Title: The Art of Miracle Day/Theme: May 25th / May dangers create of us heroes Series: Discworld Character/Pairing: Sam Vimes, Sam Vimes Jr., Sybil Ramkin Vimes, Moist von Lipwig, Havelock Vetinari Rating: G
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I really, really liked this, and how the characters are interwoven within the whole of Ankh-Morpork. The date of Young Sam's birthday gave me a pause until I remembered the ending of Night Watch. Which, actually, makes me wonder if Young Sam would have associate his birthday with the lilacs, and how he'd learn what it actually means...
And would you consider posting this to lancre? I ask this purely out of selfish motives - hunting for fic is easier if pretty much everything is centralized in one fandom-specific comm.
Whoops, I missed this. Thank you for taking the time to comment! One of my favourite aspects of Moist's series is how we keep seeing the established customs and oddities of AM through different eyes, so actually playing around with that here was fun.
Certainly! But regarding fic hunting -- have you considered using Delicious to collect URLs?
Comments 8
This was very Pratchett-esque, especially the bit about the swan. And pictsies.
Very nicely done. Vimes is my favorite character, and Night Watch is my favorite of the books. Well done indeed! *Claps*
And would you consider posting this to lancre? I ask this purely out of selfish motives - hunting for fic is easier if pretty much everything is centralized in one fandom-specific comm.
Certainly! But regarding fic hunting -- have you considered using Delicious to collect URLs?
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