Nexus and Joeverse, By the sign, and the Pit, Alternates

Dec 05, 2009 23:15

Wheeljack:  *walking along to the Transformers' mess, yakking at Wakejumper... and suddenly finds himself staring at a sign.*  Ow....

WakeJumper: *startled noise, goes to fuss over Wheeljack, realizes that the noises she's hearing are different than the noises she's used to in the Pit* ... Wheeljack? Where are we?

Wheeljack:  *slow turn, sensors at the max*  I wish I knew....

Keepsake:  Look, Clipsie!  It's a Jack!

Wheeljack:  Buh?

Eclipse: Huh? oooh!!! *carefully shifts the sleeping bittySides, and the zoned-out mechlet on her back, before moving to approach Wheeljack and WakeJumper* First timers?

WakeJumper: *wiiiide optics, trying to hide behind Wheeljack now, kthx*

Wheeljack:  0_0  *wondering just what the heck he's looking at here*  Uh... first time we ben here.  And how do you know my name?  'Cause I'm pretty sure I never metcha before.

Eclipse: *Glances to Keepsake* Do you wanna explain it, or should I?

Keepsake:  You talk more anyway.  *teasing grin at sister*

Eclipse: *Razzes Keepsake* XP

bittySides: *Sleepy squeak*

Keepsake:  *laughs, and then pats the chibi*

Wheeljack:  *notices the little guys and looks absolutely horrified*

WakeJumper: *going O_O at the littles* Sh-Should you be out and about with them? *Worry*

Eclipse: *blink blink, gently patpats bittySides' back* It's better than keeping Sideswipe cooped up indoors all the time... and besides, between Keepsake and me, there's no way anybody'd be able to hurt him because they'd be dealing with the two of us and besides, there's an Anti-Violence Field here and most people aren't the type to go and cause trouble because that's a really good way to get LOL'd and those aren't any fun...

hsvWJ: *blink blink, peeks over Eclipse's shoulder to see who she's talking to, small snerk, goes back to pretending to be Desinex zoning out*

Wheeljack:  *staring and blinking*  Primus, you sound like Bluestreak.

Keepsake:  *snerk*

Eclipse: *blink* Well... he is my Dad...

Wheeljack:  0_o  ....He.  Waitaminnit, what'd you call that baby?

Eclipse: *nods, then glances down to bittySides* This is Sideswipe... he's not supposed to be this little... he's a chibi right now because of a LOL spell that happened a few weeks back...

WakeJumper: ...*confused* So he's not a baby?

Keepsake:  No more than he usually is.

WakeJumper: ...

Wheeljack:  *lights blinking agitatedly*

Eclipse: *on a different topic now, her own earlights flashing yellow momentarily* Oh! You were wanting to know how Keepsake and I know you're a Wheeljack!

Wheeljack:  *faintly, as he tries to figure out just what the frozen slag is going on here*  Uh... yeah.

Eclipse: *cheery grin that might look a bit familiar, launches into a very rambly and word-filled explanation of the Nexus, alternates, and multiple realities. Wheeljack, you might need a verbal highlighter to figure out what she's going on about...*

hsvWJ: *noise of protest at one point, due to Eclipse adding handflails in with her words*

Wheeljack:  *feeling most of her words going right over his head, despite her lack of height*  *blinks as he realizes something*  You got lights.

Keepsake:  *Snigger*

Eclipse: *blink blink, lost her train of thought*

WakeJumper: *glancing back and forth between Wheeljack and Eclipse* ...She kinda looks like you... but with more parts and stuff...

Wheeljack:  *leans back and tips his head to the side a little as he says from the corner of his mouth*  I'm seein' more of her parts than I wanna, if you know what I mean.

Keepsake:  Did your Perceptor ever say anything about alternate realities?

Wheeljack:  My... uh.  Yeah....

WakeJumper: *hunching down behind Wheeljack again, faceplates heating slightly*

hsvWJ: *peering over Eclipse's shoulder again, a small smirk crossing his face* Never thought you'd meet the daughters of two of your alternates, did you, Wheeljack?

