DS' grandfather, Bob Shaffer, is 97...and he's truly a gentleman of the old school...gentle and kind. He's also a highly qualified man; he was the Dean of Indiana University (and my cousin met him when he...the cousin...was studying there!)
This photo appeared in the
American Counseling Association of which he was the first President. He sent an interview of him (by Richard Yep, the executive director and CEO of the ACA) in the ACA's newsletter...the photograph above has his hand-written note to DS and AM. Here's another photo, along with the article, of him, with his wife Joye (which would make her Ds' step-grandmother, if there is such a term!)...equally qualified with a doctorate in education, who's also a good artist (one of her paintings hangs on KM's office wall.)
I've found them great people to know, and I've visited them in Florida...and when DnA got together, they visited my father-in-law and brother-in-law, too. When we were in Florida a couple of years ago, Bob and JS (his son, DS'dad) drove over to visit us, and spent some time with KTB, too...it was lovely to see four generations of Shaffers together!
here is the interview, online.
He's as sharp and focused as he ever was; he's on his second pacemaker, and has recovered from a nasty fall earlier this year. We all love him and admire him very much.
Here's my salute to a gentleman, who's venerable in every sense!