dv, kv, and the Nexus, Various Locations, Treatments

Oct 05, 2010 23:24

Kriti: *shivering and whimpering*

Perceptor: *soft clicks as he carries her to the washracks* Shhh, my Miss. We'll soon have you more comfortable.

Kia: *following mate in silence, is aware of Jazz's concerned look as the silver mech stands at the start of the hall and watches them*

Kriti: *Fusses and squirms as she shivers*

Perceptor: *soft murmur, and then holds her near the towel pile* I believe Miss Dolly might like to sit here while you take your bath.

Kriti: *Wibbles and reaches to set Dolly on the towel pile*

Perceptor: *soft, encouraging chirr, and then he's turning toward the large, calm pool which dominates the cleaning up facility. Wades in carefully, and then settles Kriti gently on the surface of the cleaning solution* Theerrre, how is that, my Miss?

Kriti: *Flails a bit as her doorwings go under the surface* Papa!

Perceptor: Shhhh. Shhh. I have you, Miss. You're safe. Just relax.

Kriti: *fusses and squirms a bit more before she begins to relax*

Perceptor: *soft, absent crooning of her favorite lullaby as he lets her sink a little further*

Kriti: *quiet clicks, wibbles. This is something she's never experienced before, so she's a bit scared*

Perceptor: *and then he's taken his hands away and is watching her closely, still absently humming her lullaby, though he doesn't think she can hear it now*

Kriti: *cycling air and relaxing a bit more as the sensory input from her audios is dampened, as is the input from her doorwings. The lack of input is making it easier to make sense of the memory files in her processor that haven't settled fully*

Kia: *soft chuckle as Perceptor, rather than cause swishing by walking out, simply lets himself sink to the bottom of the pool*

Kriti: *Clicking quietly for a little while, before she starts to drift off for a nap*

Perceptor: *makes a cross reality call* //Ratchet, my theory has proven sound.//

Ratchet: *sounding relieved* //Good.... How is she doing?//

Perceptor: //She is currently entering sleep mode, and emitting contented sounds rather than the distress tones that have been her wont of late.//

Ratchet: //Continue monitering her... I'm not sure how long it will take all the data to integrate, so she may need more than one session....//

Perceptor: //As we had intended.// *pauses as he catches familiar sounding static from Ratchet's comm* //And you had best go and be certain that Wheeljack has not done critical injury either to himself or to my alternate.//

Ratchet: *Sighs* //I'll let you go then... I don't think I want to know what 'Jack was working on this time...//


Wheeljack: *laughing his aft off, one arm around Perceptor's shoulders* Hahahahaha... AND IT BLEW UP!

Perceptor: *Calmly* So it would appear...

Wheeljack: *cracks up again* That was great!

Perceptor: *Opts to simply shake his head and prepare a damage report for Ratchet's convenience*

Starscream: *wide-opticed in the rec room as he holds his frightened pet close*

Silverbolt II: *nickering and struggling a bit, her small fuzzy wings spread as she tries to run away from the big scary boom*

Megatron: *looking at the oil puddle underneath of him and setting up to wibble*

Eclipse: *Soothing sounds as she moves to clean up the oil* It's okay, Megatron. Dad just did a dumb and something went boom... Those can be scary, but Uncle Ratchet's going to make sure nobody's hurt...

Starscream: *intakes deeply and looks around the room to see where the other sparklets and younglings have gotten to*

Wheelie: *Chattering away and trying to get WakeJumper to come out from under his blanket*

Blitzwing: *Chewing on Big Silverbolt's head again*

Deadend: *cheery* Are we dead yet? *under couch with a sibling*

Breakdown: *clinging to Deadend and wibbling*

Starscream: *looks toward the door as the sound of laughter goes past* 0_0 ....

Eclipse: ....

Starscream: ...I'll never understand Wheeljack.

Eclipse: ... Neither will I... But I still love him, 'cause he's my dad....

Starscream: *smiles at her slightly, and then squeaks and moves his face away from Silverbolt II's kisses*

Eclipse: *chuckles and clicks to the foal*

Silverbolt II: *ears perked. Whicker! Wants down now, Momma!*

Starscream: *sets her down*

Silverbolt II: *hop hop hop hop!*

Wheeljack: *laughter stops*

Megatron: Bluestreak found him. *goes under couch with the two little Stunties*

Eclipse: *Soft sigh, reminds her carrier that there are sparklets nearby and to save the yelling for the medbay, where they can't hear it*

Starscream: *goes and settles to sit by big Silverbolt* I can hear Ratchet scolding him.

Silverbolt: Everything will be alright... I just hope Wheeljack didn't damage himself too badly this time....

Eclipse: *reaching to gently rub Silverbolt II's back, still clicking quietly*

Starscream: *thoughtfully* He usually doesn't laugh that hard if he damages himself. *then smiles at his pet as she whickers and flaps her little tail around*

Over in the medbay

Wheeljack: *sitting on the table and swinging his legs as his lights blink cheerfully*

Bluestreak: *Acks as he's handed a bucket with cleaning solution and a sponge, wasn't expecting that*

Ratchet: *To Wheeljack* You're lucky that the damage is just a sooty paint job.

Wheeljack: *blinks a grin* I knew what I was doing, Ratch. *starts chuckling again* The look on Percy's face!

Ratchet: ... *Wheeljack, have a wet sponge to the face* Get cleaned up, you dork.

