Dollhouse fic: The Proposal; pg-13; Co-Written with just_drifting_6

Dec 09, 2010 14:54

Title: The Proposal
Authors: derevko_child and just_drifting_6
Rating: PG-13
Words: 4, 080
Disclaimer: We don't own Dollhouse.
Characters: Adelle DeWitt, Laurence Dominic, mention of several characters; DeWitt/Dominic
Summary: Never in a million years did Adelle DeWitt imagine that she would be put in a situation that eerily resembles the start of a few romantic comedies in the recent years.

Notes: An AU written for whedonland's Create With Me challenge. The fic is based on the movie, The Proposal. How did we come up with it? It's because of the Trailer Re-cut challenge from the same community. DeWitt and Dominic in a rom-com setting without Dominic killing anyone? We thought it was impossible too.

“Adelle.” Clive Ambrose, founder and president of Rossum International, has a grave expression on his face as he approaches her. “We’ve just heard some bad news. Apparently, your visa has expired. You’re being deported.”


Never in a million years did Adelle DeWitt imagine that she would be put in a situation that eerily resembles the start of a few romantic comedies in the recent years.

Thanks to random circumstances piling upon her like the Los Angeles Freeway during a 20-car pile-up, she had managed to lie to the immigration officer assigned to her case, proposed marriage to her chief of security with whom she had worked with for three years (and whom she doesn’t know personally) in the middle of that lie, and was forced to announce her recent engagement to the entire banking community to make the lie as realistic as possible.

What could possibly go wrong?


“A business deal?”

She looks at him. He seems to have recovered from the initial shock of her astonishingly expeditious proposal.

“Yes.” She says and starts fixing her desk. This is probably the most ridiculous idea she has had in her life. “I will obviously be benefitting from this… engagement. Shouldn’t you benefit from it too, especially if the INS discovers that this is all a sham, I’ll get deported and you’ll land in jail?”

The expression on his face becomes inscrutable. She’s worked with this man for three years and she more or less knows how his mind works. ‘Fire Topher,’ is probably at the forefront of his mind, but they both know Topher Brink is the best security programmer they have. Letting him go is not an option.

His silence stretches on for minutes. She quirks a brow.

“I’ll think of something.”


They’d only begun this lie two days ago, and yet her employees seemed to think the affair had been going on for months. She chooses not to focus on that, though, and instead stores it away for another day.

Of all the things she hadn’t foreseen, it’s the fact that - unlike her - Laurence Dominic still has a living, breathing family. And prior to their very sudden engagement, he had apparently made plans to visit them for his grandmother’s ninetieth birthday.

It’s just three days, she thinks, looking at Mr. Dom-Laurence’s sleeping form beside her in the airplane. What could possibly go wrong in those three days?


“What is your favourite colour?” she asks, leafing through the sample questionnaire from the INS.

There are a few she can answer due to familiarity and his personnel file, but the rest are questions that only a real lover or a long-time girlfriend will know.

“What do you think?” he asks back, not tearing his eyes away from the road. They took a plane from LA to Boston; however, they’ve been for almost two hours. She doesn’t know where they are, and the only visual landmarks she has are trees. Lots of trees.

Adelle glances at him. She isn’t used to seeing him wearing anything else other than a suit. “I can’t decide between the very common red and the equally generic blue,” she answers.

He takes a quick look at her. “It’s blue,” he says. “Yours is red.”

She glances over at him, surprised. “How did you know that?”

He shrugs. “The flowers in your room are always red, the color you wear most is red... I just assumed.”

“Very astute,” she tells him. He smirks.

Adelle picks another question. “The name of your first pet?”

“Ah,” he says. “Kitty.”

“How original. I’m assuming she was a cat?”

“Yeah.” The smile widens a little. “How about yours?”

She shakes her head. “I didn’t have one,” she answers and quickly looks down at the questionnaire to avoid the inevitable line of inquiry - ‘why didn’t you have pets? What do you mean? Oh...’ - which will lead to something about herself that she’s not ready to share with anyone. Not yet.

Laurence doesn’t say anything. He’s always been good with picking up non-verbal cues.

Several minutes later, the trees are gone and replaced by old, tall buildings. As they speed through the town, she notices that almost all the stores have the name ‘Dominic’ in them.

