Apr 30, 2009 16:57

Yes, this deserves CAPSLOCK. Deal with it. Look. Looky look!

Not sure what you're looking at, exactly? Look again. CLOSER.

dependonyouI HAVE A NEW LAYOUT ( Read more... )


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Comments 29

ilikebigtoes April 30 2009, 21:01:43 UTC
it's so pretty!


dependonyou April 30 2009, 21:03:23 UTC
Isn't it?!? It makes me happy!

Hmmmm, looks like it'll need a few tweaks, though. The comment box is all black, so I had to highlight to read what you'd said. And it's nearly impossible to see my tags. XD But that's just little stuff. WOO, layout! ::spazzflail::


tenaya_owlcat April 30 2009, 21:05:39 UTC
Very nice layout! I was pretty happy when I switched my old one to the one I have now, so I can relate. :)


dependonyou April 30 2009, 21:10:09 UTC

Your layout is pretty damn awesome, too!


tenaya_owlcat April 30 2009, 21:12:45 UTC
Thank you! :) I absolutely LOVE Pride and Prejudice, and making a layout based on it made me feel very pleased with myself. ;)

Now I just need to finish my P&P mood icon set... :P


dependonyou April 30 2009, 21:15:49 UTC
I totally wrote out an awesome reply, then clicked outside the box so I could scroll down... and accidentally clicked on a tag. OOPS. Definitely going to have to get used to this! Ah well, anyway. For serious. Mood Themes are win. I'll eventually make myself one, but for now I'm happy with my 10th Kingdom awesomeness.


electricfreight April 30 2009, 21:11:25 UTC




*fangirl spazzes*


dependonyou April 30 2009, 21:13:50 UTC
ILU. For serious. I totally figured most people would've been all "Who is he and why do you have him on your layout, anyway?" You know? I can't help it. At least he's legal and not all that much younger than me? XD It's totally okay to have a fangirl crush on him!

See also... ::steals all his wardrobe, both clothes and hats, because it's just so snazzy!::


electricfreight April 30 2009, 21:19:52 UTC
You and me are the Ryan's Hats Appreciation Girls, XD XD

I would so have him as my layout if I could... though once I either figure out CSS and make a layout, find someone to help me, or find someone who can make one for me, my layout will be Yaten Orientated... probably Momoko!Yaten, ^_^ As if that wasn't obvious, XD

But Lucas is just... *drool* Totally worth watching High School Musical JUST for him... ^_^ There was an interview with him in the Stage magazine/newspaper last year and when I saw it I totally fangirled... There was a big double page spread of a picture of him too. ^_^

And make sure you share some of his hats with me!!! I want the green one from HSM1, ^_^


dependonyou April 30 2009, 21:25:25 UTC
I'm sure you'll find someone. Maybe you can hire AmiCat, since she did such a great job of mine! XD

Momoko!Yaten would make an awesome layout.

Yay for the Lucas Hat Fanclub! >.> <.< >.> ::runs away with all the hats:: I swear, I never even used to consider wearing hats until I became a Lucas fangirl. I just don't like him as much hatless. ;-;

Woo, double page spread pictures? Man, that must've been awesome. ::steals said article since she hasn't seen it::

... share? >.> Okay... but just a couple! XD ::surrenders green hat from HSM1::


ceruleanechoes April 30 2009, 23:03:05 UTC
Ah, yes, text tweak-age needed o.O Actually it'll probably be better if I tweak the comment box background. Otherwise the text won't show up when people are writing the comments. I will code-check forth-with.


ceruleanechoes April 30 2009, 23:06:24 UTC
Also would you mind if I removed the coding for the tag and location background? The short yellow bit is nifty but it looks a bit...odd and out of place on the actual layout.


dependonyou May 1 2009, 04:18:36 UTC
Those little boxes that go under the words, on either side of my mood theme image? Yea, tweak it out of there. I was wondering why it didn't line up right for me. I guess you're seeing the same thing, then. Do whatever you feel is necessary.


ceruleanechoes May 1 2009, 14:11:42 UTC
I sent you a re-coded version.
Would you like me to try and get the tag list different also? Either get the font a bit larger or change the color?


ssfseiyakou May 1 2009, 00:09:15 UTC
I fall into the "who is that" category, but I do like the layout very much!


dependonyou May 1 2009, 04:22:44 UTC
S'okay, I know that not everyone is a huge Disney fanatic like Joel and I are, and not everyone I know would watch the High School Musical series because, well, High School Musical. XD They're surprisingly good, though, if you're into that sort of thing. I got hooked. The actor in my layout plays my favorite character in those movies. These are technically "in character" pictures of him, but of outfits not worn in the movies. And yea, AmiCat does an amazing job on layouts. <3


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