Wheeljack: *cracks up* You're picking up weird words from the kids. *grabs sponge and scrubs face, still chortling*

Bluestreak: *helping with the cleaning and telling 'Jack off for scaring him like that*

Wheeljack: *just laughs more. He's feeling very pleased with the result of his experiment* *especially since Perceptor had told him there was no way that piece of machinery could blow up*

Bluestreak: *huffs, doorwings showing his annoyance*

Wheeljack: Calm down, Blue. You know I'm always careful.

Bluestreak: I just... I don't want you getting hurt....

Wheeljack: *quiet razz sound* I know what I'm doing. *looks up as a female voice comes over the common frequency*

??: //Alright, where in slag on this mudball is Autobot city??! So help me, if I run into another @#$#@ human jet it's NOT going to be pretty!//

Wheeljack: .>_.> <._<. *grab Blue and go hide*

Jazz: //Depends... Who's askin'?//

??: //...There you are, you slag processored....//

Prowl: //ID?//

??: //*growl* Autobot Medical unit Fixer!//

Ratchet: //Oh, slag.... Fixer, what are you doing on Earth?//

Fixer: //.... *burst of vituperation at Ratchet*//

Jazz: *'scuse me whilst I crack up over comms*

Eclipse: //Um... You do know the sparklets and I can hear you, right?//

Jazz: *dying of laughter, brb*

Fixer: *switches to the light security frequency*

Prowl: *sitting in his office going 0_0*

Ratchet: *Dryly* //That's nice, Fixer. Did something happen to Viisaus that warrented you coming here?//

Fixer: *promises severe bodily harm to Ratchet's person in key sensitive areas*

Ratchet: *soooo not impressed, sends coordinates* //We'll talk later, Fixer.// *Closes the connection with a click*

Starscream: *distinctly over the common frequency* //Is she Ratchet's girlfriend?//

Ratchet: //No... She's just someone I met before the war.

Eclipse: //She doesn't sound very nice...//

Wheeljack: //Remember when she chased Clarion off?//

Ratchet: //... No comment, 'Jack.//

Wheeljack: *low security frequency* //Talk about a toxic relationship. I was glad to see her go.//

Ratchet: *Warning tone* //That's enough, 'Jack.//


Ratchet: Ah, divine justice...

Prowl: //Ratchet, is there anything I should know about this 'Fixer'? Like most femmes I can find no record of her.//

Ratchet: //We've met before. It was... interesting...//

Prowl: //What was that Wheeljack was saying?//

Ratchet: *Sighs* //Fixer ran off the femme I was seeing at the time...//

Prowl: //....//

Ratchet: //Clarion was fond of letting it be known exactly where she thought people stood in relation to her... and using her rank to get around rules...//

Prowl: //....//

Ratchet: //Fixer let her know exactly what she thought of that...//

Prowl: //...You had a girlfriend?//

Jazz: *Laughing hard enough to break something if he's not careful*

Ratchet: //Yes, Prowl, I had a girlfriend. It was a long time ago, when I was younger and dumber.//

Prowl: //You must have been dumber. I've heard of Clarion.// *tone is grim. The femme was a decorated hero. But no one liked her while she lived*

Ratchet: //Prowl, do you want to know about Fixer or not?//

Prowl: //...Er... yes. Proceed.//

Ratchet: //She's a pretty tough femme... If she's here, something happened to Viisaus, more than likely...//

Prowl: //Viisaus?//

Ratchet: //He's her friend... And about the only person who's never been intimidated by her.//

Prowl: //Are they a bonded pair?// *has no idea such a question has lead to near death experiences*

Ratchet: //Nope. And Fixer's maimed almost everybot who's asked that same question or a variation of it.//

Prowl: //.... Why?//

Wheeljack: //Because that honor is reserved for Ratchet!// *click*

Ratchet: //...//

Rodimus: *is that snorting sound that just burst out over Jazz's cackling*

Ratchet: *Signs off with a click, intends to barricade himself in his office so nobody bothers him till Fixer arrives*

dvPerceptor: *reports on Kriti's continued sleep*

Ratchet: //Good.... At least something positive has happened today...//

dvPerceptor: //Oh mercy. Did Wheeljack succeed in damaging himself badly?//

Ratchet: //No... But Fixer's on her way here, and I think I broke Prowl's brain with the notion that I used to have a girlfriend. And before you ask, no, it wasn't Fixer.//

dvPerceptor: //Er... Fixer?//

Ratchet: //A medic from Cybertron that hid with the rest of the femmes.//

dvPerceptor: *still lost* //Ah. ...I see.//

Ratchet: //Let's just say she's an interesting person, and leave it at that... I'm pretty sure I'm going to have wounded incoming when she arrives... Viisaus would do something risky before he'd ever let Fixer become injured...//

dvPerceptor: //...So the femme in question appears to be damaged?//

Ratchet: //No... Viisaus probably is. Fixer would never leave Cybertron if he wasn't beyond her ability to repair him... Which means he's probably pretty badly hurt... She's as skilled a medic as I've been told I am...//

dvPerceptor: //Ahhhh.// *understands something now!* //Er... so it is her skill that would cause others to presume a relationship between her and yourself?//

Ratchet: //That, and she ran off the femme I was dating when I first met her.//

dvPerceptor: //Oh dear! How unpleasant.//

Ratchet: //I thought so too, at the time... But Clarion was a real piece of work....//

dvPerceptor: //Clarion? I have met a Clarion of my own tech type in the Nexus.//

Ratchet: //...Really?//

dvPerceptor: //Yes. She is bondmate to her reality's variant of you, and co-creator of his infant class sparklet.//