Adelle glances at Laurence, “Family businesses?” she asks. She notes the way his hands grip the steering wheel tightly.

“You have no idea.”

She is introduced to Laurence’s parents - Graham and Elizabeth - and to his grandmother, who insists that she call her, ‘Gammy’. His mother and grandmother are both cheerful and upbeat - a delight, really - a great contrast to his father, who seems to be dour and frowning all the time.

“Dad,” Laurence greets. The rather awkward arm around her waist tightens and she can’t help but discreetly give him a look of concern.

“Laurence,” Graham returns. He then looks at her for a few seconds and then back to his son, “You're… engaged,” he says. She notices Elizabeth and Gammy giving Graham a disapproving look and the grim expression on his face tones down.

Graham stares at her. “Welcome.”

Laurence takes after his father, apparently.


The Dominics have a pet cat named Stevie, after Laurence’s favorite actor, Steve McQueen. It’s a mammoth-sized monstrosity of a cat with gold eyes, white fur and a condemnatory stare. It fully ignores Elizabeth, tolerates Gammy and loves Graham and Laurence.

Stevie the Cat’s feelings for Adelle, however, seem to border on hate.

The feeling might be mutual.


“Stevie seems to be a bit more… judgmental than I remember,” Laurence says while they’re having dinner with his family.

The cat is watching the two of them from the arched doorway of the dining room. Truth be told, Stevie is starting to scare her.

“Oh, you know Stevie,” Gammy answers. “He doesn’t like girls.”

“Old man Jenkins’ daughter, Kiki,” Graham starts, “Stevie bit her when she dropped off a pie last month. Granted, she stepped on his tail, but still…” Graham shrugs and takes a bite from his potato.

“Right,” Laurence dryly replies.

“Don’t worry, dear,” Elizabeth says, who seems to have noticed her unease. “His shots are complete and we had him de-clawed a few years back.” She smiles at her. “But I think it’s safe to say that it would be best if you don’t step on his tail.”

Adelle musters a smile for the older woman. At the corner of her eye, she sees Stevie’s tail swish.

“All right.” Gammy stands up and claps. “Who’s in the mood for sponge cake?”


Laurence takes the floor. Adelle watches from this large bed - too big for just one person - as he squirms, trying to get used to the hard floor. He will not admit that it is uncomfortable, and although it should be she down there (she is the one that has caused this mess; she is the one that has dragged him down), he is too much of a gentleman to let her.

A part of Adelle wants to ask him to sleep up here with her. He would do it if she asked, she knows. She figured out long ago that he will not refuse her anything, although this trip is proving useful in its reveal of Laurence Dominic’s character. Still, Adelle knows it is a stupid idea. This is a professional arrangement, she reminds herself.

A quick marriage and then a divorce as soon as possible. No feelings involved.

And if… if feelings do develop-. She stops herself. This is silly; wish-fulfilling thoughts, childish dreams. It is merely the romance of the town, the kindness of his family that is making her feel this way. There is nothing between her and Dominic.

“Good night,” Laurence says from his nest of blankets. He rolls over and gives her an uncharacteristically sweet smile.

She returns it all too easily. “Night,” she replies softly.


The town is small enough that everybody is considered part of the family. She meets Laurence’s childhood friends, his teachers from high school, the wives of his best pals and the girls he had crushes on when he was in his teens.

Everybody tells her how lucky she is. And everybody’s telling him how lucky he is.

Part of her starts to doubt the soundness of this business deal.


“Give her a real kiss!” Gammy cries gleefully. Several guests concur with Gammy’s request, with some even whistling.

Laurence glances over, once again deferring to her. “Just make it quick,” she murmurs softly.

He leans closer, hand going tenderly to her waist. Adelle makes sure to keep her mind carefully blank as his lips meet hers; mindful that she doesn’t notice the feel of his kiss, soft, and the heat of his hands, burning her skin.

They pull away from each other a second longer than they should have.


The following day, Elizabeth and Gammy bring Adelle to town, to show her where Laurence grew up.

“You know, I always knew Laurence would somehow find himself a Brit,” Gammy says as they walk on the side street. She’s never experienced this before, being with motherly figures. Her mother wasn’t very affectionate, and she never met either of her grandmothers.