Eclipse: *fussing at hsvWJ* Be nice, Wake... he and his friend are lost and confused and I don't think they really need to be any more processor-broken than they probably already are...

Wheeljack:  *quietly*  ...My whutnow?

WakeJumper: ...*peeking at the mechlet on the smaller femme's back with a decidedly brain-broken expression*

hsvWJ: Alternate. Another version of yourself from a different reality.

Wheeljack:  *plaintively*  I only just gotta wife guys.

Keepsake:  *pauses and looks at the orange femme*  ...Wife?

WakeJumper: *blushing, nods, and moves to duck behind Wheeljack again*

Eclipse: ... *headtilt, regarding WakeJumper with curiosity, gives the mechlet on her back a Look* Be. Nice.

Keepsake:  ...Aren't you WakeJumper?

hsvWJ: *zoning out again, but keeping audios focused on the conversation at hand*

WakeJumper: *Soft squeak, nods, trying to hide behind Wheeljack even more*

Keepsake:  *looking a bit brainbroken herself now as she glances at her sister*

Eclipse: ... *boggling*

hsvWJ: *also boggling*

Wheeljack:  *looking back and forth between the two femmes*  ...M'I missin' somethin' here?

Eclipse: *nod nod, passing bittySides to Keepsake so she can bring the mechlet on her back around to the front*

Keepsake:  *absently holds the little chibi close*  Um....

hsvWJ: ... *eyeing his alternate with a "WTS" expression*

Eclipse: *earlights flashing as she begins to ramble again* You see, the thing is, you're an alternate of my Pa and I don't know if your Bluestreak's around or not but if you're married to an alternate of my mate, I'm sure you have your reasons and all that, it's just kinda wierd knowing that an alternate of my mate and my pa are bonded and that Blue's not bonded to you and it's just very strange to me...

WakeJumper: ... o_o *knees give out on her as she works through what the smaller femme is saying*

Wheeljack:  *jumps as her skidplate hits the pavement*  Uh... Bluestreak was Prowl 'n Smokescreen's little sister.  I never really knew 'er that well.

hsvWJ: ...You're bonded to an alternate of me. That in and of itself is brain-breaking.

Wheeljack:  *blinks at him*  So's you bein' a guy... *makes a guess*  ...'N a chibi.

hsvWJ: *shakes his head* I was attacked and injured by a massive Decepticon awhile back.

Eclipse: *biting her lower lip components slightly*

Wheeljack:  *startles*  Blackout?

hsvWJ: *headshake* Mech named Devastator... a combiner, so he was pretty big... much bigger than I was.

Eclipse: *earlights taking on a darker hue* We almost lost him... *cuddles mate*

Wheeljack:  ...Combiner?

Keepsake:  Mechs that can stick together and make an even bigger Transformer.

Wheeljack:  0_0  *and then he blinks and his optics start to gleam*

WakeJumper: *pulling herself together enough to get up, didn't miss the look on her fiancé's face*

Keepsake:  *also sees that look*  ...Me 'n my big mouth.

WakeJumper: *Quietly, to Wheeljack* I'll help you build them...

Keepsake:  0.o  Slaggin' frag.

bittySides: *Biiiig yawn, snuggle, soooo not awake*

hsvWJ: ... Keepsake, it's just as much my fault as it is yours...

Keepsake:  At least we don't gotta live with the explosions, if he's anything like youse guys' Jack.

Wheeljack:  HEY!  I only blow things up when I want to.

WakeJumper: *soft giggle, sheepish grin*

Keepsake:  *slow stare up at Wheeljack* Okay... guess yer more like my Jack.

Wheeljack:  ...Who's your mother?

Keepsake:  Pacer.

Wheeljack:  0_0  Pacer's a girl where... slag.

WakeJumper: *Blink blink*

hsvWJ: ...I take it the Pacer you know or knew is a mech?

Wheeljack:  *quietly*  You know... I don't think they were, now that I look back.

WakeJumper: *sobered expression, reminded yet again of the past*

hsvWJ: *small frown, looking back and forth between Wheeljack and his alternate* ... Are femmes rare where you're from?

