dv and kv, Desert, and the Ark, Meeting New Friends and Memories

Jan 13, 2010 03:00

Jazz:  *sitting on a sun-warmed rock beside Kriti, his visor down as he looks across the darkening desert*

Kriti: *cradling Dolly, quietly watching the sky as it darkens from sunset to twilight, a slightly distant look in her optics*

Jazz:  *softly, without turning his head*  Lookit them colours.

Kriti: *nodnod, doesn't take her gaze away from what she and Jazz are watching* Pretty....

Jazz:  Mmmmm.  *nods, then turns his head slightly toward what he thinks might be a PINpoint flash*

kv Eclipse: *looking around, and wondering if she should've come at all, because this isn't what she was expecting*

Starscream:  *clinging around her neck, his little optics wide*

Jazz:  Somebody over there, Bitty.

Kriti: *Blink blink, frown, looks that way* ... *puzzled chirp*

Jazz:  Stay here.  *gets to his feet and walks toward the strangers*

Starscream:  Eclipse, there's someone!  *is a bit scared*

kv Eclipse: *froowwwwwns at Jazz, protective stance, will fight to keep Starscream safe if she absolutely has to!*

Jazz:  *has spotted that tiny Seeker, and recognizes the tech on these two*  Hey, easy now, lil' lady.  Ol' Jazz ain't interested in no fightin' if he don't gotta.

Starscream:  *pause*  Jazz?

kv Eclipse: ... *blink blink*

Jazz:  *slight grin and a bit of posing*  In the metal, kiddo.

Starscream:  *looks at Eclipse*

Eclipse: *Soft snerk* Yeah... that's definitely a Jazz....

Jazz:  *grins a little wider*  So you're you?  'N who're ya lookin' for?

Eclipse: *small grin* I'm Eclipse... *reaches to gently pat Starscream's hand*

Jazz:  *horns twitch slightly*  I heard of an Eclipse, but I don't think you're her.  She got the same tech I do.

Eclipse: ... *slight headtilt, before her optics widen* You're the same kinda tech as that one jerky mech was!!!

Jazz:  *visibly hits a mental wall*  Jerky?

Eclipse: *nods* Yeah... he wasn't very nice, and he picks on the Eclipse where he's from... *scowl*

Jazz:  ...This mech gotta name?

Eclipse: *nodnod* He said his name was WakeJumper... but he's nothing like the one back home.

Jazz:  *slight frown*  Can't be th' guy I know, he's just an itty bitty thing.

Eclipse: ...Oh... well, the one we met was a jerk, and I hope I never run into him again. *clearly has forgotten why she and Starscream came here*

Jazz:  So... you guys explorin'?  *lifts his visor and gives them a quizzical look from his soft brown optics*

Eclipse: ... Er... *blink blink, looks to Starscream* Why'd we come, again?

Starscream:  *shrill little whisper as he leans close to her audio*  We wanted to see Kriti.

Eclipse: Oh, yeah... *grins to Jazz* We wanted to meet Kriti.

Jazz:  *tips his head a little*  'N how you know about Kriti?

Eclipse: Ratchet, Bumblebee, Orion Pax, 'n Ariel've told us about her...

Jazz:  *looks at them thoughtfully, then looks back toward the rock, where Kriti's nearly invisible in the darkness but for her optics*  //Bitty, you wanna meet some kids from yer own reality?//

Kriti: //Kids?// *carefully climbing off of the rock*

Jazz:  //Yeah, this lil' gal ain't that much bigger'n you.  'N this little Screamer... *chuckle*//

Kriti: *hunkers down by the rock, hiding her face against Dolly* *wibble apparent in her voice* //B-but Starscream's a 'Con....//

Jazz:  //Don'tcha remember what yer Hatchet said, baby girl?  All the 'Cons got bittied.//

Kriti: *peeking at Jazz*

Jazz:  *excuses himself to Eclipse and Starscream, then goes back to where the little blue femme is crouched to offer her a hug*

Kriti: *clings to Jazz*

Jazz:  *softly*  Want me ta explain t' 'em yer scared?  Ol' Screamer's smaller'n Dolly is.

