Title: Head/Heart
Rating: PG
Words: 130
Disclaimer: I don't own Dollhouse.
Character: Adelle DeWitt; DeWitt/Dominic
Summary: you did not think when you sent me to the brink
Notes: Written for the Doomed Ships Ficathon
There were times when, she’s stuck in the armory discussing strategy with Tony and several other people, she’d think that this whole apocalypse (mind-pocalypse, thoughtpocalypse) could have been averted if she hadn’t sent Mr. Dominic to the Attic.
He was efficient. Ruthless, if he had to, but he was also fair. They could have used his NSA connections to stop Rossum. He wouldn’t have turned out to be the spectacularly insane other half of the Rossum Corporation. They probably had a fighting chance if he had been in the team.
But he betrayed her trust. She wouldn’t say it loud-never would say it out loud, but he hurt her, so very much.
And she always makes bad decisions when she thinks with her heart and not with her head.