Wheeljack:  *still in that quiet, rather grim voice*  Up till a little while ago we thought they were extinct.

WakeJumper: *hiding her face against Wheeljack's shoulder*

hsvWJ: ...*gently, trying to make sense of this* Does it have something to do with the Decepticons?

Wheeljack:  *turns and puts an arm around his fianceé, the gesture awkward and hesitant*  Yeah.  Tyrannous declared 'em useless.  And he didn't just stop with the 'Con women.

Keepsake:  :\

Eclipse: ... *scowl*

hsvWJ: ... *dark expression, mutters something quietly that earns him a grim nod from Eclipse*

Wheeljack:  Well, we didn't think they were totally extinct.  We always knew we had Chromia.  'N Arcee.  But it wasn't till lately that we realized why Primus made Transformer women in the first place.

Eclipse: *Scowl is gone in an instant, replaced by a curious expression* ?

hsvWJ: *slight headtilt, remembers what Wheeljack asked earlier* This has something to do with newsparks, doesn't it?

Wheeljack:  *looks at his WakeJumper, unwilling to say anything that'll scare her*

hsvWJ: ... *frowns as he watches his alternate try to hunch in on herself* *quietly* Never mind... just forget I brought it up.

Wheeljack:  *looks down at the smaller WakeJumper*  *quietly*  Let's just say Victor Sigma's gone.

hsvWJ: *small nod, studying his alternate for a moment, and deciding on a suitable subject change* Do you guys have triplechangers, or is that unheard of?

Wheeljack:  Huh?  Whaddya mean?  Triplechanger?

Eclipse: *perks* He means more than one alt-mode... Back before he got hurt, Wake's alt modes were a Search-and-Rescue SUV and a speedboat... ^_^

Wheeljack:  ...Everybody's got three modes.  Except Springer.  He's got four, the sprocket head.

Keepsake:  *low whistle*

Eclipse: ... *blink blink*

hsvWJ: ... Everyone?

WakeJumper: *Quietly* No, Wheeljack... Springer's not the only one with four...

Wheeljack:  *looks up at her quizzically*  He ain't?

WakeJumper: *hunching down a bit* I've got four as well...

Wheeljack:  Really?  What are they?  *curious mech has forgotten the odd looking alternate kids*

WakeJumper: SUV, a speedboat... and one like what everyone else has... *still ducking slightly*

Wheeljack:  Human 'n normal.  *more quietly*  Easy.  You're safe with me.

WakeJumper: *small nod, still a bit worried*

Keepsake:  *quietly, to herself*  Human....

hsvWJ: ...

Wheeljack:  *looks at the little WakeJumper, since he seems the easiest to talk to*  Any idea how ta get home?  We... well we have stuff we gotta do.

hsvWJ: *blink, startled out of his musing* Huh? Oh... yeah. *points to the vending machines nearby* If you've got some money or credits, you can get a really nice PINpoint from one of those... the good ones have coordinate scanners built in...

Wheeljack:  *quick look to his fianceé*  Do you have any of those coins we were usin' the other day?

WakeJumper: Umm...*checking her storage compartments, comes up with a handful of coins*

Wheeljack:  *looks at them and goes 0.o*  ...You know howta use 'em?

WakeJumper: *small headshake, embarrassed again*

Keepsake:  *silent sniggerfit*

Eclipse: *has mercy for the wayward 'bots* Hang on just a click... *sets hsvWJ on his feet, and hurries over to the vending machines*

Wheeljack:  *looks down at the little guy, his expression sheepish*

Keepsake:  *PINs home so she can laugh her skidplate loose without hurting anyone's feelings.  Yeah, she proly woke bittySides up*

hsvWJ: *going to explain US currency to Wheeljack and the femme WakeJumper while he waits for Eclipse to get back*

Wheeljack:  *lets go of his WakeJumper so that he can go to one knee and be more of a height to the little one*

Eclipse: *back a few moments later, but will let her WakeJumper finish explaining the coins*

Wheeljack:  So you actually give 'em ta people.  They don't swipe 'em.

hsvWJ: Nope... though the sparklets back home seem to think they're things to be chewed on... *amused chuckle*

Wheeljack:  Ah... yeah, they taste alright.

