Festivids reveals!

Feb 09, 2014 10:00

Whee, reveals are up! I made two vids this year.

Ready for the Storm - Apollo 13, for meddow

Living Backwards - The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, for deejayI was pretty sure that people would guess or suspect that the Son of Space Vid was mine, but surprisingly, not so much! It was fun, though, to have an additional secret vid in the fest that I felt no one would ( Read more... )


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Comments 9

laurashapiro February 9 2014, 19:27:21 UTC
I guess I suspected, in that I compared it to Space Vid in my comment? But I didn't actually guess! FAIL.

It's wonderful.


destina February 9 2014, 20:00:38 UTC
I told Barkley that I like to think people didn't guess it because my technique has improved. That's what I tell myself. *g* And thank you. And hugs!


laurashapiro February 10 2014, 15:26:57 UTC
It played great at my party yesterday. Everyone got totally sucked in.



gwyn_r February 9 2014, 20:33:14 UTC
I KNEW it!!!!


destina February 9 2014, 20:44:10 UTC
Space vids R me! It's a cottage industry. :D


barkley February 9 2014, 22:46:46 UTC
I knew it was you!!!! oh, wait...


destina February 10 2014, 02:20:54 UTC


ann_tara February 12 2014, 13:39:45 UTC
I am surprised and intrigued that there is a fandom for The Tudors. :)


destina February 17 2014, 04:11:52 UTC
I'm not sure if there's a fandom, but obsessive24 sure did make two freaking awesome vids. :D


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