Title: Lonely Little Statue Author: destial Pairing: Pre-Dean/Cas Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Vaguely Biblical language? Spoilers: Up to 99 Problems Word Count: 731 Notes/Prompt(s): Written for my H/C Bingo Card for the prompt ostracized from society. Summary: Castiel needs family and for the first time in two millennia, he is without.
Thank you! You know, I've been toying with the idea of writing a fic like this for the entire time I've been in the fandom (joined last May immediately after the season five finale). I've studied the Christian bible my entire life (and a bit of the Jewish holy books) so I felt conflicted involving it with a fandom. I didn't even notice when I first started writing this how it kind of sounded biblical. I'm glad you appreciated it because it's one of my favorite fic openings that I've written.
Comments 3
Still, Dean is right there is more to family than just blood.
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