Eclipse: *amused chuckle. Yes, she's tried a few coins in her time* Here. I got one of the good PINpoints... *offers said PINpoint to Wheeljack, along with a surprisingly brief (for her) explanation on how to use the device*

Wheeljack:  *NEW TOY!*  *manages not to snatch*  Thanks.  *tinker.  Poke poke.  Oooooo*

WakeJumper: *intrigued, looks over Wheeljack's shoulder*

Eclipse: ^_^ You're welcome. *bends and scoops up her WakeJumper* We've gotta get going... It was nice meeting you.

Wheeljack:  *absently*  Yeah... was nice seein' ya....  *poke poke tinker*

hsvWJ: ... Sheeesh. He's just like your Pa. *gets razzed by Eclipse before they head home in a PINflash*

WakeJumper: *offering suggestions and ideas, wants to tinker with the PINpoint as well*

Wheeljack:  *holds it up toward her*  I got it set.  See?  It's all on the screen here.

WakeJumper: *nods* Think anyone'd believe us if we told them where we went?

Wheeljack:  *blinks and looks at her*  Slag.  We gotta report this.  Think'a the trouble it could cause.

WakeJumper: ... o_o *nod nod*

Wheeljack:  *bit anxious now*  Think you can stand puttin' the weddin' off a bit?

WakeJumper: *Nods* The sooner we get this reported and dealt with, the better.

Wheeljack:  *nods and hesitantly reaches a hand for hers as he gets to his feet*

WakeJumper: *doing her best to appear calm, though her hand's trembling as it meets Wheeljack's*

Wheeljack:  *shy hand squeeze, and then he presses the right button and takes them home*

WakeJumper: *quickly looking around, checking to see if there's anyone nearby to report to about the Nexus*

Jazz:  *visor half lit as he walks the hall with a furious Scatcat*

WakeJumper: *Relieved, tugs Wheeljack's hand*

Wheeljack:  *kinda scared of the noises that baby's making*  0_0  *but comes with WakeJumper*

WakeJumper: *biting her lower lip a little* J-Jazz, sir?

Jazz:  *finally registers others near him*  Buh?  *tries to get visor to focus*  Yeah, Wake?  Aintchoo supposedta be gettin' married?

WakeJumper: *faint blush* We... We kinda got sidetracked...

Jazz:  0_o  Dang you guys're bad.

WakeJumper: ... O_O *BLUSHING* .>//<.

Wheeljack:  We wound up walkin' right outta the reality, Jazz!  *lights blinking excitedly*

Jazz:  Ohhhhhhh.  Yeah, that'd do it.  Wondered when somebody else was gonna find the Nexus.  *dances Scatcat and turns away partially*

WakeJumper: ...*still blushing* ...Someone else found the Nexus before us?

Jazz:  Yeah, girl.  I go there alla time.  It's safe so long's ya remember the Anti-Violence field 'n don't eat nothin'.

WakeJumper: ....*flabbergasted*

Wheeljack:  And you didn't tell anybody?

Jazz:  I told a lotta people.  You guys jes' weren't out ta hear.

WakeJumper: *setting up to sulk just a bit* Could'a come and told us...

Jazz:  *dancing baby a little harder as he gets louder*  Girl, I got babies ta take care'a.  I don't got time ta argue with Grimlock through your lab door.

Wheeljack:  *embarrassed*  Uh... yeah.  I guess we were kinda busy.

WakeJumper: *sheepish mutter about what she and Wheeljack were working on*

Jazz:  *waves his elbow because his hands are busy*  Don't worry 'bout it.  Go git married.  Shoo.

Scatcat:  *WAIL!*

Jazz:  *sighs and dances more, making soft shhh shh shh sounds*

Wheeljack:  *already halfway down the hall at that wail*  You got it, Jazz.  *turns and more or less bolts*

WakeJumper: *Acks and hurries after fiancé*

Jazz:  *would snerk, but he's just too tired.  Continues his baby walking*

((Co-written with random_xtras))
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