Masterpiece [Chapter 2]

Jul 28, 2008 07:37

Title: Masterpiece
Author: dephi
Pairing: RyoDa, there may be some other pairings later... :)
Genre: Angst, Romance
Rating: PG - 13 and could go higher (R perhaps?)
Disclaimer : Humm.. I own the plot for sure, and maybe Toshi? Hihihi... :)
Summary: It took place in Japan, where the rich and the poor had their own societies. There were parties everywhere for the rich. Nishikido Ryo was one of the rich people, an honorable person, the heir of a big corporation, yet he had his own family secret, an unthinkable one. Here came Ueda Tatsuya who stepped into his life, an innocent guy who did not know that his decision would bring him to a totally different world that he never imagined before.
A/N: Beta-ed by annatanhe, thanks dear... =)

“So, you should be Ueda then I think? Erika’s cousin? “

“Tat - chan..?”

“I heard that you were a smart boy, and a good observer too.”

“Ne, Tat - chan..”

"Are you going to be with me then..?"

“Ne, Tat - chan !!” Erika shouted near Tatsuya’s ear. Tatsuya was startled hearing the shout, not to mention how he still couldn’t believe what had happened to him the previous night.

“U-uh, Erika..” Tatsuya murmured while looking at Erika’s eyes questioningly.

“What’s wrong with you, dear? You’re just so different this whole day and you are starting to get on my nerves. Now tell me, what has happened to you?” Erika demanded. She put that worried look on her face.

Erika and Tatsuya were going out together the day after the prime minister’s party. They were in one of the fancy restaurants they usually went to together to discuss things, that’s the term Erika used when actually she was always the one who was babbling around while Tatsuya just agreed to whatever Erika said to him, or when Erika was whining about those-new-cute-boyfriends she had or something along that line. In short, Erika talked and Tatsuya listened, ready to calm Erika down whenever needed. But it was quite different this time. Tatsuya was being lost in his own thoughts and it made Erika curious, since it was such a rare chance seeing her calm cousin in this state. Just like now, when Erika told him about her friend being so prissy at the party, Tatsuya didn’t show any interest to what she said at all, unlike how he had always showed some interest. Erika wanted to know what made Tatsuya so different and she knew she would get to know for sure since she never failed on getting whatever she wanted, with the exception being Nishikido Ryo though she did not have much of an interest in him anymore and she wanted to make sure that she could keep that record of hers.

Tatsuya didn’t know how to answer Erika’s question, as he was still lost in his own mind, thinking about him and Ryo. The way Ryo looked at him, the way he kissed him. Tatsuya shook his head when he remembered that. It must have been a joke, he thought. Who in the world would think that a guy like Nishikido Ryo would kiss another guy. Tatsuya touched his lips with the tip of his middle finger. It tasted sweet somehow. Tatsuya shook his head again when he realized that he was thinking about the kiss again.

No, I should have just thought about something else, like..those eyes?

Tatsuya tried to remember that pair of eyes. It was scary as they looked so dark and deep, but when he took a closer look, he could see the hint of loneliness inside them. Tatsuya was in denial himself, he didn’t want to admit that it had happened, but it was real. He could still feel the taste of the kiss when he closed his eyes. Then he opened his eyes, took a sip of his tea nervously.

“Tat - chan, why aren’t you saying anything?” Erika whined, trying to get Tatsuya’s attention. “Ah, I know, something has happened last night right?” Erika said while giggling. She was looking at Tatsuya curiously.

Tatsuya was startled hearing that. “W-what? N-no Erika.” denied Tatsuya, but his act did not look convincing at all, giving everything away when he started blushing.

“A-ha, I got you there. Now tell me, what is it? Don’t think that you can escape from me, my dear Tat - chan..” Erika started teasing Tatsuya.

“N-no Erika, you were wrong. It’s nothing, really.” Tatsuya tried to convince Erika but unfortunately, it was not working at all.

