The week past, and the week to come...

Aug 26, 2012 22:43

Busy, busy, busy...

The week past:

  • Wensday:  All day long at the county fair, alternating wandering about with working the desk in the photo competition area.  So far, of the photo's I took, there's a dismaying lack of keepers.

  • Thursday: Cleaning house in the AM, and our friends Chas and Andy arrived from out-of-town.  Up late chatting and catching ( Read more... )

life, weekend wrapup, sca

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derekl1963 August 27 2012, 17:19:25 UTC
If even on the submarine we would have taken it off and put it in the back of the storage rack... :) And it has to be truly awful and lacking in redeeming values (chestage, car chases, whatever) to attain that rare 'honor'.

We finally settled on "Doom Runner" since it had Tim Curry in it... and it was just about that bad. Plot holes, bad writing, worse acting, cheap sets, dodgy camera work - the whole package. Even Curry managed to reach a new low in ham quality.

I mean, it's so bad - nobody could be bothered to post a trailer on YouTube.


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