Clarion: *laying on the med table, kissing Ratchet stupid while Cragbuster bangs on a basin under the table*
Ratchet: *being kissed stupid and hastening the stupidity*
Clarion: 0.o
Ratchet: *startles, does a quick scanner sweep, and moves to sit up* //No, Sunstreaker...Where's Showtime?//
Sunstreaker: *sarcastically* //Having &^$# tea. She's searching the hallways, and... Slagging pit!//
Clarion: *softly* Ohhhh slag. *slips off the table and goes to sit underneath it with her son*
Ratchet: //Sunstreaker, which hallway is she in?// *getting off of the table, and alerting First Aid to the situation*
First Aid: *com turned off*
Sunstreaker: //Near Prime's office!// *cuts off his comm as he hurries to his mate's side*
Optimus: //Ratchet, did Sunstreaker alert you to the situation?//
Clarion: *rocking a little and worrying*
Cragbuster: *gently patpats Mama, clicking quietly*
Ratchet: //He did, sir. Showtime is near your office, and Sunstreaker should be there shortly...//
Optimus: //They're here. Are you comfortable going to the energon nexus to search?//
Ratchet: //I am. Should we send someone to Keepsake's reality of origin, just in case he shows up there?//
Optimus: //Eclipse and Wakejumper have already volunteered. We've also sent two other teams to that reality, so that we can check each of the places that Sideswipe knows.//
Ratchet: //And someone's been sent to the Sign Nexus, I assume?//
Optimus: //Several teams, yes.//
Ratchet: *checking on Clarion* //I'll be departing for the energon nexus shortly.//
Optimus: //Thank you, Ratchet. ...Do you know First Aid's location? Or that of Hound, Trailbreaker, and Foxtrot?//
Ratchet: //First Aid has his comm off... as for Hound, Trailbreaker, and Foxtrot... I don't, unfortunately...//
Optimus: //Very well. Optimus out.//
Clarion: *curled up around her sparklet and circulating air deeply*
Ratchet: //Ratchet out.// *kneels, reaching under the table to put a gentle hand on Clarion's shoulder* Clarion... will you and 'Buster be alright here?
Clarion: *shaking slightly, but lifts her head to look him in the eye* *quietly but firmly* We're comin' with you, Doc.
Ratchet: *nods* Alright... Shall we go? *already has his PINpoint programmed*
Clarion: *scootches out and gets to her feet, then waits till he stands before leaning against him so as to keep both her arms free for holding 'Buster tightly*
Ratchet: *once he's standing, he puts an arm around Clarion's shoulders while 'Buster wiggles and chirrups. Then, he's PINpointing his family to the nexus with all the energon and the human clothes scattered about*
Meanwhile, in Diehard's 'verse
bittyBee: *zips through a sunbeam and cheers for herself, then runs to grab her favorite dolly and try to smooth its water wrecked fright wig hairdo as she croons lovingly*
bittySides: *startled noise as he arrives in a flash and swish...landing on his skidplate in the process*
bittyBee: *squeaks and hunkers down like a little quail chick, her dolly held close as she ducks her head and shutters her optics*
bittySides: *headtilt, hey, there's another bitty! Leaves the pilfered PINpoint where he dropped it, toddling over to get a better look at bittyBee*
bittyBee: *looks up at the sound of small footsteps, then stands and sticks her chest out with an authoritarian squeak. Don't you come any closer to MY toys, small bot!*
bittySides: *small scowl, beeps at the other bitty. Don't tell ME what to do!*
bittyBee: *tosses dolly aside and folds arms over chest. Boss bitty!*
bittySides: *Razzes. Prove it!*
bittyBee: *needs no second invitation. She lowers her head and plows right into him*
bittySides: *knocked onto skidplate! Squeal, hit, squeal some more!*
bittyBee: *busts him upside the head, and then tries to do the other side, squeaking furiously*
bittySides: *yelp, flaily smacks, trying to get away*
bittyBee: *gets a finger in her mouth somehow and BITES*
bittySides: *WAIL! tries to aim for the face, wants away!*
bittyBee: *furious wail as she rubs her optics and tries to get them to focus again after that smack*
bittySides: *trying to make his getaway, squealing due to owie*
bittyBee: *hot on his tail, wooden spoon in hand!*
bittySides: *running for the big thing he sees that has a door, squealing and crying. If he cries loud enough, his people have to hear him, right?*
Perceptor: *from the hallway* My stars and garters, Bumblebee STOP!
bittyBee: *nooo intention of stopping!*
bittySides: *trying to hide in the big thing with the door, putting up quite a fuss*
Perceptor: *runs to intercept the angry little yellow bit, winds up falling on his head as he tries to do so without squishing her or being hit with that spoon where it will hurt*
Kriti: *putting up a fuss as she hurries after Papa, moves to try to grab bittyBee*
Perceptor: No! Kriti, stay back! Ouch! Bumblebee stop this at once.
bittyBee: *wap wap wap! SCREEEECH*
Kriti: *Wibbles, notices something moving in the playhouse!*
bittySides: *peeking out through the door, ready to duck back in if the yellow one comes after him again*
Perceptor: *yelps and holds bittyBee by her scruffbar at arm's length* Now that's enough.
bittyBee: *curled up like a kitten and wibbling. Hates being held like this*
Kriti: *clicks quietly, attention on the little thing she sees hiding in the playhouse*
bittySides: *also wibbling for a moment, before he's crying. Wants his big yellow and big blue people!*
Perceptor: *quietly* Will you check him for damage, Miss?
