandom and I'm so, so sad that this may be your last time writing these characters. Your merthur fics have always been among my absolute go-tos whenever I needed a merthur fix that I know will be *good* because your stories never disappoint and always leave me with a warm, happily satisfied feeling at the end. I adore the way you write Merlin and Arthur and their relationship. It's just... all your choices, your handling of the characters, everything resonates and fits exactly with what I look for in a fic. So much so that I'm pretty sure I'm in love with your version of Merlin and Arthur. :'DD I remember you mentioning about a fix-it fic among your WIPs and that really made me happy at the time, the prospect of more canon-era stories from you. You really do write some of the BEST ones I've ever had the pleasure of reading ( ... )


destina January 8 2015, 07:13:45 UTC
!!!! This comment made me cry! In the good way. Thank you for all of this, wow, I am a little speechless. It means so much to me that the stories I wrote have a place in your heart. ♥ ♥

I feel so grateful to have found Merlin fandom when I did, because I have so much love for the show and the characters. I really hope I'm wrong, and that I'm not done writing Merlin and Arthur yet. Time will tell, I guess. Thank you so much, for taking the time to leave these kind words. *hug!*


anoesism January 8 2015, 15:22:26 UTC
Ahhh not at all! I just really wanted you to know how much I appreciate your work. You deserve it! I've always been more of a lurker and haven't commented nearly enough on your fics and now I feel like I should've made more of an effort to do so rather than just leaving kudoses. Your stories are so very dear to me. I am still, in a way, processing this. It's like letting go of something precious, as silly as that may sound, lol. Getting misty-eyed myself as I'm typing this... :')

Gosh, I will miss your writing so much! I will miss your Merlin and Arthur! And here's to, perhaps, the hope that you might feel inspired to tell their story again. But regardless, wishing you all the good things. <333 *squeezes* Much love.


roadtriptime January 15 2015, 00:32:22 UTC
>> Sadly, this is probably the last Merlin story I will write, but I'm glad this particular story is the one to close out my time in the fandom.

I'm sad to hear that this story will be your last one in the Merlin fandom, but I really liked how it felt like there was a sense of closure at the end of the story. There wasn't just closure for Arthur and Merlin, but closure for the whole gang.

I look forward to reading your other work in the future.

Have a wonderful year.


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