Ratchet: //...// *Hear that dial tone? You've broken the medic's brain*

dvPerceptor: //...Ratchet?// *sound of frequencies being shifted* //Ratchet?//

Ratchet: *Gives himself a bit of a shake* //Are you pulling my leg, Perceptor?//

dvPerceptor: *voice takes on an utterly bewildered tone* //No... I'm laying on the bottom of our bathing pool, monitoring Kriti's vitals.//

Ratchet: //That reality's Clarion's bonded to my counterpart, and a mom?// *Finding this hard to believe*

dvPerceptor: //Ahh. Yes, indeed. I spoke with her myself, though my presence seemed to frighten her somewhat.//

Ratchet: //Guess things really are different in different realities....//

dvPerceptor: //I noticed that she and her mate were linked during our entire interview, and that the sight of Decepticons tended to invoke cowering behavior.//

Ratchet: //...Yeah... *sighs* Ours died at the hands of 'Cons...//

dvPerceptor: //Is that what you were referring to by the term 'a real piece of work'?//

Ratchet: //No... Before she returned to the Well... She was a, and I quote, "power-tripping, stuck-up glitch"...//

dvPerceptor: //.... I see.// *sounds confused*

Ratchet: //She would use her rank to get around rules... and wasn't exactly the most pleasant person to be around...//

dvPerceptor: //Yet you cared for her.// *puzzled by this*

Ratchet: //I didn't have much say in the matter. She just walked up to me, informed me I would be taking her to dinner, and that was that.//

dvPerceptor: *soberly* //You are a much milder individual than the Ratchet of my own reality.//

Ratchet: //Ratchets from your reality type seem like really cranky guys...//

dvPerceptor: //Ahhhh. *hemming sound*//

Rodimus: *kicks the med ward door*

Ratchet: *Startled cuss, both out loud and over comms*

dvPerceptor: //I beg your pardon, Ratchet?// *shocked and confused*

Ratchet: //Rodimus just kicked the door.// *Sooooo not amused right now*

Rodimus: *does it again* *faintly, through the door* Hey! Open up, you slagger!

Ratchet: *To Rodimus* Unless it's an emergency, or Fixer's here, I'd rather be left alone for the moment, Prime.

Rodimus: *still faintly and through the door* Be my guest, Fixer.

door: *suddenly has a horrendous foot shaped dent*

Ratchet: *takes a startled trip to the floor, remotely unlocks the door*

Rodimus: *enters, a large, tarp-wrapped bundle held carefully in his arms*

Fixer: *follows, her blue optics shooting sparks*

dvPerceptor: //Ratchet? Is aught amiss?//

Ratchet: //Fixer's here.// *Getting to his feet* Set him on the table, Prime.

dvPerceptor: //Ah. Then I had better let you go. I will continue to keep you updated on Kriti's condition.// *closes the connection*

Rodimus: Cut the titling. *gently lays the bundle down, and then yelps as Fixer kicks him in the skidplate and drives him from the room*

Ratchet: So what did he do this time? *already getting tools out*

Fixer: *kicks the door till it can slide shut again, and then turns and stomps over to him*

Ratchet: *Small frown as he takes in how run down and battered Fixer looks* When's the last time you stopped for repairs?

Fixer: *reaches him. Puts her arms around him. And cries*

Ratchet: *Surprised by this, goes with what he knows works for soothing sparklet tears: Hugs* *soothingly* Everything's going to be alright.

Fixer: *cries quietly, and with clear exhaustion and lack of energy. But she also cries for several minutes before going silent and just resting her face against him* *finally* I'm not so sure of that. Look at him.

Ratchet: *will scan the mech in the tarp* *As he does so* What happened?

Fixer: *without humor and only a whisper of her usual vinegar* He caught a building that was aimed at me.

Ratchet: *frown deepens as he takes in the extent of the damages to Viisaus' frame* ... Would you believe me if I said I've seen worse?

Fixer: *quietly* I've already been working on him.

Ratchet: Worst case scenario, we have to get a new shell for him. His spark's still pretty strong, all things considered. *moving to get support systems hooked up to the battered and broken shell*

Fixer: *nods and carefully unwraps the tarp from her brother, figuring that he won't be needing it here in the sterile med ward* You exhaust for CPU, let go of that blanket.

Ratchet: *Snerks* He's still a dork, even in stasis....

Fixer: *shoots him a Look, but there is no danger in it. Only weary ire*

Ratchet: *As he takes in the full extent of Viisaus' damage, from the nearly ruined coolant pump to the damages to his spark chamber, he's already beginning to go over how to get ahold of a new shell, just in case* How long ago was it?

Fixer: Just over three orns. *gently pries brother's fingers open so she can take the tarp away*

Ratchet: And it's about a week's travel to get from Cybertron to here... *Frowns as Viisaus' vocalizer statics a bit*

Fixer: Shhh. Put a bolt in it. *folding tarp and setting it aside as she nods absently to Ratchet*

Ratchet: *sending First Aid a message, requesting assistance. He'll send a list of parts to Perceptor while he's thinking of it, since the scientist has a few of the specialized parts that Viisaus will need for the time being*

First Aid: //I'll be right there, Ratchet.//

Perceptor: *Acknowledges the request and goes to retrieve the parts in question*

Fixer: *back to her brother's side and scowling down at him, her expression absent*

Viisaus: *optics flickering slightly as he dreams*

Fixer: *quietly and without heat uses an impressive range of invective on him*

First Aid: *arrives, his optics quizzical over his mask*

Ratchet: *Quietly explains the situation to First Aid over comms. Also explains that Perceptor's gone to get some of the specialized parts, which will keep Viisaus' condition from worsening long enough for the rest of the necessary parts to be located, or a replacement shell to be found*

First Aid: *listens carefully, and then mentions hearing that there's a large Transformer population in the Nexus*

Ratchet: *As he gently sedates Viisaus* //Think they'd have what we need?//

First Aid: //Well... large population hubs often do. And if there's access from all realities....// *tilts his head in his mild way*

Perceptor: *Arriving shortly thereafter* Oh my...