“And you’re thinking about having children, aren’t you? You should get them when you’re both still young, you know. So you can still have the energy to run after them-”

“Gammy,” Elizabeth says and looks at her mother-in-law, “Let’s not pressure the kids about having kids.” Elizabeth looks at Adelle apologetically.

“It’s all right,” she answers quietly.

“Of course, of course. No pressure.” Gammy waves her hand in front of her. “You’re an intelligent, beautiful woman, Adelle. And I know you’re very willful. Laurence can be the most obstinate, most tiring man next to his father, but… I’ve never seen my grandson look at someone the way he looks at you.”

Adelle can only gather a smile for Gammy.

“So, where are we going, exactly?” she asks after a few minutes of walking.

“It’s a surprise,” Elizabeth answers conspiratorially.


The surprise is a mini bachelorette party in the one and only bar in the town. And just like any bachelorette party, there’s a male stripper who dances for everybody.

Adelle has tears in her eyes because of the second-hand embarrassment she got from the part-kitschy, part-endearing, and (not at all sexy) sexy dance performed just for her.


They arrive back to the house and find Laurence hitting a tree stump in the front yard with a little axe.

“Oh, dear,” she hears Elizabeth say. Adelle glances at her fiancé and realizes that he’s furious.

“What’s wrong?” Adelle asks, in alarm. She has seen his unbridled fury more than a few times, but she’s never seen him like this.

Elizabeth hurries inside the house.

Gammy touches her arm, as if to stop her from going towards him. “Leave him alone for a while,” she advises. “This is not the kind of anger you’re used to.”

The concerned look on Gammy’s face convinces Adelle to agree.

“Come on now, let’s go inside.”

When they step inside the house, they hear Elizabeth and Graham arguing in the living room. Gammy merely sighs and goes to the kitchen.

“…I just told him that he has a better life here than in that city, acting like a glorified bodyguard to other people’s money.”

“Don’t do this again, Graham. Please-”

“-I’m merely stating the facts, Lizzy.”

“We agreed, Graham. We agreed to support him in whatever he decides to do. I only get to see my son every three years because of your disagreements; don’t make it worst. Especially since he’s going to marry Adelle. Christ, Graham, what if they have kids? We won’t be able to see our own grandchildren because…”

Realizing her improper behaviour by listening in the conversation, Adelle quickly heads up to the room she shares with Laurence.

She goes directly to the bathroom, intent on washing away the heady perfume of the enthusiastic-yet-unappealing male stripper.

She’s rid of the smell after a shower, but when she’s reaching out for a towel, she discovers that there aren’t any in the bathroom.

Her eyes narrow. Well, she can easily run out and get her clothes. She did close the door when she went in the room (she thinks).

Adelle takes a deep breath. She opens the door and almost shrieks in horror when she sees Stevie the cat sitting directly in front of the door.


She’d made sure that the damn cat wasn’t inside the room when she entered. How did he get in?

“Shoo,” she says, covering her parts with her hands. She can’t make any sudden moves. She might accidentally step on the cat’s tail and get bitten.

Stevie stares at her and her heart skips a beat when she sees him bare a fang. Did he eat the towels?

Adelle notices that the cat is sitting on the little rug. Using her toes, she slowly and carefully pulls the rug closer the bathroom. The damn cat’s heavy.

With equal parts caution and agility, she pulls the rug inside the bathroom, jumps out while avoiding Stevie’s tail and throws the door shut.

She quickly turns towards the bed but before she can get there slams directly into a naked and sweating Laurence Dominic.

“Augh,” Adelle manages to say as they fall down the floor with a resounding thud.

After a quick second, they scramble away from each other.

“What are you doing?!” he screeches as he scuttles to the bathroom.

“What are you?” she returns, equally loud from her position behind the bed.

The bathroom door slams shut, “Stevie!” she hears Laurence exclaim exasperatedly. Adelle can feel the side of her face still reeling from its impact on that very solid, muscular body.

She hurriedly takes her clothes - any piece of clothing - and puts them on.

The bathroom door swings open and Stevie saunters out. The cat looks at her and Adelle climbs up the bed.

“Can you, uh, get me a towel?” Laurence asks, almost sheepishly, from behind the door

Adelle grabs one from the stack on the chair and hands it to him. She catches a glimpse of chest from where she’s standing.

“You okay?” he asks. He now has the towel wrapped around his waist. She tries to keep her eyes on his face.

