So some of my friends asked, with regard to my newfound obsession, if and when I would make a vid for Supernatural. The answer is yes and now ;-)
The Supernatural soundtrack has got me on a classic rock kick, particularly with their use of AC/DC. And so I revisited some other Aussie hard rock acts of the same era (I do get patriotic about the most ridiculous things). Was playing a CD by the Angels in my car as I drove to Gosford a couple of weeks ago and this one track struck me as a great metaphor for the Winchester Family dynamics over the first season, bleeding into the second. And did I mention before that I think Supernatural has just about the coolest "previously on" segments I've seen on any TV series in recent years. So I kind thought it'd be kinda cool to make my own "The Road So Far" segment.
So... um... yeah, this is my attempt at that. The song is "Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again". The footage goes right through from the Pilot to the latest episode Croatoan. With BIGTIME spoilers for the significant events of Home, Devil's Trap and In My Time of Dying.
And once again the extraordinarily generous
illman has offered to host the vid. She is majorly cool, people! I owe her lots.
So, if you'd like to "right click and save" the files are now hosted here:
small/lo res version (12.9Mb)large/hi res version (29.2Mb)ridiculously large/ultra hi res version (138Mb) Cheers, my friend. You so totally rock!
Feedback of any flavour is much appreciated (and yeah, I really do mean that you can tell me what you don't like about it too - constructive criticism is always valued)