Lumen: *pounces on Deluge, followed shortly by a miniature Dinobot*
Deluge: *glances down, chuckles*So, what, now I've got two little bots to have pushed off on me? *crouches*Hey, runt, who's your friend?
Lumen: That's Sweep. :3
Sweep: *headtilt, chirr* You 'Jumper-Dip's friend?
Deluge: *considers, then nods*Yup, that's me. I'm Deluge. Hi.
Sweep: ^^ *pleased sound*
Lumen: *happy snuggle, even as he sticks his glossa out at Sweep* Dad's notta dip...Uncle Solar just says he is
Deluge: *chuckles, carefully sits down to talk to the sparklings better*Have I got some new bots to meet sometime?
Lumen: *confused* Uncle Solar is Mommy's twin...Sweep was inna bag that Daddy brought with him from the Nexus over Christmas...
Deluge: A bag...? Never mind. Have you been giving your parents trouble, runt? *smiles*
Lumen: Nuh-uh. Daddy's been busy helpin' Ratchet, an' Mommy's nappin' right now...
Deluge: Good. Don't be *too* perfect, though. *wink* Learning to cause and get out of trouble is good for you.
Lumen: *headtilt, grin*
Sweep: *click* Him-Lumen get picked on by She-Sunhalo...*speak of the devil, here comes the little Seekerling now! The femme ZOOMs up so she can perch on Deluge's head and play the drum*
Deluge: *startles a bit, rolls optics to try and see the new sparkling*Ah, hi.
Sunhalo: 0_0 *click, resumes drumming* *is rocking out!*
Lumen: *wiggles out of Deluge's grip, hides under the chair*
Deluge: *frowns, watches Lumen hide, then reaches up and makes a quick grab for Sunhalo*
Desi: *Comes running*
Deluge: *cringes, thinks a loooong string of curses, holds on till she can set Sunhalo on the floor before letting go*Primus, my audios...
Sunhalo: *Zooms up to Desi's head, CLINGS with feets* 0_0
Desi: *GLARES at Deluge, focuses on soothing Sunhalo*
Deluge: *rubs at audios, grumbles something about sparklings who don't know when they're not even being hurt, glowers right back at Desi*
Sweep:*uncovers audios* She-Sunhalo LOUD...
Deluge: Be glad she wasn't by *your* head.
Lumen: *crawls out from under chair, climbs back up so he can sit in Deluge's lap*
Sunhalo: Thbbppptttt!
Deluge: *looks down, pats Lumen's head*Better?
Lumen: *sitting on skidplate in Deluge's lap, nod nod* Don' let her get me...*quiet as he watchs Sunhalo warily*
Deluge: *gives him a small hug*Don't worry, I won't.
Desi: *heads for energon dispensor, Sunhalo still clinging to her head*
Lumen: *Snuggle*
Deluge: *whispers to him*Betcha she's not that tough, really, she just acts it.
Lumen: *considers, nods*
Sweep: She-Sunhalo like to smack Him-Lumen on skidplate...
Deluge: Smack her back, then, runt.
Lumen: ...but that's not NICE...*considering it though*
Deluge: If she starts it, you should finish it and not let her get away with it. *pats his head*
((Written with