Quick doodle I did the other night on my study break, and the steadfast conclusion that my boyfriend and I both came to while playing through Mitsunari's story mode in SB3, guest-starring REDEMPTION!Lii:
I've been giving Sengo--- *cough*Devil Kings*cough*--- for PS2 a spin. Date's six sword schtick is... well, you gotta hand it to the Japanese. They are nothing if not creative when it comes to fighting styles. Kinda like Soul Eater's Death the Kid and shooting with his pinkies. X_X
/imagining his pre-fight repartee with Wolverine had he made it to MVC3
It's not that bad, IMO. Then again it's my very first experience with crowd hack n' slashers, and I understand Dynasty Warriors is king of that particular genre. I'd play the hell out of a Warcraft game in that style. \o/
Nah, that'd be if he's talking to Dante. Logan'll probably make some discouraging remark about those pseudo claws, ala "Size don't matter, pal."
Get your hands on SB3/Samurai Heroes when you get a chance. Although it's only for the Wii and PS3 for some reason. 8|
ANYWAY, gameplay's pretty smooth, voiceacting is top notch (though there are moments of out-of-sync lip movements and idk what they were thinking when they had Liam O'Brian voice Ieyasu), and it's just a great way to de-stress, for me anyway.
Point... and of course first thing that pops into my head is a double entandre. Wrong character voiced by Reuben, brain.
Comments 4
/imagining his pre-fight repartee with Wolverine had he made it to MVC3
This might require some thought. :|a Probably some sort of comment about parties thrown in there, though.
Nah, that'd be if he's talking to Dante. Logan'll probably make some discouraging remark about those pseudo claws, ala "Size don't matter, pal."
ANYWAY, gameplay's pretty smooth, voiceacting is top notch (though there are moments of out-of-sync lip movements and idk what they were thinking when they had Liam O'Brian voice Ieyasu), and it's just a great way to de-stress, for me anyway.
Point... and of course first thing that pops into my head is a double entandre. Wrong character voiced by Reuben, brain.
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