Dribble Drable Bibble Babble...

May 28, 2009 21:59

Poll Random... Filters... Whatever....


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Comments 24

windsweptthumb May 29 2009, 03:46:01 UTC
I am assuming "be on it" means receiving the posts. I figure get everything, If some days I don't want to read them I can always skip them, I can't "unskip" what I am not receiving. Make sense to you?


dependonyou May 29 2009, 16:01:56 UTC
"Be on it" means "be on the filter" which means you would be able to see the posts when logged in, yes. <3

And that definitely makes sense to me. It's what I tend to do.


gracemyheart May 29 2009, 03:49:31 UTC
I already follow you on twitter ;)


dependonyou May 29 2009, 16:02:19 UTC
<3 I totally should've put an "I already follow you on Twitter" option. Oops! XD Ah well.


jessilestrange May 29 2009, 07:25:29 UTC
Meeh, I don't have Twitter. So I don't understand it at all.


dependonyou May 29 2009, 16:04:37 UTC
Not much to understand, really. People post short things they want to share/say on Twitter. I used to chose to have those made into one long post and posted dailing on LJ, but got too many complaints, so took it down. I'm trying to see if anyone who doesn't use Twitter would like to/care to see what I have to share with them. ::shrugs:: Just whatever pops in my brain. It's usually rather random. Everything from "I love the smell of rain" to "I can't believe these people are being such assholes!" And anything else I can think of to say.


jessilestrange May 29 2009, 17:06:09 UTC
Rofl. My bad~
I had this odd thought that something had hacked your LJ, but then it kept showing up and with different dates so I was sort of like 'wtf? lol.'

I can't remember if I answered with a yes or a no, but put me on the filter if you want.


dependonyou May 29 2009, 18:41:31 UTC
I'm sorry you thought that. O.o I was trying very hard to put messages to make things as smooth as possible, but apparently there were/are very few people who actually read the content, and most of the people who commented were Twitter-haters. >.> Needless to say, I was very discouraged by the entire thing.

And to quote a new favorite...

"It's not what I want; it's what you want."

So if you want on the filter, I'll put you there. If you don't, then I won't. ;op I'm not choosing for you.


electricfreight May 29 2009, 10:12:27 UTC
I like Pie... XD


dependonyou May 29 2009, 16:26:42 UTC
Amazing, me too! What a coincidence! ^_~ What kind of pie do you like?

I'm a rebel (or a Floridiot); I like key lime pie...

And cherry or apple when done right, usually with a scoop of vanilla icecream...

Oooh, and pumpkin!

Okay maybe I just like pie, in a broad, far reaching scope.


electricfreight May 29 2009, 16:49:12 UTC
I'm more of a savoury pie fan myself though that may be just my British-ness coming through. Nothing beats a good old Chicken and Mushroom pie or a Steak Pie. Yummy.


dependonyou May 29 2009, 16:59:04 UTC
GAH, I'm definitely also a savory pie fan. Thing is, my American-ness showing through, I haven't had many. It is a great regret in my life. Hmm, wonder if I have any good savory pie recipies in any of the cookbooks back home. Or maybe... you wouldn't happen to have any good ones to share? XD


ssfseiyakou May 29 2009, 10:24:32 UTC
For the 365 pictures, it isn't because you don't have enough to take pictures of - but that's a lot of pictures over a long time. I'm pretty sure 99.9% of people "doing it" will forget about it after a while.

If you want to take pictures and post them, do it. Just do it whenever. No need to meme.


dependonyou May 29 2009, 16:57:18 UTC
Eh, I meant to do it as a meme and not a meme at the same time. Basically I've been inspired by what I've seen lately, and think that if I force myself to find something I feel is worth taking a picture of every day, it will bring a lot more positivity into my life. If that makes sense at all? Mostly I intend to do it, and if I can't remember or don't find anything I feel is worth sharing, I probably won't take anything and won't decide "oh I missed a day guess I fail". XD Just keep trucking as long as I can keep it up, because it's something I'd like to do and share. I may fall off the bandwagon too, but I see it as looking at the small things and going "look, see? There's something worthwile in every day!"

So I guess what I'm trying to say is "yea, thanks, I think I'll do that." ^^ Mostly I'm just calling it by the meme because that's what has inspired me...


jessilestrange May 29 2009, 19:31:34 UTC
I'd do that too, but my photography skills *suck*, so I'll stick with my usual complaints and YouTube/.gif spams. But anyway, I think you should go with that.
Pictures are interesting. Pictures worth a thousand words?


dependonyou May 29 2009, 20:41:01 UTC
I don't know if my photography skills are any better. All I have is my camera phone after all. XD But I shall try! And yes, that is exactly what I'm hoping to work towards. Or at the very least "Amie sucks at showing how much she really does love her life, so she'll do it in pictures." We'll see what it becomes I guess.


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