“Hey, hey, how far have you gone and with who? Ah, don’t tell me you’ve been kissing.” Erika remarked. Tatsuya blushed even more (if it was possible) upon hearing that. “O-oh, I am right! Oh my god! Why didn’t you tell me earlier Tat - chan?! Now tell me, whom did you kiss, or who kissed you?”

Tatsuya was at a loss of anything to say. He had to say something but he couldn’t. He was in such a bad situation. But then help came, if you could call that a help, from an unexpected man.

“Now, now, isn’t it coincidental to meet the both of you?” A man’s voice was heard behind Tatsuya.

Tatsuya was feeling nervous when he heard that. He knew that voice, though he didn’t want to, and he hoped that he had guessed it wrong. Erika’s eyes widening, that was all Tatsuya could see. He prayed hard that it was not him. He slowly turned around and there he saw Nishikido Ryo, standing behind him. Tatsuya could only gasp as he looked at Ryo.

“Hi there.” Ryo smiled. “What a coincidence, right?” he added.

“Uh, hi Ryo. Well yeah. Why are you here anyway? Shouldn’t the owner of a big company like you be so busy at this hour?” Erika said, trying to on a smile.

“Not really, I’m having my break now, and I needed to meet a person anyway.” Ryo said while looking at Tatsuya. “Tell me, do you mind if I borrow this gentleman here?”

Erika was confused at first, but she was a real clever girl. She tried to find the connection between it all and in the end she formed some idea in her mind. “Ah, sure, you can just take him anywhere. I need to go home soon anyway.” Erika smirked after she said that.

Erika saw Ryo pulling Tatsuya’s hands before bringing him to his car. She was shocked for sure since she was not expecting something like this to happen. No wonder he didn’t like me. Who can resist me anyway? Ah well, I can still look for other guys. Erika stood up and left the restaurant after she paid the bills with a smirk on still.


“Where are you taking me?” Tatsuya asked inside the car. Ryo was driving beside him and he couldn’t tell where Ryo was going to take him. Ryo ignored Tatsuya’s question but kept driving instead.

“Nee, Why don’t you answer my question?” Tatsuya insisted. He had to know what Ryo had in store for him. The fact that Ryo might be a gay was already strange enough for him, no, he still couldn’t believe that.

Ryo kept driving until they reached a big building. Tatsuya didn’t even bother to ask Ryo again since he was lost in his own thoughts. Which was why he was surprised when Ryo suddenly stopped his car in front of the building, which happened to be a hotel. Ryo didn’t even say anything; he just went out of the car and walked into the building after giving the key to one of the concierge staff. Tatsuya followed Ryo inside. It was a luxurious hotel and he could see many of the hotel staffs greeting Ryo respectfully. He followed Ryo until they reached a long corridor.

“Where are we?” Tatsuya asked. Ryo kept silent, not answering Tatsuya’s question at all. Tatsuya was furious. “Hey, I’ve asked you so many times already. What’s on your mind anyway? I deserve to know right? I don’t like being dragged somewhere like this without knowing what we are doing.” He stated.

Ryo stopped walking after hearing what Tatsuya said. He turned around, looking at Tatsuya’s eyes intensely. Tatsuya was scared looking at those eyes but he didn’t want to lose either. So he stood still at where he was. Just then Ryo kissed Tatsuya’s lips again. Tatsuya couldn’t think of anything else. He was shocked. He didn’t expect Ryo to kiss him all of a sudden and so he didn’t respond to that kiss either. It didn’t last long though. Ryo licked his own lips after that and smirked.

“W-what?” Tatsuya asked nervously.

“That was the easiest way to shut your mouth, right?” before kissing Tatsuya again. Tatsuya didn’t want to respond at first but he couldn’t deny the fact that he enjoyed it too, so he gave in at the end.

“Can’t a man bring his princess along with him?” Ryo asked while keeping his gaze on Tatsuya’s eyes.

