New vids: Want (SPN), Boulevard of Broken Dreams (multi)

Aug 14, 2007 08:13

I am back from Vividcon, and I come bearing vids. (Soon there will be recs, once I recover my brain from wherever I left it during the weekend. Possibly it drowned in a tall glass of Sam Adams.)

Right-click the links and save to view.

Music by Recoil
Fandom: Supernatural
Summary: What the Yellow-Eyed Demon wants, in no particular order: Sam, Dean and John Winchester; fresh tasty babies that can kill with their brains; an awesome demon-killing Colt revolver; a do-over.
Beta by killabeez and elynross
This vid wouldn't exist at all if it wasn't for barkley, and now I will tell you the story of how it came to be, and why she is so awesome.

This past spring, when I was clipping for this vid, my vidding program crashed spectacularly, taking all my files with it, and would not re-install. In desperation, I turned to Windows Movie Maker, which was made by Satan, and tried to work with it. Upon hearing this, Barkley gave me the Best Birthday Present Ever: she offered to make the vid for me, to basically be my hands and do the tech once I gave her an outline, tweaking and changing stuff until it was done according to my specs. And to put my name on it as sole vidding credit. DUDE. I had a very hard time saying yes, because the amount of work she was offering to do was huge - staggering, I'd say - and since I know how much I tweak things when I vid, I was afraid she'd come to regret the offer. I couldn't imagine inconveniencing her that way. And she also would have to cut the song in three places, which was *really* not easy. But I did finally say yes, and sent her my detailed outline. And then there were a bazillion emails and drafts, and she was patient with me when I mixed up technical terms and she had to interpret my meaning. She was understanding and kind when my mom died a few weeks before deadline and I tried to work on it with her while utterly fried and on dial-up, and she made a thousand changes large and small and never complained about my tweaktastic tendencies, and she tried new and interesting stuff because I would say, "Can you do x?" and she'd say, "Maybe!", and then it would appear in the vid like magic.

So you know. I might kid her about posting an Ode To Barkley, but all kidding aside, this vid exists because of a generous, entirely selfless and time-consuming gift on her part, which adds up to the fact that Barkley is more awesome than pie. So please, don't let the 'tech by Barkley' credit fake you out. As far as I'm concerned, we collaborated on this vid, even if she didn't really want me to credit her that way.

And also -

Boulevard of Broken Songs Dance Remix by barkley and me
Mash-up by Dean Gray
Fandoms: SG-1, Supernatural, Farscape, Firefly
Summary: They are very hot men who walk alone. Feel the angsty man pain. Dance, angsty man pain people, dance!

vidding, vids

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