“I’m perfectly fine,” she lies. “I have a feeling Stevie disapproves of our relationship,” she states, deadpan.

Laurence laughs.


She might have accidentally flushed Stevie the Cat down the toilet a few hours later.


The awkwardness is stifling. Adelle clears her throat and rolls over, unable to get comfortable despite the good bed. On the floor, she can hear Laurence doing the same. Adelle’s beginning to despise this whole situation. She almost wishes she had gone back to England; that she had never propositioned her head of security. What business is it of hers, to screw up his life like she has? And now she’s got this lovely family watching her so expectantly, and demands and ultimatums she feels she will never be able to live up to. England would have been so much simpler, even though there’s nothing there - family, friends, job - for her

“I’m sorry about hurting your cat,” she says finally when she can’t bear the silence any longer, “It was an accident.”

“It’s okay,” he says after a pause. “I honestly don’t get it with you and that animal.”

She sighs, turning over. “I’ve never had a pet before. I just…don’t know how to deal with animals. I tend to avoid them wherever possible.”

“That’s ridiculous.”

“My parents didn’t believe in pets. They were messy and smelly; we couldn’t risk an animal shedding fur on the leather upholstery or ruining the new drapes. My parents were always looking to impress,” she says, unable to keep the bitter edge from her tone.

“You talk about them in the past tense…” Laurence’s tone is hesitant, but she feels she will indulge him. Adelle’s not really sure why; she’s had many lovers before and, more often than not, it takes a lot more for her to talk about her past.

Yet all Laurence has done is ask about pets. There is no need for her to tell him anything.

But Laurence has shared everything with her, when he really shouldn’t have-allowing her into his family without a second thought. It is only fair then that she shares some of hers with him.


“What happened?” he asks.

“Car accident,” she replies in a clipped voice. “It was many years ago. I’ve never been that close to them.”

“Why is that?” His questions keep coming, but from the way he voices them, Adelle knows she’s free to stop answering whenever she likes. Except that she wants to keep talking. There’s always been something about Laurence that makes her feel safe; safe enough to reveal things she would usually keep hidden.

“There’s nothing much to it. They were more concerned with appearances and party guests than their only daughter. I’ve grown up alone all my life.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s all right. Actually, it’s more than that. Being here, with your family… it’s made me realize something. All my life I’ve grown up thinking money leads to detachment and loneliness-that’s what my parents raised me on. But seeing you and your family-and maybe you don’t get along with your father but it’s obvious he cares about you-it’s shown me that it doesn’t necessarily mean that. You can have money and still be happy.”


In the middle of the night, she wakes to hear him tossing and turning, huffing as he tries to get comfortable. Having been blissfully asleep, she has no idea how long he’s been awake.

“Laurence?” she calls.

He freezes, the noises abruptly stopping. It takes him a minute or two to reply, but eventually she hears a, “Yeah…”

“What’s wrong?” she asks, trying to make out his shape in the dark.

“Nothing,” he replies.

“Are you uncomfortable?”

“No, I’m fine.”

She sighs. “I wish you’d stop saying that. Being a gentleman is all very well, but it does get to a point. Climb up here and don’t complain. Your bed is big enough by far for the both of us.”

“Adelle, really, it’s fine.”

“I insist.”

There’s a pause, then the shuffling as he stands and makes his way cautiously to the bed.

“This is much more sensible,” she says as he settles into the covers.

“Mmm,” he begins to agree, but when she looks over he’s already asleep.


She wakes up to the sound of Gammy, Elizabeth and Graham’s voices outside their door, and with her arm thrown carelessly over Laurence chest.

She sits up. “Mr. Dominic,” she murmurs sleepily. He looks different while sleeping. He looks serene-innocent. She shakes his shoulder. “Mr. Dom-Laurence, wake up.”

His eyes snap open and he blinks. “Adelle?”

“Everybody’s outside the door.”

He processes this information for a few seconds before sitting up.

“Come in,” Laurence calls out, and almost immediately, the door opens.

“Good morning,” Elizabeth greets.

“G’morning,” The two of them return.

“So, Gammy was wondering…” Elizabeth trails off. Graham comes in holding a tray of cinnamon rolls and a pot of coffee, “That, instead of a birthday party-”

“-we can have a wedding instead. You know, your wedding,” Graham says.