Kriti: *nodnod, snugglecling*

Jazz:  You wanna come with?  'Re should I putcha down?

Kriti: Wanna come with.

Jazz:  *offers her his hand, his optics shining softly in the desert darkness*

Kriti: *gonna hide behind you now, Jazz. She'll still hold onto your hand though*

Jazz:  *gently and slowly leads her over to the two other younglings*

Starscream:  *totally hidden behind Eclipse's back, except for two tiny blue hands on her shoulder*

Eclipse: *has a hand over one of Starscream's, offering quiet reassurances*

Kriti: *occasionally peeks out at the strangers, but doesn't move from behind Jazz*

Jazz:  *puts his free hand back to comfort her* Kriti-girl, this is Eclipse.  And that's Starscream back behind 'er.  'Clipse, this's Kriti.

Eclipse: *trying to get a good look at Kriti* *Softly* Awwww!

Starscream:  o.0  *must peek*  *beeeg optics inch over the edge of Eclipse's shoulder*

Kriti: *peeking, squeaks and ducks back behind Jazz when she meets optics with Starscream*

Starscream:  *does just like she does, except that he nearly falls off Eclipse's back*

Eclipse: *Acks softly and focuses on keeping Starscream on her back*

Jazz:  *just watching and being supportive*

Kriti: *peeks again, slight wibble, hesitant clicks*

Starscream:  *instinctively makes tiny clicks back though he's not peeking again.*

Eclipse: *trying to be comforting and encourage Starscream at the same time*

Kriti: *scoots just the slightest bit away from Jazz, continues to click at the other clicky one*

Starscream:  *clicking back, but now he wants Eclipse to hold him in her arms, because he's kinda scared by the other sparklet's initial fright*

Eclipse: *Soothing clicks, is more than happy to hold Starscream in her arms*

Jazz:  *can't help himself, he 'd'awws' at the tiny Seeker*

Starscream:  *hide against Eclipse!*

Kriti: *more clicks, steps a bit more from behind Jazz*

Eclipse: *soothing sounds as she gently rubs Starscream's back, being mindful of his wings*

Starscream:  *still with the tiny clicks.  Saying he's a baby and just little and wants to be friends*

Kriti: *scoots a bit closer, still clicking, even as she reaches to gently tickle Starscream's foot*

Starscream:  *startled jump, and he turns to look at her with those big purple optics*

Kriti: *clicks soothingly, her own purple optics studying the little mech curiously*

Starscream:  *shy headtilt*  *she's so big!  Was growing strange?*

Kriti: *Soft clicks* *heeey, this guy IS little... Wants cuddles?*

Starscream:  *not sure.  Snuggles against Eclipse.  Big sister makes him feel safe when so many people don't like him*

Kriti: *gentle patpat. Considering look, slight headtilt as she tries to remember how big the pad in the main sitting area is*

Starscream:  *tiny little hand out to feel Dolly's hair, his face full of curiosity about the toy*

Kriti: *Tells Starscream about Dolly, and asks him if he'd like to hold the toy*

Starscream:  *brow plates UP*  You want to share your dolly with me?

Kriti: *nodnod*

Jazz:  *proud grin*

Eclipse: *softly going "D'aww!"*

Starscream:  *quietly*  You're not afraid I'll hurt her?

Kriti: *headshake* Bumble can't even hurt her...

Starscream:  *uncertain look, but gently pulls the big soft toy into his arms and clicks at her*

Jazz:  *grinning*  *to Eclipse*  Yer people know where yer at?

Eclipse: Prowl does...

Jazz:  He in charge 'a ya?

Starscream:  *quietly, still talking to Kriti and Dolly*  He's my mentor.

