[NaNo] Ass Out of You and Me: Need (Sam/Dean) 18/30

Nov 18, 2010 23:37

Series: Ass Out of You and Me
Title: Need
Author: destial
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Theme: 30 NaNo-Shots Special Table 2010
Prompt: Need
Rating: Hard R
Warnings: Dean logic and sex
Spoilers: Pre-series, so if you saw episode one, you're good to go.
Word Count: 652
Notes: Vague follow up to Birthday Surprise. Now being made into awesome podfic by the lovely and talented weimar27 found here! Check often for updates!
Summary: He most certainly had never expected to need this.


Dean had loved Sam since "Sammy" was nothing more than an idea, some impossible possibility growing somewhere under mom's flat belly.

His mom had kept him updated every step of the way. Every day, she would show him what phase they thought Sammy was at, pointing to pictures in a book that didn't make any sense but Dean loved his future sibling, even if he didn't look human right off the bat. It wouldn't matter if Sammy was different from other people because Dean would love him so much there wouldn't be room for other people to matter.

He had been relieved, though, when the pictures mom showed him started looking more and more like a normal person and less like a thing. Life would be easier if he was normal.

Dean had learned to read so he could read to Sammy. His parents had tried to tell him that he was a little young, maybe. They hadn't heard of teaching three year olds how to read. So he had thrown the tantrum of a lifetime - it was the first time he'd ever earned his dad's furious glare, and yea, that had been scary but they taught him how to read and every night he read to Sammy, very slowly and carefully to make sure he got it right.

When Sammy was finally born, Dean had wanted to hold him all the time. He had wanted to crawl into Sammy's crib every time he was laid down and wrap himself around his brother fully, like mom had been wrapped around him before because he knew he could take care of Sammy just as well. He just wanted to prove it so his parents would understand.

After mom died, he spent the rest of Sam's childhood proving it to their dad. Every single day he has proved - he proves - he loves the kid more than anything else, more than any one else has probably ever loved before.

But he never expected this.

He never expected to be lying on a hotel bed, his legs wrapped around Sam's waist and Sam, precious little Sammy, inside of him in some strange perversion of what Dean had wanted when he was still a child and Sam was still a baby. He had never expected Sam's tongue in his mouth or his teeth on his neck, his hands on his chest and cock. He had not expected to be split open so physically for his brother; he had expected that to be more of a mental and emotional thing.

He most certainly had never expected to need it.

And need it he does. It isn't a sexual thing; yea, the sex is good, if invasive in a way he's not yet used to. But this, it gives him a peace of mind that he hasn't had in nearly two years. Because this isn't forcing Sam. When Sam pushes into him, it's not Dean pressuring Sam into something. It's his little brother taking what Dean's offering, free will intact and everything. And Dean needs to know that.

"Sammy," Dean gasps as Sam thrusts at just the right angle.

"What do you want, Dean?" Sam asks and he's towering over Dean, large hands gripping Dean's thighs so tightly.

Dean doesn't answer - can't maybe - just closes his eyes and shakes his head.

"No, hey, Dean, come on man."

It's practically a whine and Dean laughs, because it's still his baby brother, the kid that can't stand not getting his way. He opens his eyes, chest tight with how much fondness he feels for this… this young man. Sammy's grown now and Dean's never loved him more.

"Harder," he says. "I'm not going to break."

Sam grins at him and that's all Dean's ever wanted in life, for little Sammy to be happy, so very happy.

And if making Sam happy gives Dean what he needs, well, that's all the better.

Continued in : Smoke

oh you challenge me so beautifully, yes sam you get your own tag, sexy kinky time, 30-nano shots, dean wants pie, incest for the wincest!, don't sue it's just a fic

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