Fixer: *stink eyes him briefly before returning her attention to monitoring Viisaus' vitals and cussing him out*

Perceptor: *blink blink, is just a bit startled by Fixer's language*

Ratchet: *moving to begin working once he's got the parts in hand* *to First Aid* //Would any of ours be willing to head to the Nexus on a shopping trip for those parts?//

First Aid: //Well, wasn't Jazz just ordered this morning to get his work done before he snuck away there again?// *helping his superior*

Ratchet: //...Good point...//

First Aid: //And if he's too busy now, well, Eclipse and Starscream go all the time.//

Ratchet: //True... and so does Prowl, when they've been gone for too long...//

First Aid: //Yes.// *soft wince as he scans Viisaus, and then kindly words to Fixer as she glowers at him*

Fixer: ....

Ratchet: *as he continues to work* Fixer, this is my assistant, First Aid. He and the rest of the Protectbots are first-generation Earth born.

Fixer: Big wee. *turns back to brother*

First Aid: Oh, poor Fixer. Here, let me get you some fuel.

Fixer: *watches him go* .... Theslag'sheon?

Ratchet: *Chuckles* That's just the way he is, Fixer.

Perceptor: *moving to help Ratchet, murmuring to himself about structural damage to Viisaus' frame*

Fixer: *snorts and mutters about exhaust for CPUs*

First Aid: //Ratchet, I've spoken to Jazz.//

Ratchet: *To Fixer* Yeah, but we're the ones who are fixing your brother.

Fixer: *actually falls silent*

Ratchet: *Remembers what First Aid said* //Is he able to go?//

First Aid: //He's gone.//

Ratchet: //...Gone as in....//

Jazz: //'Ey, Doc-bot? On the list 'Aid gave me, is it one 'r two kinetic distribution servos?//

Ratchet: *Relieved* //Two, Jazz. One for the right side, one for the left side.//

First Aid: //But see if you can find a good size protoform, too, please, Jazz.//

Jazz: //Gotcha, 'Aid. Jazz out.//

First Aid: *comes in, looking at a package in his hands* ...Ratchet, what's a 'sammich'? I told Jazz that I was getting fuel for Fixer, and he gave me this and said she could have his sammich.

Ratchet: ... I have no idea... *Scans the package*

package: *contains energon and minerals, made up to look just like one of Sparkplug's favorite ham sandwiches save that the colours are very different*

Ratchet: ... It's energon and minerals...

First Aid: ...Oh. But then why did Jazz...?

Ratchet: The minerals in it are the sort that are good for self-repair systems....

First Aid: *carefully unwraps the strange fuel and goes to offer it to Fixer*

Fixer: *shakes her head without even looking at it, though it's scenting the air all around it*

Ratchet: You need to refuel, Fixer... It won't do Viisaus any good if he's worrying about you while he recovers.

Fixer: *just shakes her head again* Let's just get him finished.

Ratchet: *nods and continues to work*

A few hours later....

Jazz: *Whistling cheerfully as he enters the med bay with a couple of bags in hand* *Moves to offer Ratchet a botbeer*

Ratchet: *raised brow ridge* What's this, Jazz? *No, he's never had a botbeer before*

Jazz: Somethin' t' lighten the mood a bit. *grins as he sets the bag with all the parts in it nearby*

sammich: *sitting next to where he set the bag*

First Aid: You couldn't get a protoform, Jazz?

Jazz: *slight pout as he notices the sammich* Aww, nobody wanted it? Yeah, I got a protoform... *will get it out of subspace* Gimme a hand, 'Aid...

First Aid: Oh! Fixer wasn't hungry, and then I forgot about it. I'm sorry, Jazz. *hurrying over to help*

Fixer: *standing like a statue over by Viisaus' head, quietly growling at him again*

Jazz: *Slight headtilt* 'E's asleep, ain't 'e?

First Aid: Viisaus? He's in induced medical stasis. *reaches out hands, ready to help with the protoform*

Jazz: *Visor flickers with surprise*

Ratchet: *checking over the parts Jazz brought, and nodding his approval before he and Perceptor resume repairwork*

First Aid: *gentle pat pat for Jazz* I'm ready to help.

Jazz: *nods and gets the protoform the rest of the way out of his subspace* Where d'ya want it?

First Aid: My that's a tall one. Here, lay it on this empty table next to Viisaus'. *has the shoulders of the empty shell*

Jazz: Gotcha. *Has the feet, will help First Aid move it to the table*

First Aid: *gets his end settled, and then sets to work prepping it for spark transfer* Thank you, Jazz.

Jazz: No prob, 'Aid....

First Aid: I don't think we need anything else. You can go ahead and bring the sparklets their treats. *optics sparkle in a smile*

Jazz: *Snerk* Ya caught me.... *chuckles and heads out, but not before snagging his sammich and chomping on it*

First Aid: *soft chuckle and finishes his preparations* Ready, Ratchet.