Kriti: *nod nod, kneels next to the door to the playhouse and works on coaxing bittySides out. Squeaks quietly when she's suddenly latched onto by an upset chibi, but is gentle and careful in checking the little mech for injuries* Is dented in spots...
bittySides: *Sniffling and clinging*
Perceptor: *still holding bittyBee out. He's had her play possum before* Who is it? Do you recognize them?
Kriti: *tilts her head* Looks kinna' like Aunt Show 'n Uncle Sunny's Sideswipe... but is a bitty...
Perceptor: *blinks and looks over, his sensors now aimed toward the little scrap in his daughter's arms* But... what do you mean?
Kriti: Issa bitty... like Bumble. *carfully shifting bittySides, who protests being moved*
Eclipse: *PINpoints in nearby, has WakeJumper in a sling on her back again*
Perceptor: *startles, which leads to bittyBee furthering bittySide's vocabulary* Ack! Ah, Eclipse. Have you come to reclaim a small fugitive?
Eclipse: *nods* Sideswipe ganked Showtime's PINpoint and everyone who's available is looking for him in different spots, including the Nexxi and a couple other places in this reality and back home, and Showtime's fritzing with worry so she can't come get him if he's anywhere nearby...
WakeJumper: *Sighs* In short, yes. Have you seen Sideswipe?
Perceptor: Indeed I have. Miss has him. *looks inquiringly at bittyBee and gets cursed at* Bumblebee, Jazz would not like to hear you using such language.
Perceptor: *wince* My stars and garters....
Kriti: Bumble! Be nice! *frowwwwn at her friend*
bittyBee: *continues to express her outrage at the injustice of the world*
Eclipse: *Perks, and carefully sets WakeJumper down, before moving to kneel by Kriti and bittySides*
bittySides: *Hey! He knows this lady! Stops crying, and wiggles, reaching for Eclipse*
Perceptor: *sighs and excuses himself regretfully as he realizes he has to take drastic measures with the headstrong chibi he's holding. Gets up and goes and puts her in the crib in the small room, then leaves her there* *returning* I am deeply sorry about what's happened, Eclipse. I was in the smaller lab with Kriti when he arrived, so I was rather late in assuring his safety.
Eclipse: Knowing Sideswipe, he's prolly partially at fault too...
bittySides: *gives Perceptor and Eclipse a "Who, me?" look*
WakeJumper: *chuckles* Well, we can call off the search of other areas now...
Perceptor: Indeed. And unless I mistake me you'll be wanting to bring the little wanderer home from his unplanned excursion before poor Showtime damages herself with worry. *optics slightly darkened as he remembers the last time that Showtime had been here*
WakeJumper: *nods, glancing to Eclipse, who also nods and carefully scoops up the wriggly chibi*
Perceptor: *perceives the orange mech's hesitation* Is there something else, WakeJumper?
Wake: *a bit sheepishly* I... Is Jazz around?
Perceptor: Ah, I'm afraid not. He and Blackout are in town for another two hours as they finish the soundtracks for the latest series of the animated program that he provides vocal talent for.
Wake: Oh...
Kriti: *moving to pick up Showtime's PINpoint, will offer it to WakeJumper, before giving Perceptor a hopeful look* Can stay and wait?
Perceptor: I have no objection. I do, however, feel it necessary to place stress on the fact that it is best that Showtime be not kept waiting to be reunited with her brother.
Eclipse: *talking with Wake over their bond, small nod* Well, Wake's got Show's PINpoint, and I've got mine, so I can take Sideswipe back, and Wake can come home after he and Jazz talk.
Perceptor: *smiles* And in the meantime Kriti could perhaps show him her favorite new energon blend? *makes the suggestion only because she's done the same thing to every other mech who has graced their home in recent days*
Wake: *smiles, chuckling*
Eclipse: *nods, moving to gently nuzzle WakeJumper's helm, before she and bittySides PIN home*
Kriti: *moving to gently touch WakeJumper, chirring softly as she does*
Perceptor: *quietly* And now I fear I must leave you to Kriti's hostessing skills for a time, WakeJumper. We've- that is, Kia and I- have an experiment in progress which needs close supervision, and the recent dramatic interlude has rendered it just a tad unstable. Thankfully it's non combustive, but the materials for the reaction are very rare and difficult to procure.
Wake: *nods* I'll be alright. I'm just amazed Eclipse is willing to let me out of her sight for more than a few minutes... *being carefully led over to the pad, yes, the one in the sunbeams*
Perceptor: *smiles at the younger mech, then smiles with affection at Kriti before turning and going to assist his mate with the experiment. He knows that in time Jazz will come, and then no doubt there will be music and visiting and a weary Bumblebee sleeping in Jazz's arms*
((co-written with