Kriti: *Blink blink, looks at Eclipse*

Eclipse: 'n my teacher f'r the stuff that Red doesn't teach me....

Jazz:  Alright.  You two wanna come back 'n have a drink're somethin' ta eat?

Eclipse: *blink blink, looks to Starscream* Should we?

Starscream:  *Small voice as he looks back at her*  Are they strangers?

Eclipse: *small frown as she thinks, before she shakes her head* Remember what Ratchet 'n Uncle Jazz said? There's a version'a Perceptor here, too...

Kriti: *perks* Is Papa! *grin*

Starscream:  *looks at Kriti*  Papa?

Kriti: *nodnod* Perceptor is papa.

Starscream:  Ohhhhh.  *thinks he understands*

Kriti: *happy 'wing perk, reaches for Jazz's hand* Back home now?

Jazz:  *gives her hand a gentle squeeze*  That sound good ta me, bittyKriti.

Eclipse: How far away are we?

Jazz:  *nods toward one particular black lump in the desert landscape*  Jes' a quick drive.

Eclipse: *griiiin, one that Starscream might recognize*

Starscream:  *joyful giggle, his fears forgotten*  *gently offers Dolly back to Kriti*

Kriti: *curious as she accepts Dolly*

Jazz:  Oh, I know that grin.  *very similar expression*

Kriti: ... *chirrup?*

Starscream:  *transforms and shoots up into the air*  We're going to race!

Kriti: ... *small pout, looks to Jazz*

Jazz:  *looks up, still grinning*  Not this time, lil' guy.  Kriti don't gotta alt yet.

Starscream:  ...Oh.  *bitty jet is disappointed*

Eclipse: *small frown, running an idea through her processor* I've still got the data from my first alt-mode... *looks at Jazz* Would I get into trouble if I shared it with her?

Jazz:  *quizzical look at Kriti*  Would Percy git mad, baby girl?

Kriti: Umm... *slight headtilt, will ask*

Eclipse: *slightly fidgety as she waits for an answer*

Jazz:  *reaching playfully for the little tiny jet*

Kriti: *big grin as she nods* Is okay.

Eclipse: You can accept databursts, right? *Grins at Kriti's nod* Okay!

Jazz:  *soft laugh as he makes another pass at Starscream, who is dancing just out of reach*

Kriti: *optics flash as she accepts the data, small nod, before her armor begins to shift and change in response. Then, she's transforming for the first time*

Jazz:  *stops and cheers for her, his fist in the air*  Lookit you, Bitty!

Kriti: *is now a sleek motorcycle, revvs her engine in celebration* I c'n race now!

Jazz:  *whistles approvingly, and then transforms himself, his engine revving in playful challenge*

Eclipse: *Perky grin before she's transforming as well*

Kriti: We go?

Jazz:  Wanna head start?  *more revving*

Kriti: Nuh-uh. *revvs engine*

Starscream:  *gone!  And back.  And GONE!*

Eclipse: Starscream! Wait for us! *laughs and revvs her engine as well*

Jazz:  Ready!  Set!  G....

Eclipse: *spins her tires, takes off*

Kriti: Ack! No fair! *Takes off after Eclipse*

Jazz:  *spins gravel and sand as he pursues*

*The four have a pleasant visit at Kriti and Jazz's home, with cubes to eat, and sweet energon to drink, and the big soft thing in the living room to lay on.  Starscream's sound asleep hugging Bumblebee(who'd been asleep already when they arrived) by the time Prowl comes calling for his proteges*

Eclipse: *asleep, snuggling with the rest of the youngbots*

Blackie:  *clicking softly and trying to help Prowl get Bumblebee unfastened from Starscream*

Jazz:  *coming back*  Percy 'n Kia can't leave their big experiment without it goin' poof, so looks like I gotta play host.

