formally voted on the license change yesterday;
The funny timestamp on the vote’s conclusion is because we used
Baker Island time, giving people another 8 hours to vote. (Our server is on Rhode Island time, since it’s where Hasbro is located and is thus arbitrarily considered the Transformers ‘capital.’)
Hilariously, only 3 of our 10 administrators bothered to vote, and
Walky (site operator) was among the absentees. They all weighed in in earlier discussions though, so we carried the decision by plurality. Walky’s at comicon, and this was a dead Friday with no comics released, no episodes etc etc etc.
The vote itself was really a foregone conclusion. The business of replacing the Commons Deed (CC’s GUI) can come later. Some stuff I’d
like to suggest we do long term might require another vote if the community seems to favor it… but that’s relatively far off.
(I’m going to claim that “May God Uphold the Right” is established legal boilerplate, because it is; for trial by combat. Which is to say “One man’s unsupported word vs. the World, may the World prove him right.” It sounds good anyway.)