“And we can do it in the barn, where I got married to Laurence’s grandfather, and where Elizabeth got married to Graham,” Gammy says excitedly.

Adelle and Laurence stare at Elizabeth, Graham and Gammy.

“But it’s Gammy’s birthday,” Adelle says, finally, after finding her voice.

“Yes, dear, but I’ve had eighty-nine birthday celebrations before this one.”

“Birthdays only come once a year.” Laurence points out, “Your ninetieth birthday only comes after eighty-nine years.”

Gammy waves her hand. Adelle can feel Graham staring at them intently.

“Oh, come on kids. I want a wedding. Before I’m dead!” Gammy pleads.

They look at each other and then back to the three people in their room.

“Okay,” Laurence agrees. Adelle nods her head.

Gammy claps in glee.


She can’t remember what she said, exactly, but as she pours him a cup of coffee and sees him smiling lazily at her from the bed, it suddenly hits her.

The feeling is akin to what someone might feel if they were hit by a sack of hardened cement-painful, confusing, and terrifying.

She loves him. And she has no idea when it happened.


A few hours later, they come out of the house to the grim face of Graham awaiting them. “I’d like to speak to you,” he says. He leads them into the barn where they find INS agent Matthew Harding, grinning like an animal who’s caught his prey.

“Told you I’d check up on you,” he sneers.

Harding has apparently managed to convince Graham that their engagement is a scam, but he’s agreed that if Dominic confesses now he won’t be sent to jail.

Adelle waits with bated breath for Laurence’s response. On one hand she wishes he would tell them the truth. What if Harding does find out that they’re fabricating it all and he gets thrown in prison? Can she really live with herself if that happens?

But then she reminds herself that they’re good at this, the two of them, and they won’t be caught out if they don’t want to be. Still, if he wants to tell Harding the truth; if he wants to get out of this, then it’s his choice.

He deliberates for what feels like an age-Adelle counts each second. But then he takes her hand (she ignores the warmth that spreads through her body immediately from his touch) and stares directly at Harding.

“This is all you need to know: I love Adelle DeWitt. I have for over two years, and I intend to marry her like I told you and my parents, and I honestly don’t give a shit if you approve or not.” His stony glance rests on Harding, then on his father, then he gives a tug to her arm and leads her out.


“Two years?” she asks when they’re safely out of earshot.

The side of his mouth twitches, but he doesn’t answer her.

She sighs and stops. “Laurence, I don’t think-”

“-I’m a very good business partner, Adelle,” he says in a serious tone as he faces her.

“I know you are.”

“And we work very well together.”

“Yes, we do,” she replies, almost cautiously.

He stares at her, his blue eyes never losing its focus. She understands what he’s trying to tell her. Let’s give it a chance.

“You have a very nice family,” she starts.

“Except for my dad.” He adds with a smirk.

She lets out an amused sigh and then shakes her head, “I don’t know how to be part of a family, Laurence. I almost killed the family pet, for crying out loud.”

“Stevie’s alive,” he points out. She doesn’t say anything. Despite the rough exterior, he’s actually a very wonderful man with an equally wonderful family. She can’t hurt him.

“You can always divorce me if you’re not happy,” he says.

She can’t tell whether he’s joking or not.


They go through with it in the end; both of them are the type of people who don’t back out once they’ve committed to something. And, honestly, neither of them can bring themselves to regret the rings that now sit on their fingers.

As they slow danced in the barn, she leans against him and takes a deep breath.

“They will lap this up back in LA,” she murmurs.

“Let them,” he replies fiercely.

“I know I said you could have something in exchange for marrying me, but I’m afraid I can’t fire Topher just because he annoys you.”

“How about Caroline?” he asks lightly.

She smiles. “No.”

They’re silent for several minutes, dancing slowly to the music, until he says. “I know what I want. From this business deal”

Adelle pulls away slightly so that she can look at him and raises a brow. A little pout appears on his face. That certain expression always amuses her; it seems as though he’s annoyed that what he’s needs to say the most obvious thing in the world.

“What is it?” she asks, curious.

“You.” He answers simply, “I want you.”

listen to this song to make this fic even more fluffier!

laurence dominic, fic: dollhouse, fic: dollhouse: au, otp: dewitt/dominic, adelle dewitt

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