It Figures, Really

May 08, 2007 13:50

I would start thinking about money, saving money, and avoiding frivelous spending... and then start looking up discount rates for Disney. Well, can you blame me? We were supposed to go to Disney months ago, and things always came up. I don't think it's really that bad of me to consider not phasing out the plan entirely, but instead trying to ( Read more... )

stuff, disney

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Comments 14

lokechild May 8 2007, 18:41:25 UTC
I want to go to Disney, since I've never been. Though, it looks like I never will at the rate I'm going.

Hope you can go, sweetie. Take lots of pics! lol :)


dependonyou May 8 2007, 20:10:08 UTC
Disney is absolutely amazing... And if we manage to go at some point, I'll definitely post pictures.


dusktodawn May 8 2007, 19:17:51 UTC


rawdealprincess May 8 2007, 19:23:18 UTC
Yeah, that's about my thoughts on it too.

Amie, you really shouldn't tempt me like this...


dependonyou May 8 2007, 20:11:08 UTC
You're not the only one being tempted, love. I know... I shouldn't post about stuff like this and get our hopes up or anything. But hey, at least it saves the link for us for when we can afford it. One day... up the line... ::hugs tight::


dependonyou May 8 2007, 20:10:20 UTC
::whimpers with you guys::


memoryanddream May 8 2007, 19:31:17 UTC
It's really not as bad as it might appear. Especially if you book during one of their free dining programs because you get free food for the length of your stay. (Huge savings ( ... )


dependonyou May 8 2007, 20:13:32 UTC
There are free dining programs? O.o Wow, I'd never heard of such things!!! o.O Do tell!

I'll have to keep those websites handy when we do start looking (although be warned, your comment may get screened since this post is sponsored and I'm not sure the sponsor would approve of links to other companies, even if I didn't put it there, you know? ::hugs::

Oh yes, Disney is certainly worth the experience. I've never been let down in all the times I have been there. Mmm, Disney... gah, how I miss it so.

Ooo, more sites with cool info. Definitely going to have to keep those, too. Thanks, dearheart!


memoryanddream May 8 2007, 20:19:01 UTC
For the last few years, they've been doing a program if you travel between certain dates but book a set amount of time head of time, you get free dining. It's good for a counter service meal (quick food like pizza, burgers, chicken, sandwiches, etc.) a snack, and a sit-down (at one of almost all the restaurants on property) per person, per day. It's a fantastic value because you'll get more food than you can eat but it's free.

Aug/Sept- Magic Your Way Plus Free Dining ( ... )


dependonyou May 8 2007, 20:34:14 UTC
::gapes:: Now that is an amazing package. Now, if only they'd do that for a later booking date and later travel date, as the current travel dates they have are, well... major convention season for our two home cons... not good time for us to be galavanting away to Disney and spending all our cash. ;op


pristine13 May 9 2007, 15:53:01 UTC
Since we don't chat on AIM, or in Chatzy anymore, I figured I should just post here. How's it going with watching Damekko and picking out characters? Is AWA still something you want to do together? It would just be nice to know since the days seem to be passing by so quickly, and it would suck for you to have to rush through making costumes. :(


dependonyou May 9 2007, 19:42:25 UTC
I'm sorry I'm never around lately. >.< I suck. You can feel free to pop me an email whenever you like. I try to keep up with at least that...

I'd love to still do AWA.

We haven't watched any more of Damekko... been very busy.

I'd probably just fill in a gap where needed. Joel likely won't be able to attend, although that's debatable at this point.

My brain seems to just be processing the absolute cost of making these costumes, and is balking. They're fairly simple, but they're, well, fur. Are any of us (not just myself) really going to have the funds to make complete fur bodysuits? Faux fur is one of the most pricey fabrics out there, aside from silks, bridals, embroideries, and the like...


pristine13 May 10 2007, 12:16:59 UTC
I don't remember your e-mail address. :(

As for the costumes... who says we have to make them out of fur? I don't think they look like fur in the cartoon... they look more like just a plain, non-textured, non-patterned cloth. Like sweatsuits, but without the separation between shirt and pants. Sweatsuits are just made out of cotton fabric, right?

As for the owl, all you'd have to do is cut out something in the shape of a wing and then draw the black lines that are the dilineations for his 'feathers' on them with black permanent marker or a cheap acrylic paint.

So at that point, I'd say the costumes are actually going to be CHEAPER than, say, the yukata Brian and I made for JACON. Not as cheap as my Reki from Haibane Renmei outfit, but that's because that was mostly made up of just pieces of regular clothing from thrift stores XD

Does that sound about right to you?


dependonyou May 10 2007, 12:44:36 UTC
UntraditionalFairyGodmother [at] gmail [dot] com

I suppose you're right. I wasn't just worried for myself, so much as all of us, but yea. I just hope the wigs aren't too awful for those of us who would need them...

Hai, I suppose I could do that. I doubt that Joel will be in the group, though, like I said, so the point is rather moot...

That sounds fine with me. I need to rewatch the series so I can get back into the swing of things. I've recently watched another few series (one of which I bet you'd simply ADORE both to watch and to cosplay), and I've got them on my mind at the moment, so it's hard to really choose whom I would like to cosplay...


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