Prowl: *looks up, surprised*

Jazz:  You gonna need help carryin' 'Clipse?  *grins at Prowl with no sign of recognition for the other mech*

Bumblebee:  *fussy little sound and lets go Starscream to rub her optics*

Blackie:  *picks her up and cuddles her close, clicking*

Prowl: I might... *considering look* You're Jazz, correct?

Jazz:  *sunny grin*  Thass me.

Prowl: ... *another soft chuckle* No wonder the one back home was so amused....

Kriti: *Soft sound, moves to snuggle against Blackie*

Jazz:  *chuckle and shrug one shoulder*  Hey, I thought he was pretty fly fer a white guy.  *yes, he knows it's a bad joke*

Prowl: ... *doesn't quite get the joke, will gently cradle Starscream close*

Jazz:  *expression softens*  He's pretty darn cute.

Prowl: *small smile* He's part of the family.... *glances to the blue form snuggling against Blackout* As is Kriti...

Jazz:  *also looks at the youngster*  *softly*  Well now, Bitty's part 'a ours, too.

Prowl: *nod* And by extension, you're also part of the family...

Jazz:  D'awww.  That makes me feel fuzzy.  :D

Prowl: *blink blink, wonders if this is another one of those metaphors he always seems to have trouble with*

Jazz:  *slaps the taller mech gently on the arm, and then goes over to see if he can't get Eclipse's arm around his shoulders and lift her away from Kriti*

Eclipse: *limp as a wet dishrag, snuggles close to Jazz*

Jazz:  *braces his legs*  Okay, man.  Jes' touch me 'n PINpoint out.  Blackie, babe, I'll be back pretty soon, okay?

Blackie:  *shy smile and a nod*

Prowl: *nods and does so, bringing Jazz and the youngbots to a room with orange metal walls, and a single berth against one of the walls. The objects on the bookshelf suggest that this is Eclipse's room, and that she shares it with Starscream*

Jazz:  *moves over to lower the young femme to the berth, then arranges her so she's comfortable*

Prowl: *Gently sets Starscream down next to Eclipse and covers both youngbots with a blanket*

Eclipse: *Curls up around Starscream, protective of the young sparklet even as she sleeps*

Starscream:  *clicks and cuddles, his small hands seeking the blanket before he settles with a sigh*

Jazz:  *watches this*  *softly*  They really are fric 'n frac, huh?

Prowl: *nod* *softly* They're inseperable... Similar to how Wheelie and WakeJumper are inseperable... Though at a far greater level... *brief flash of sadness crosses his features*

Jazz:  *browplates draw together as he sees that sadness*  Hey, man, what's wrong?

Prowl: *quietly* How much time do you have before you need to return to your reality?

Jazz:  Blackie 'n Bumble'll be alright fer awhile.  *watching him, still with that slight frown of concern*

Prowl: *small nod, moves to head out of the room* Would you come with me?

Jazz:  Sure.  *moves to walk by Prowl's side, silent, though his optics are quizzical*

Prowl: *leads Jazz to the rec room, where a red and blue mech and a pink femme are watching tv with two orange sparklets, one of whom is providing a running commentary on what's being shown on the screen. The other is simply watching, though his attention does go to Prowl and Jazz briefly*

Jazz:  *looks at the family group, then looks at Prowl with unwonted seriousness*  I ain't too old myself yet, man.  Sometimes you gotta point out what I needta see.

Prowl: *nods to the two sparklets* Take another look at the kids... The larger one is WakeJumper.

Jazz:  *looks*  Gotta kinda lost look in 'is eyes.

Prowl: *nods, sighs quietly* The rest of the Aquabots were amongst the casualties in the assault on Unicron.

Jazz:  *brown optics can look spark wrenchingly sad*  'N he remembers 'em.

Prowl: *gives Jazz a puzzled look* How can he not? They were the ones who took him in after his home was destroyed and his creators killed...