Ratchet: *Small nod, sighs* We've done all we can with the shell he's had...

Fixer: *soft grunt as Viisaus' shell fails*

Perceptor: Ratchet!

Ratchet: *string of obscenities under his breath as he works on the transfer*

Fixer: *just watches, her faceplates expressionless*

Perceptor: *Moving to try and gently suggest that Fixer sit down in a chair*

Ratchet: *Working on moving Viisaus' spark to the new protoform*

Fixer: *silently shrugs off Perceptor's suggestions, her optics still fixed on her brother*

Ratchet: *finishes the transfer and prays as the protoform's features begin to take shape*

Viisaus: *nearly bucks himself off of the table as his senses return to him, including ghost pains from his old shell*

First Aid: *tries to hold him down, speaking soothingly*

Fixer: Settle down, slagger.

Ratchet: *helping to hold down Viisaus* It's alright, it's just your spark remembering your injuries... *Winces as Viisaus manages to get him in the face with an elbow*

Perceptor: *moving to apply a pain override as well as a sedation tab*

Fixer: *hand out to stop Perceptor as she barks at her brother* I said settle down!

Viisaus: *cycling air and trying to focus* F-Fix...er...

Fixer: That's right, you sorry excuse for hardware.

Viisaus: *Small smile, reaches for her hand* I'm... glad.... you're safe....

Fixer: *snorts at him and gives him a box to the audio*

Viisaus: *Yelps!*

Fixer: *blink blink. WORRY as she scans him, her hands to each side of his head*

Viisaus: *is alright, aside from a bit of stress from the transfer. He was more startled than anything*

Fixer: *low and fervent cursing of everything from his ancestry to his personal habits as she circulates deeply with relief*

First Aid: *is at one with his blush* o.0

Ratchet: *chuckles and begins putting things away, starting with carrying Viisaus' old shell to a side room where he'll disassemble it for parts and materials later on*

Perceptor: *Politely excuses himself*

Viisaus: *looking around, confusion clear on his face* Where.... are we?

Fixer: *gruffly* Autobot City. On Earth. *hands still on the sides of his head*

Viisaus: ... *Optics wide as he moves to try and sit up*

Fixer: *hands tighten* I know they transfered your processor without scrambling it, so stop acting like you've got exhaust in there.

Viisaus: *gives her a very mild Look* If we are here... Where is Torque?

Fixer: Still on Cybertron. Keeping out of trouble.

Viisaus: *Relaxes* Good...

Fixer: *gruff* Are you hungry?

Viisaus: Some fuel would be appreciated, yes...

Fixer: *looks up, and gives a non-plussed blink at the cookie First Aid just slipped into her brother's hand*

Viisaus: *Confused expression*

Ratchet: *Coming back* What kind of cookie is that?

First Aid: It's a cinnaSeeker. *pulls away a bit of the wrapper it's in to let out the scent*

Ratchet: ... *chuckles after he catches the scent*

Viisaus: *raised brow ridge as he moves to taste the wonderful-smelling fuel*

First Aid: *eyes twinkling as he moves to clean up the med ward*

Fixer: *silent as she watches her brother taste*

Viisaus: *Will try and break off a piece to offer to his sister*

Fixer: Never mind that. Just get that fuel into your tank.

Ratchet: *Will put another cinnaSeeker into Fixer's hands*

Viisaus: *small smile, nods and begins to eat*

Fixer: *watches till Viisaus finishes his meal, and then looks around for a clean tarp* His cover's filthy. Do you have another one?

Ratchet: *goes to get a blanket, thanking whoever's listening, as he always does, for the crazy fangirl in the Nexus who knits them*

Fixer: *brow plates lift at sight of the tarp he brings, but she takes it and spreads it over her brother* Get some sleep now.

Viisaus: *small nod, systems already going into recharge to process the good fuel in his tank*

Fixer: *watches him, her hand on his shoulder, till she's sure he's deeply asleep. Then she calmly walks out of the room. A clatter from further up the hallway follows*

Ratchet: *Shakes his head and sighs before going to get Fixer so he can assess her damage before he puts her in one of the recovery rooms so she can be close to Viisaus when he wakes*

Fixer: *blinking disorientedly as he lifts her* ...Ratchet?

Ratchet: *soothingly* Easy, Fixer... Let's get you taken care of, so you can take care of Viisaus, alright?

Fixer: *shivers as systems long held in check all succumb at once to the strain they've been under and an opportunistic virus starts a gleeride through them* Been... taking care.

Ratchet: *Scanning Fixer as he moves to carry her to the med ward* I know... *Sends a message to First Aid, asking for an anti-virus patch for the virus that's currently trying to take a joyride through the femme's strained systems*

First Aid: *databursts it to him as soon as it's requested*

Fixer: *optics flickering as she intakes rapidly* Slag. Shutdown.... *hadn't thought she'd pushed herself that far*

Ratchet: Fixer, I need you to install this patch before you go into shutdown... *Databursts her the patch* It's an anti-virus.

Fixer: *tries to install. Fumbles and fails. Doggedly tries again. She's too wiped out to even curse herself for idiocy*

Ratchet: *Gently* Let me help you....

Fixer: *quietly and blankly* Yes... need help. *rests her head against him, optics darkening as she shuts them down*

Ratchet: *carries Fixer to the med ward and gets her hooked up to some of the system support equipment, as well as a diagnostic scanner. That done, he begins uploading the anti-virus patch and checking her coolant levels*

Fixer: *coolant levels are pretty good, though the coolant itself is rather substandard and looks like some of it's been there for a very long time*

Ratchet: *soft sigh, goes to grab fresh coolant and a blanket out of the supply room*

Fixer: *muttering when he gets back, her processor glitching slightly due to the strain she's under* ...This probe where the sun doesn't shine if you don't back off, glitch....

