[ Ryoji hadn't noticed, but when he sat down on his bed, he accidentally turned his SFC on. Currently? The screen shows the little thought bubble following him around. His thoughts are vague, to an extent, at the moment, but what you'll notice is that the inside of the bubble is darker in color than most. Sort of like there's a little black mist
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Comments 201
Hey, kid. You should cover that thing up...
haha sorry
I guess the kitten turned it off for me though! ^_^
[ USER HAS SIGNED OFF. Sorry, Faye. He really isn't sure he can deal with strangers right now. ]
Fuck off, I'm his moir8l.]
Well, geeeeeeeez, Ryoji.
Your thoughts are the 8iggest dum8y dum8 dum88utt lies ever.
No one valid8s your existence, stupid. >::::(
Only you do that.
You have your will. You're your own person.
You do what you want!
I don't know anything a8out Nyx or shadows or whatever, 8ut Minato's right.
You're Ryoji, the lova8le idiot that is definitely his own person.
You don't need me or him.
You can stand on your own two feet and you need to understand that!!!!!!!!
Silently thanking god she used text. Though he's a little... embarrassed she saw that. Oh well. ]
dont pay any attention to it
im perfectly fine the way i am anyway!!
i know that
theres just some stupid stuff im going to worry about regardless
cause thats how it works.
... ugh!! this stupid thing shouldnt have turned on ( ̄へ ̄)
You sound like me, and to tell you the truth, your thoughts can't 8e any more wrong.
8esides, may8e it's time we 8oth focus on the now, not on the shitty future and the possi8ilities that might not even happen.
I'm here.
Minato's here.
You have your will.
You're friendly to everyone you meet.
You're one of the most r8diant persons ever. That is like, 8eing the opposite of a shadow!!!!!!!!
... but its a nice thought.
at least here ive still got time left to decide what i am or will be
[The thought bubble, trailing after him, has his own worries-- 'I hope he's okay' 'he shouldn't blame himself' 'this isn't fair' -- intermixed with his Personas -- 'death death fortune death Arcana'.
But he's adept at ignoring those voices in his head these days, and so he simply waits for the other to open the door.]
[ Floating there going on and on. Worry after worry. ]
But I don't want you to. What if I...
... Really, it's fine.
It isn't like him to confront, but sometimes-- 'Enough is enough']
No it isn't. Can I come in?
[ He tries to just... clear his thoughts. For now, the bubble goes silent. ]
[There's a lot of troubled souls here. Lots of very sad kids.
Ammy whines a bit, worried.]
An image of this cute guy pops up in the bubble. Ammy totally reminds him of Koromaru. ]
Ah? Hey there. Sorry, did I worry you? I'm alright.
[ He can see you properly, Ammy, considering the fact that he is connected to a Goddess as well. ]
Koromaru has the ability to summon a Persona! It's basically a part of his psyche given form that he wields to help fight badguys. You guys would get along really well, I bet.
[An image of her gets drawn in her bubble, a sweet one with her comforting the poory boy. She doesn't want to see you sad. ;_;]
oh!! dont worry Namine-chan
im fine ^_^
this thing is lying anyway, you know??
[She falls silent, and the bubble draws out Ryoji looking upset with a question mark to it.]
...If you want company, I could come over.
um... it might be better if you didnt
i really dont want to scare you or anything.
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