FIC: Second Chances 1/1 OaT/XF (Mac/Victor, Alex gen Pg-13)

Apr 11, 2009 12:58

Title: Second Chances
Genre: gen, crossover XF, ficlet
Pairings: Mac/Victor, Alex
Rating: Pg-13
Prompt: X-Files/Once a Thief, Alex Krycek/Victor Mansfield, Gemini written for comment_fic
WC: 550

Victor barely stepped off the elevator before he ran into Mac. “Whoa…” as Mac literally swept him up into a fierce bear hug one that lifted him off the ground. “Oh God, fuck it wasn’t you-damn it Vic, I thought it was you. Thought I lost you pulled you - him, out of Gemini. Oh fuck, didn’t want to believe it, but you, he… fuck, the two of you are identical.” Mac gripped him tighter, his lips hot against Victor’s ear.

“Thought I was losing you, you stopped breathing. The blood, there was so much fucking blood. It didn’t make sense cause it wasn’t you, but you just kept staring, asking why?” Mac hiccuped his breath ragged.

Victor felt the wetness against his cheek, his mind raced as he tried to make sense of what Mac was saying. Had tried to pull away, but Mac wasn’t having it- only gripped and pulled him in tighter.

Hard click of heels moving swiftly toward them interrupted. Though he couldn’t see anything from the way Mac was holding him he turned expectantly. Then stilled hearing a sharp intake of breath followed by a ramble of Cantonese swearing that he knew had to be LiAnn, then unexpectedly someone else, though female was shorter than LiAnn, slammed against his body.

His heart raced, though he could barely hear through her crying jag and muffled, “Moose.” It was his sister, here, now…his mind was screaming, what the fuck is going on?

Startled, though only a few seconds behind, he finally voiced the words, hoping someone would, could give him a straight answer. “Someone want to tell me what the fuck is going on?”

He heard a terse “tsk” his head moving toward the sound. It was the Director, standing there waiting, impatiently.

He felt like he just entered the twilight zone. His stomach rolled, as he tried to pull back a forced smile slid across his lips, “Alice, Mac, it’s okay seriously. I’m just fine, okay? Alive and well.” With one hand firm and steady on Mac’s hip, to coax and guide him back while his other hand held and tried to soothe his sister. Only to stop and openly gape as he took in Mac’s appearance; he was filthy from head to toe, his suit caked in blood, his face smeared, streaks from tears trailed down his face.

He was about to pull Mac back into an embrace when he felt the Director’s eyes on him. Looking over, he silently demanded an answer.

She nodded and inclined her head indicting he should take a look. Turning he saw a room with a glass partition. One patient inside, an ICU room; similar to what you’d see on TV.

He just lay there unconscious, wires and tubes running over his body hooked up to machines. Even from where Victor stood, he could see who… but how. He pushed away and walked toward the window - it couldn’t be, he was dead.

But the truth was staring right at him. It was his face, his twin, Alex, and he was alive. Though barely by everyone’s reaction, but it didn’t matter, not now. Alex was here and he was alive, and Victor was going to do everything in his power to make sure that this time it stayed that way.


genre: gen, snip-fics, fandom: xfiles, xover, fandom: oat

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