Jazz:  *slight, puzzled frown of his own, though it's turned inward*  Yeah....  Right.  *optics back to WakeJumper and they hold sympathy now, sadness, and a tiny bit of a haunted look*

WakeJumper: *briefest change in expression, before he's moving ever so slightly to snuggle against the femme*

Jazz:  *goes over and offers he and Wheelie each a nice chewy pink cube*

Wheelie: *blink blink, thanks Jazz after the mech he's cuddling against says it's okay to accept the goodie, Nom!*

WakeJumper: *small nod, squishes the cube a bit before taking a small bite out of it*

Jazz:  *grins at them, though the sadness is still in his optics.  Nods to the blue and red mech, but shows no recognition for him*

Femme: *slight headtilt, remembering what the local Jazz said after he and Ratchet returned from their last trip to see Kriti* *gently* Jazz?

Jazz:  *looks at her*  Yes'm?

Femme: *pats a spot on the couch next to WakeJumper* We've got room... *the unspoken "If you'd like to snuggle" clear on her face and in her actions*

Jazz:  *slight grin*  I gotta lady 'n a lil' bit at home waitin' ta do that, ma'am.  But thanks fer the offer.

Femme: *soft chuckle* You don't have to "ma'am" me... I'm not Elita-One anymore...

Jazz:  *pause*  ...Din' know that's who ya was.  I jes' figure it's best ta be safe around strange ladies.  Specially pretty ones when their mech's right there beside 'em.

mech: *amused snerk* Even if he knows you're someone to be trusted?

Femme: Orion... Don't tease him... *gives the mech a fond look, before returning her attention to Jazz*

Jazz:  *quietly, though he's smiling*  See, I don't know you either.  I don't gotta lot from before.

Orion: *Small nod, serious mech is serious* I used to be Optimus Prime.... *and if Jazz looks a bit closer, he may be able to see traces of Optimus in Orion's build and mannerisms* Ever since the war officially ended, I've been in retirement... Sort of...

Wheelie: *nodnod, has finished his treat* Went and fought Unicron 'n sent the Quintessons packing! *grin*

Jazz:  *has a grin for the sparklet*  Did 'e?  Well now!

WakeJumper: *expression darkens slightly at the mention of Unicron*

Jazz:  *sees that and winces inside.  Offers both youngsters each another goodie*  *quietly*  I hardly remember my Op.

Wheelie: *Happy noises after he thanks Jazz for this goodie*

WakeJumper: *small headshake, is still working on the first*

Jazz:  *offers the little cube to Orion instead*  He's got a lot ta do.  Not really any time fer younglin's.

Orion: *small chuckle as he accepts the cube* Let's hope he gets to have a chance to actually spend time not working...

Femme: *snerks, ducking her head a bit*

Prowl: *also snerking a bit*

Jazz:  *slight shrug with none of the teasing and laughing that usually comes from a Jazz on the subject of an Optimus*

Orion: *Razzes Prowl and the femme, earning more snickering for his efforts*

Jazz:  *will chuckle at that, though!*

WakeJumper: *Regarding the grownups with a bit of pain flickering in his optics, ducks against the femme again*

Wheelie: *moves to pounce on WakeJumper*

Jazz:  *saw WakeJumper's expression and takes a step back*  Guess I better get goin'.

Prowl: *small nod, also saw WakeJumper's expression, but knows Wheelie will be able to keep the other sparklet distracted* Thank you for your help with Eclipse. Please come and visit again when you've got the time.

Wheelie: *is earning squeaks of protest from WakeJumper, mostly due to the fact that he's tickling the older sparklet*

Jazz:  No problem, man.  *grins, though the sad is still in his optics*  *smacks Prowl gently on the arm and turns to step out of the room before he PINpoints home*

Kriti: *now using Blackout's lap as a pillow*

Jazz: *lays down and pulls the three femmes close, then shutters his optics and activates sleep mode*

((co-written with random_xtras))
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