Nearby, a young man lights a cigarette. His leather coat with the black star on his back, his long hair with streaks, the light make up on his eyes should confirm that he's anything but a hippy.
He is, however, perhaps more relaxed than usual, and makes a compassionate sound as he blows a long puff of smoke.
"Don't think too much about it, sugar. It'll make you sick."
Manchester England, Manchester England.... I kind of love Hair a lot.
She looks over at him, tears still staining her face. "And who are you?" she asks. "And where the hell am I?" She wipes a tear from her eye gingerly and sniffles.
"You're on a boat, which, I know, is highly descriptive, sorry." He sighs, and runs a hand in his hair, before he extends a handshake, his cigarette placed comfortably between his lips. "I'm Johnny Rockfort."
She stands up and offers her hand. "Sheila Franklin. And this is all very confusing." She sniffles again. "I'm sorry, I'm still so upset about my friend...he died, you see. And he was all alone and--I don't know why I'm even telling you this. We barely know each other." A fresh tear rolls down her cheek.
Sheila looks at the strange woman with confusion. "Um...thank you," she says. "But could you tell me where I am? This...isn't where I'm supposed to be."
She sees the strange woman, and does a doubletake when she sees her skin, but figures things can't possibly get weirder than this, so she shrugs and takes the tissues. "Thank you," she says. "I'm--I'll be fine."
Elphaba nods and is about to turn and walk away, but her conscience wins out and she speaks again in an attempt to comfort. "It's always a big shock to find yourself here, but you do get used to it.. There's no need to cry."
Comments 151
He is, however, perhaps more relaxed than usual, and makes a compassionate sound as he blows a long puff of smoke.
"Don't think too much about it, sugar. It'll make you sick."
Manchester England, Manchester England.... I kind of love Hair a lot.
Elphaba cautiously steps forward, into Sheila's line of vision, and offers her a tissue. "Are you all right?"
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