
Sep 25, 2006 13:01

As knightly entrances go, this one lacks much glamour - less with the courageous foraying and more with the slow ambling. The man is not terribly remarkable in any way: medium height, curly hair, somewhere in his thirties, with sharp features tempered by a fair bit of levity. He looks more like someone who should be working in a coffee shop ( Read more... )

king arthur, mordred, morgan le fay, bedivere, elaine, introduction, grantaire, sir dinadan

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Comments 35

illgotten September 25 2006, 18:53:52 UTC
Yeah. Pick your poison -- there's anything you've ever heard of and a few things you haven't.

*so very glad his peachplot wore off the other day*


merriestknight September 25 2006, 20:37:08 UTC
Oh, Mordred. You're here too, are you? *not being much of a fan, his tone is a bit flat, but courteous enough*

I'll waive my usual caution towards new and exciting things if the new and exciting things are good for quaffing. This is looking up already.


illgotten September 25 2006, 23:14:56 UTC
Like a bad penny, yes. Hi.

You'll want to watch out if it just happens to be lying around artistically arranged, that's all.


merriestknight September 25 2006, 23:20:26 UTC
Really? Why? Usually when food and drink are left out in such a fashion, it's because you're supposed to eat it. Have the damsels here taken up a craze of arranging food like flowers, and take offense at any poor soul who unwarily ruins their artistry?


capital_r September 25 2006, 20:48:27 UTC
I've got absinthe, rum, brandy, wine, whisky -- whatever you'd like, really. *grin* 'Lo there, by the way. I'm R.


merriestknight September 25 2006, 21:13:21 UTC
Charmed, I'm sure. I am Dinadan, knight of the Table Round, son of Sir Brunor Sr., etc. etc. etc. and other dull information I'm sure you don't wish to know.

*he beams at Grantaire - anyone offering booze up so readily can't be too bad* Four of those I have heard of (and the second to last I have drunk a gracious plenty of), but what is "absinthe"?


capital_r September 26 2006, 05:36:04 UTC
*and here's a vaguely silly bow -- apparently R's in a good mood*

Absinthe is lovely stuff. *displays a bottle* I'm willing to share.


livedinfantasy September 25 2006, 22:57:02 UTC
There is, my lord. Would you have me find something for you?


merriestknight September 25 2006, 23:33:46 UTC
Thank you, my lady, I would appreciate it. Or - is there food to be had, perhaps?


livedinfantasy September 26 2006, 00:01:00 UTC
Of course, my lord. What is your preference?


merriestknight September 26 2006, 02:49:35 UTC
Whatever you can find, madam, for I don't want to impose. Even plain bread would be sufficient.


1handedwelshman September 26 2006, 01:24:48 UTC
I've got pretty much anything alcoholic you can think of. Whaddya want?


merriestknight September 26 2006, 02:44:59 UTC
Cider. And, seeing as it isn't every day a man finds himself - wherever this might be - and I ought to commemorate the occasion somehow, I hope you have the really strong kind.


1handedwelshman September 26 2006, 02:54:02 UTC
One strong cider, coming up. And your guess is as good as anyone else's as to where here might be.


merriestknight September 26 2006, 04:29:23 UTC
There aren't any awful local customs one must follow, I hope. I've never quite gotten over the urge to smack Tristan for insisting on following the custom of that wretched castle where every knight who wanted to enter had to joist with any who were already inside. Tradition is one thing, but idiot tradition is another.


rightismight September 26 2006, 01:49:42 UTC
*smiles, a bit of a familiar kindly sparkle in his eye* What there is, I offer you.


merriestknight September 26 2006, 03:12:40 UTC
*Dinadan's expression can be summed up as 'Oh yay!'*

Sire! *insert knee bending here* Is the Court here, then?


rightismight September 26 2006, 03:14:21 UTC
Come, good Dinadan. Rise. Much of it, yes, though we know little of the circumstances.


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