“I’m not a girl for your information..” Tatsuya replied while looking at the floor, trying to hide his flushed cheeks. Ryo ignored Tatsuya, he spoke with one of the hotel staff instead.

“Don’t ignore me.” Tatsuya pouted.

“Don’t be such a princess, will you?” Tatsuya pouted even more after hearing Ryo’s last statement. They looked at each other eyes before bursting into laughter, noticing how silly it was.


“Master, there was a phone call from Master Akanishi and Master Kamenashi earlier.” Toshi said.

“Ah, Jin and Kazuya. What did they want from me?” Ryo took a cigarette from the pack and lit it.

“Master Akanishi said that it was a private matter, he asked master to call him. As for Master Kamenashi, he said that he wanted the payment for the statue to be in this Friday latest.” Toshi replied while handing the phone to his master before going back to preparing tea.

Ryo pushed some numbers and waited until the person at the other side replied to his call.

“ Ah, Ryo - chan, you’re home already?”

“Yes, bakanishi. What do you want from me anyway? And stop calling me Ryo - chan. We’ve grown up already.”

“Ah, whatever. Let’s go to some places tonight! I found this fancy club yesterday. Go with us, will you, Ryo - chan?”

“Tonight? Do I have the chance to refuse it?”

“Ryo - chann~~”

“Okay, okay. I understand, Jin. Just tell me where it is and what time.”

“Really?? Yay.. Ah, no need Ryo - chan. We’ll pick you up.”

“Wait a second, we..?”

“Yes, we. Pi and I. So, get ready at 7 okay.”


Ryo could only sigh towards his cousin’s attitude. Jin, or Akanishi Jin in full, is Ryo’s cousin. Akanishi family was one of the few families who knew about Nishikido family’s side job. Both families were friends until they were tied together by Jin’s parents’ marriage. Jin’s mother is Ryo’s aunt, his father’s younger sister. Both Jin and Ryo are at the same age so they are close to each other. Akanishi family was in hotel industry. They owned the most luxurious hotel in Japan. His father was worried because of Jin as he was always playing around; neglecting all of the work he had to do. But he let Jin hang out with Ryo as he hoped that his son would be able to follow in Ryo’s steps to become a successful businessman.

The other person mentioned, Pi, or actually Yamashita Tomohisa is both Ryo and Jin's friend. He knew Ryo's secret too, and he was even the source of information needed for Ryo’s side job. His dad had retired from his job as a famous judge. Yamashita might look like this, going clubbing or attending parties almost every day with Jin and Ryo, but he had amazed people with his good ability as a lawyer. His job made him easier to get information easily without getting suspected.

As usual, Jin called Ryo, asking him to go somewhere with them, and Ryo couldn't refuse it. Ryo shook his head upon remembering his cousin before he arranged a big chess board in the table in front of him. Toshi was just standing still beside Ryo, ready to do whatever his master wished him to.

"Do you know why I like playing chess, Toshi?" he asked. Toshi knew that Ryo didn't need any answer for that so he kept his mouth shut.

"It's such an interesting game, how we put those pawns into the chessboard then play around with it to attack our opponent.." Ryo took a white pawn then put it on the board. "And I've placed my own pawn in the appropriate place. Now I only need to wait until the time comes before moving it. It will be checkmate already when people finally notice it. It’s simple, right? But people are basically too stupid until they don't pay much attention to their surrounding." Ryo laughed.

"Now call Kazuya and tell him that all of the payment will be done tomorrow morning. And today is Tuesday right? Remind him to prepare the imitation this Friday. I have to do Mr. who is that again request this Saturday right?"

"Yes, master.."


"Are you free this Saturday? There's this little party on Shinomiya residence. Would you like to come? I'm sure your cousin is invited but I'm not sure about you. Anyway just get ready at 7, I'll pick you up by then."

Tatsuya was so nervous that evening. He didn't expect Ryo to ask him that. Erika had asked him to go with her actually, but she accidentally heard the message Ryo left for Tatsuya, so she decided to let Tatsuya go there with Ryo instead, but only after forcing Tatsuya to tell her everything.

