Writing squee

Feb 20, 2013 10:22

So I'm starting an o-fic. It's definitely going to be a sci-fi piece, since that's my final project for the class. It may also be in the utopian vein ( Read more... )

writing, help, o-fic

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Comments 6

mundungus42 February 20 2013, 16:46:18 UTC
Squee!!! That's so exciting! Good for you!

First of all, Strange Horizons has a fabulous list of stories they've seen too often. It's a laundry list of plot and story cliches, and it's both funny as well as edifying.

Recommended texts: these short stories. Basically, read a crap-ton of sci-fi short story compilations and/or collections by Asimov, Dick, Heinlen, Bradbury, Clark, etc. As for novels, if you have time, there's Ursula le Guin's "The Left Hand of Darkness," Frank Herbert's "Dune," Douglas Adama's "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," and Orson Scott Card's "Ender's Game." All are pretty darned essential (there are many great ones, but those are my favorites).



desigrl February 20 2013, 18:02:56 UTC
Thank you!

That's a good resource and some fabulous suggestions. We're reading Left Hand of Darkness right now and will be reading Hitchhiker's Guide a little later in the semester. Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 was one of those mind-altering books for me. On the other hand, I couldn't get into Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? My prof's given us a fair collection of most of these authors, but I don't think she included anything from Heinlen, so I'll definitely take a look. Clarke's 9 Billion Names of God sounds interesting.

Thanks for the great links!

I think I have a unique twist, but let's see what it shapes up to be.


dickgloucester February 20 2013, 18:15:39 UTC
Yep. Writing is work. Sorry I can't commit to helping - my plate is full - but I wish you the greatest of good fortune with it.


desigrl February 21 2013, 01:50:02 UTC
Oh I think you need a second plate, so I completely understand :) Thank you!!!


hbart February 22 2013, 01:33:24 UTC
Good for you for starting an 0-fic. I don't care for sci-fi, and I don't have the time or the talent to help much, but I am happy to cheer you along the way.

*jumps up and down* Go Desi go, go Desi go! Just pretend I did the splits there at the end. Never going to happen again.


desigrl February 24 2013, 03:31:32 UTC
Thank you. Not all of sci-fi is to my taste, but I wanted to push beyond my comfort level and try out new things. *shrug*

Woo hoo!!! I'm glad to have such an enthusiastic cheerleader on my side. Splits are optional, banana splits preferred ;)


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