Ratchet: *more sigh as he recognizes words from the day she ran Clarion off, gently patpats Fixer's hand*

Fixer: *turns head slightly, still delirium talking* Ratchet... good mech. Worth more. Wish he were my type. Nice grin....

First Aid: ...o.0

Ratchet: ... *isn't blushing, you can't prove it. Focuses on flushing the old coolant out of Fixer's lines and replacing it with new coolant*

Fixer: Tell him? *faint snort* Tell him what, Viisaus? He's Prime's chief medic.

First Aid: <._<.

Ratchet: *More notblush, continues to work*

Fixer: Hrrrrm. Dumb dream. *bit of a grin* Good day at work, Ratchet? Hmph. Let me at him and he'd change his story.

First Aid: *slams door in Sunstreaker's face*

Ratchet: ..... o///o

Fixer: Don't think kisses will distract me, you slagger. *big grin*

First Aid: *slams the door in his own face*

Fixer: *now has Ratchet's hand and squeezes it, though she's still unaware of her surroundings*

Ratchet: *tries to get his hand back, intends to have Perceptor help Fixer. Also intends to find someone with a PINpoint he can gank and go to the Black Dog to try and forget this ever happened*

Fixer: *loses grip on hand and goes on talking to her dream*

First Aid: *is a sound of quarrelling with Sunstreaker outside the door*

Perceptor: *Returning to the med ward at Ratchet's request, will take care of Fixer and use a low-strength sedative on her so she can rest and recover*

Ratchet: *Slipping out of the med ward, going to find Prowl or Jazz*

Wheeljack: *waiting around the corner. Pounces on him* Hey! Why's your face so red? *snirk*

Sunstreaker: Ratchet! I have a DENT!

Ratchet: *ignores Sunstreaker* *To Wheeljack* You. KNEW.

Wheeljack: :D She blew herself stupid that day we finished the Ark's main engine.

Sunstreaker: *flailing and trying to make First Aid let go of him*

Ratchet: *glares at Wheeljack, before he's heading off down the hall to seek out Prowl or Jazz*

Prowl: *is that calm voice coming from the rec room. He's reading a story about a brave human jet pilot. Starscream's leaning against him and listening*

Ratchet: Prowl, I need to borrow your PINpoint.

Blitzwing: *pauses in chewing on his guardian's head* Ratchet-face red! *Giggle*

Prowl: *blinks and looks up* Ratchet? Is something wrong?

Ratchet: I'll explain later.

Prowl: Alright.... *frowns as he takes the PINpoint out of subspace and offers it* Have you let Rodimus know where you're going and the nature of your mission?

Starscream: *peek at a Ratchet over Silverbolt II's fuzzy head*

Ratchet: That's my next stop.

Prowl: Alright. *still with the concerned frown as he moves the PINpoint a bit to remind the discomfited medic that he's offering it*

Ratchet: Thanks... *grabs the offered PINpoint and heads off in the direction of Rodimus' office*

Rodimus: *feet on desk as he frowns at an upside down datapad and tries to keep his optics online. His office door is wide open*

Ratchet: Rodimus, I'm taking a break. *Yes, he's still blushing a bit*

Rodimus: *mumble* Okay, Ratchet. Have fun. .... *snorrre*

Ratchet: *Soft snerk, PINpoints to the Nexus, and heads for the Black Dog*

Blackout: *nearly drops an inebriated and very upset baytech Tracks on him as he comes in*

Ratchet: *Startles and barely avoids being squished under the other mech*

hsvTracks: *dizzy protest at being dropped, while over at a nearby table, hsvBeau and Raoul are trying not to laugh and hsvDenver uses her mate's lap as a chair*

hsvAir Raid: *face hidden on his mate's back as he sniggers himself staticky*

Blackout: Hmmm. A Ratchet. *eyes the white mech measuringly*

Ratchet: Er... Hi? *moving to scan hsvTracks, concerned about the mech*

Blackout: *will reach for this Ratchet now*

hsvClarion: *is that frightened yelp from over at that nearby booth*

hsvRatchet: Blackout, that one's taken.

Blackout: *pauses and gives the yellow mech a doubtful scowl*

Ratchet: *Thankful for the diversion, books it to the bar*

Tarantulus: *as he walks by Ratchet* Noob. *goes to deliver a tray of orders to a table*

Ratchet: *eyes the odd-looking mech* Takes one to know one.

Rhinox: *hops up on the bar in front of him* You kidding? The kid's one of Blackout's pets. What's yours?

Ratchet: *slight start* Er.... Something with high grade...

Rhinox: *as Blackout snags that Tracks again, he points to the menu* You think?

Ratchet: *Trying to remember the name of what he used to get at Macadam's, describes it. The concoction's got a sweeter high grade than most mechs of his reality favor, but it's balanced out with sour flavoring from sodium bicarbonate, and it's almost orange-ish in color* For the life of me, I can't remember what it's called....

Rhinox: *setting to work* Red Alert.

Ratchet: ... *Snerks*

Rhinox: *mixing the drink skillfully despite his size in comparison to the cube. Doesn't pause as a tiny toothy being crawls over and wraps around his leg*

Dinobaby: *cheers as the Chromia Nemesis just served blows up in its owner's face*

Ratchet: *Attention going that way, raised brow ridge*

Rhinox: *throws in a last handful of minerals and mixes* Chromia.