Ryo picked him up at 7 p.m. sharp. When they arrived, Tatsuya saw another 2 man waving at Ryo. Ryo then introduced them as Jin, his cousin, and Pi, his friend. After that, Ryo dragged Tatsuya to greet the host of the party. Then, the daughter of Shinomiya walked past and Ryo greeted her.

"Hi Kaori." Ryo said.

"Ah, hi there, Ryo. I wasn’t expecting you to come" She said cheerfully.

"Ah well, this gentleman here is Ueda Tatsuya." Ryo introduced Tatsuya to Ryo. Shinomiya Kaori blushed upon seeing Tatsuya. Ryo smirked as he saw that. "Then, I shall take my leave first, I have to meet some other person."

Ryo left Tatsuya with Kaori while Tatsuya looked confused, yet he didn't know what Ryo's real purpose was. Ryo then walked around until he met Jin and Pi again.

"That guy is cute. You're just using him nee, Ryo - chan. I'm amazed that you were able to bring Shinomiya Kaori's secret crush here with you to distract her." Jin said.

"I wonder then.." Ryo replied shortly.

"Being so secretive huh? You should have thanked me for all the information. It's not easy to get them." Pi said while looking at Tatsuya.

"Are you kidding me, Pi? You were just seducing her best friend and you enjoyed it yourself."

"Okay okay, I was just joking earlier. Now for the target, you know where already. Her room is on the 2nd floor, 3rd door from the left corridor. It’s kept in a safety box. Just remember 'Eter'. Good luck then." Pi added.

Ryo didn't reply to Pi's statement. He walked cautiously to the said place. There were no guards at that time as what Ryo had checked for the changing schedule before. Ryo went into the left corridor then to the 3rd room.

"Eter.. It should be 520518 then. Gotcha."

Ryo took the big sapphire inside it and put the artificial one inside. He looked at his watch. Everything went as his plan. He walked out of the room and returned to where Pi and Jin were. He greeted some guards on his way there but none of them suspected him since there was a toilet nearby, and why would the famous and rich Nishikido do something bad such as stealing, when he had too much money in his possessions already was what they thought.

Ryo saw Jin and Pi talking with some girls. He was about to join them when a hand poked his shoulder from behind. He turned around to see who it was. There he saw a furious Tatsuya.

"You used me." Tatsuya said with a low voice. He stared at Ryo furiously.

"How dare you humph-" Tatsuya wasn't able to finish his sentence since Ryo cut it by kissing him.

"So what if I did?" Ryo replied.

"Y-you.." Tatsuya was ready to slap Ryo. But then, Ryo held Tatsuya's hand before it reached his face.

"You can't do anything to me unfortunately. You haven't gotten the power to do so yet." Ryo tightened his grip. "And you can't refuse me anyway." He released Tatsuya's hand. "I want to go home now, so are you going with me or not?"

Tatsuya didn't know what to reply. He just followed Ryo instead. He wanted to be home as soon as possible, forget about what had happened, and hope everything was just a dream. But he knew it wasn't, and that it really happened. He sighed before continuing to follow Ryo.

What have I done actually?

End of the Chapter

Notes : So, here's chapter 2. I didn't know that I would finish this that fast... xD
Sorry if the trick was sucks.. I was really out of idea at that time (even now), and I don't have than many vocabulary (maybe I have quite a lot but I couldn't seem to recall them whenever I typed fics), so any suggestion? XDDDD
So, thanks for reading until this far. The next chapter won't come out that fast I think, but I'll try my best. Hope this chapter could satisfy you guys (and hope i'm not exaggerating this since I'm so emo lately until I even made an emo fic too yesterday, WTH...)
Do comment nee if you have the time because they cheer me up somehow and they are ♥♥♥

p.s. : For people who read my other multichapters, it's not that I abandon it, I've finished the next chapter of each actually, but still waiting for it to be beta-ed... =)


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