Candy & Marshmallow

Jul 14, 2008 18:03

Title : Jin’s Diary : Candy & Marshmallow
Author : dephi
Pairing : Akame
Rating : PG - 13
Disclaimer : They own each other..^^
Summary : A continuation of the response to newssuki's Akame's secret diary
Notes : Sorry for the late post of this.. *bows down*
Hope you guys would love this too.. It's the pair of Kame's diary which I've written last time. Dedicated to newssuki. This is unbeta-ed too, so please forgive me for any grammatical, etc errors.

Jin loves candy actually.

But he hates it too.

It is kind of a strange feeling for him.

He doesn’t like how it makes him remembers all the fight they have gone through, especially their first one.

Jin wonders why most of it involves candy even if it’s in a good way.

Oh my gosh! Why did he act like such a girl earlier! I couldn’t take it! Do you want to know what had happened? Well, you know that both of us were the member of KAT-TUN, so we were busy for sure. I was just asking whether we could meet today, or something like that, but he was suddenly being angry at me and saying that I didn’t care about him at all. Hello? I was just asking him for your information, not forcing him, though I might have been a bit asking too many times, so he couldn’t just angry at me like that, right? And it was getting worse when he ate my favourite candy without giving me any at all! *sulks*

The fight wasn’t getting better when Ryo and Tat - chan came in rescue. Well actually, it was getting worse. You wonder why? Because in the end Ryo and Tat - chan was having their regular fight again. I don’t remember how they started their fight, it was like both of them were arguing about something, and then Tat - chan started taking sides with Kazu, as Ryo with me.

Ah well, Kazu was definitely not PMS-ing right? I wonder now.. He’s a guy right? Arghh!! I can’t take it! All I need is the time, the time for us to enjoy together. It has been quite some time since we were dating. Oughhh!! I hated that!


Hi there. A continuation, perhaps? We’re okay now I think. It was kind of funny, or strange actually, how we were back to normal. So, I was walking with Ryo - chan to the lift building when we met Kazuya and Tat - chan together, heading to the lift too. And then Tat - chan and Ryo - chan started throwing a tantrum towards each other, yeah their usual fight. They left us silenced, didn’t know what to say or to do when the tantrum was becoming to be something bigger and the situation was getting more awkward. I didn’t remember how, but somehow our eyes met each other, realizing that both of us were in the same condition, then we started laughing.

Ryo - chan and Tat - chan realized our laugh then both of them sent angry glares towards us, told us to shut up, but in the end it was just making us laughing even harder. Okay, that’s weird. But then, I didn’t know how, Ryo - chan and Tat - chan started laughing too. Then Tat - chan took some candies from his bag, which happened to be my favourite candy, gave them to us, each of us got one. Ahh, so sweet. Kazuya seemed to be sorry about ignoring me last time too . Aw right, it was so strange, indeed. But well, in the end we were together again, and I was happy because of that..

Jin loves marshmallow.

Its white color makes Jin remember pureness.

Its sweetness comforts Jin.

Pureness + Comfort equal Kazuya.

Ah, how long had it been since I last writing in you dear? I was sick lately, due to exhaustion maybe. What I knew was that I suddenly felt dizzy when we were practicing our new moves. There were only me with Tat - chan and Nakamaru at that time. They told me to went home earlier and took a rest so that I could feel better. I went home straight with hum.. Who was that? I had forgotten who I went home with. Argh.. Then I went straight to my bed I think. Hum, or I took a bath first? Hmmm… I couldn’t seem to remember much about it sadly… T_T

Hum, after I slept for a moment, I heard my bell rang. I thought that my mom was probably at home so I ignored that, and hey, I was still unwell, right? But it rang again so many times and distracted my sleep, so I woke up, walked to my front door, and opened it. I didn’t really see who was that person since I was suddenly feeling dizzy again, then I fell down. After a moment I realized that it didn’t hurt at all, I mean I fell down right? So it must be hurt. But then I opened my eyes and I saw that Kazuya was there, trying to get a grip of me. He was panicked I think. So I told him that I was okay again. Then he helped me to go to my bed again. He told me that when he arrived at our practice place, he couldn’t see me, so he asked Tat - chan, and Tat - chan told him that I was kind of sick, so I took my leave. He was panicked for sure, but he couldn’t leave the practice easily, so he couldn’t go to see me. Thankfully, the practice ended sooner than expected, so he left our practice place hastily and went straight to my place. It was kind of hard for me to focus on what he was talking about and maybe he realized that, so he forced me to go to sleep again and took some medicine he brought.

I slept for quite some time maybe. But I felt much better when I opened my eyes. I took a look to my sides and saw Kazuya sleeping in a chair beside my bed. I looked at him for some seconds and he suddenly woke up, maybe because he realized some moves or else. He realized then that I was already awake. He asked for my condition and else. Ouw, how I felt love everywhere.. Haha.. Silly me.

Anyway, he asked me whether I was feeling hungry or not, and of course I was. Then he brought a bowl of porridge and a glass of hot chocolate for me. I ate the porridge hungrily. Seriously, sleeping was tiring too. And when I wanted to drink the hot chocolate, Kazuya stopped me, then he walked outside for a while, and when he came back, he brought a bowl inside. I was wondering what was inside the bowl then I saw there were white marshmallow in many shapes. He told me that drinking chocolate with marshmallow would be better. Ahh, he was such a considerate person. I love my Kazu - chan.. ♥♥♥


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