Ratchet: ... That seems oddly appropriate....

hsvLumen: *laughing at his misfortune*

Rhinox: It was invented by Ironhide. What do you expect? *shoves his drink toward him, the cube sliding easily on the polished bar top* Lumen, stop shaking it.

Ratchet: Good point... Thanks... *will set a credit chit on the bar top, as well as several pieces of human currency, intends to drink till he can't afford another cube*

hsvLumen: :P

Rhinox: *takes off to mix another drink, his little passenger still firmly fixed to his leg*

Ratchet: *Enjoying his drink, including the funny-sounding burps that result from it*

baby laughter: *comes from under the upper level of the bar in response to those burps*

Ratchet: *chuckles and tries to see whose bitty is laughing* *Squeaky burp*

mLumen: *Yips at the squeak!*

Mal: *coming out from under the bar top to see who's burping at the same time* Oh hey, it's a Ratchet.

Spazz: *amused* Really? What colour?

mEclipse: *from where she's sitting on a corner of the bar and working on something* Basic tech, Spazz...

Ratchet: *boggling a bit at the tiny (in comparison to him), furry femme*

mEclipse: Keep staring, I might do a trick.

mLumen: *yips at Mama for being rude*

Mal: *cracks up* You tell him, Clipsie.

Spazz: *clicking to Lucky as he clicks back* Little wingnut.

Nemesis: *goes past* What have I told you guys about scaring off my customers?

Mal and mEclipse: *in chorus* Wait till they pay.

Ratchet: *chuckles* They're not scaring me.... I just wasn't expecting to see a small, furry version of someone I know from back home.... *is starting to relax, though that may be due to the high grade in his tank*

Mal: *snort* N00b.

Ratchet: I'm not a n00b. I've just never been to this part of the Nexus before....

mEclipse: You're still a n00b, n00b. *back to work on whatever it is she's making*

voice from mEclipse's back: Eclipse, be nice... You and Mal promised you'd behave today....

mEclipse: Whatever, Show...

Mal: Telling the truth is behaving. *tosses an energon pellet at tiny Showtime*

Ratchet: *Focuses on enjoying his drink, would prefer to avoid a processor ache, kthx*

Lucky: *crawly crawly out of the nest, will sit and loveadolly!*

Rhinox: *comes back, scoops his little son up and kisses him, then looks around to see if any of his customers look about ready for a refill*

Lucky: *is a happyspazzed baby bayformer!*

Mal: *snerks at him and then crawls into the bowl of energon pellets*

Rhinox: *looks at Ratchet* That went fast.

Ratchet: I just want to try and not think about what's going on back home....

Rhinox: *frowns* War?

Ratchet: No, just an old friend showing up in need of a lot of help with not only her brother, but her own systems.... I'm starting to see why people say medics make the worst patients....

Rhinox: *humorous expression* We're usually too busy running off our feet to remember we have systems. *hops up and settles crosslegged a little distance from Ratchet's cube, still cuddling his little white son*

Ratchet: Yeah... Fixer ignored her own system's needs in favor of keeping Viisaus running....

Rhinox: *humor turns to a frown as he takes a swipe at the passing Dinobaby, who is now dragging Small Cheetor by one leg* Linkup?

Dinobaby: *aims for mEclipse's lap*

Ratchet: Wifi connection, if I had to guess... Then an opportunistic virus decided to hitch a ride once Viisaus no longer needed assistance....

Rhinox: *winces* How long were they hooked up?

Ratchet: I'm guessing since the building fell on Viisaus.. Just over a month ago....

Rhinox: .... No other medics around? *deep frown as he sets Lucky down and hurries to answer a call for a drink. Comes back when he's done mixing and picks the sparklet up again*

Ratchet: If there are any still on Cybertron, I don't know about them....

Rhinox: So you're from about.... *names Ratchet's time period* Sometime after first human contact and before the exile of Galvatron?

Lucky: Gavvy!

Ratchet: ...Who's Galvatron?

Rhinox: ...Well, in some realities he's an upgraded Megatron.

energon pellet bowl: Around here he's the dishwasher.

Ratchet: ... Unless Primus decides it, the Megatron of my reality likely won't become Galvatron....

Rhinox: Oh? *glances up at Nemesis as she tells him to take his break, then turns his attention back to Ratchet*

Ratchet: *Digging out a datapad to show what he means. Is soon pulling up a holo-image of the Itty-Bitty Kiddy Committee in a snuggle pile*

Rhinox: Hmmm. Doesn't look like the reality I know. You've got more, and those don't look like chibies.

Ratchet: All of the Decepticons got turned into sparklets somehow... Nobody's figured it out, but it was agreed that we'd take care of them, and now they're part of our family...

Rhinox: Decepticons can be pretty good people if you can get behind the gun. *slight grin as he says it*

Dinobaby: Om nom Decepppicon!

Ratchet: *Chuckles and flips to the next image, which shows the Eclipse of his reality snuggling with Starscream and Prowl*

Rhinox: *recognition dawns* I know that little girl.

Ratchet: Eclipse and Starscream are nigh unseperable...

Rhinox: *nods and grins* How's Starscream's new pet?

Ratchet: *chuckles* Silverbolt II is doing well... She follows after him everywhere...

Rhinox: *soft rumble* Good. She was pretty low when he brought her in the day he got her.

Ratchet: Well, between Eclipse and Starscream, she's perked right up... They both take very good care of her.

Rhinox: *nods, and then gets up to mix another Red Alert* ...One friend over extending themself usually isn't reason to drink above your usual level.

Ratchet: *sighs* When I first met her, Fixer ran off the femme I was dating at the time... It turns out that she has been harboring feelings for me for a long time.... And with her sick... I can't work on her without it being a conflict of interest....

Rhinox: *pushes the drink over. Is wearing his listening face as he settles down with Lucky again*

Ratchet: *as he takes a long pull from his drink* I'm not even sure how I feel about her...

Rhinox: *lifts a brow ridge* You said she was a friend.

Lucky: *gnaws on Daddy's thumb and clicks softly, his optics drowsy*

Ratchet: Yeah... But I'm not sure if I can stay her friend, knowing now that she has feelings for me... And I sure as heck can't say anything about it, because she was delirious when it came out....

Rhinox: How long have you known one another?

Ratchet: *names the day that he first met Fixer*

Rhinox: How long has she had feelings for you? *rubs Lucky's head and is rewarded with purrs*

Ratchet: Probably since that day....

Rhinox: And she hasn't done anything about it in all that time? I doubt you have anything to worry about. *doesn't look up from his son*

mEclipse: Either that, or she's too proud to admit that she likes him, Rhinox... *is currently using Dinobaby as a lap desk*

Rhinox: *glances at her, and then looks quizzically up at Ratchet*

Ratchet: *quieter* She was telling Viisaus off as she rambled for suggesting that she tell me how she feels.....

Rhinox: *also quiet* Telling him off how?

Ratchet: *Relays the conversation Fixer likely had all those vorns ago*

Rhinox: ...So she thinks you're above her. But she dreams about you.

Ratchet: *headonbar* Yes... *sighs*

Rhinox: ...Are you overcharged already?

Ratchet: Just a little.

mEclipse: *Snort* Lightweight.

Rhinox: *shakes head* So what part of all this is the part that's making you emo?

pellet bowl: *snigger*

Ratchet: I don't know what to do... I shocked Prowl when it came out that I had had a girlfriend at one point.... And now Fixer's on Earth and I can't say anything about what she said, because she'll throw something at me for it.....

mEclipse: Kiss her.

Ratchet: *head up, boggling at mEclipse*

mEclipse: I'm being serious. Just kiss her, then you'll know how you really feel about her.

Rhinox: *shrug* It worked for me. *looks over the edge of the bar and makes a surprised sound as skinny, light green arms go around his neck*

Ratchet: ....

Mal: *from the depths of the treat bowl* He's gutless.

Ratchet: Oh, buzz off.

mEclipse: *Snerk*

Mal: Hey, just because I'm a virus doesn't mean I'm a bug.

Rhinox: *sits up, grinning and now sans bitty*

Lucky: *is happy clicks from down below as he sleepily talks to Mama*

mLumen: *coming up to look for Pooka* *yips at his Mama and at Ratchet, waggatail for Rhinox!*

Rhinox: *reaches out to snag that bitty instead and hold him close as big fingers scratch the tiny chin. Looks up at Ratchet*

Ratchet: *considering look, sighs and shakes his head a bit* Even if I did say something to her... Viisaus is protective of her....

Rhinox: *grins* I've met a Viisaus. He seemed like a reasonable guy, other than letting that femmebot talk to him like that.

Ratchet: ... There's more than one Viisaus?

Rhinox: *grin* There's more than one you.

Ratchet: ... Good point....

Rhinox: *rumbles and scritches puppy chin*

mLumen: *happy wiggle!*

Ratchet: I'm guessing the femmebot was another Fixer?

Rhinox: I don't know. They were sitting over at one of the far booths. I only know the mech's name because Torque Minor mentioned it to Nem when he noticed them.

Ratchet: ... Torque Minor? *confused*

Rhinox: Another bot from their reality. *soft rumbles for puppy*

Ratchet: ...Huh... Don't think I know anyone by that name...

mLumen: *Happy yips and wiggles!*

Rhinox: He could be a Lonestar. I've only seen the one come in. Lumen, back off, those pellets are taken. *Look for hsvLumen as the big mech reaches for the bowl that contains Mal*

hsvLumen: Aww....

Mal: *sits up in the bowl and makes a razzing sound at hsvLumen*

hsvLumen: *Razzes Mal, and clicks to his furry alt*

Ratchet: ... *quietly, to Rhinox* Is there something wrong with him? *meaning hsvLumen*

Rhinox: *snerk* He's young.

Mal: *cheerfully* He has voices in his head!

hsvLumen: *stinkeyes Mal*

Mal: And they like to sing in the echoing silence. *laugh*

Rhinox: ...Mal, what have we talked about in regards to infecting people.

Mal: ...But it was so empty and lonely.

Ratchet: *Snerks*

Rhinox: *stern look for young sister in law*

Mal: *vanishes back into the snack pellets*

Ratchet: *shakes his head, chuckling*

Rhinox: Anyway. The big blue guy is an alternate of this guy here. *kiss for puppy's head*

Ratchet: The little one's cuter.... *more chuckle, sips at his drink*

Rhinox: Eh, that Lumen had his charms when he was small too. You can't be part Eclipse and not be cute at some point.

Ratchet: Wonder if the one I know'll ever be a mom....

Rhinox: You know a guy named WakeJumper?

Ratchet: Yeah... but he's just a little guy right now....

Rhinox: Ah well. Your Eclipse has a long time before she'll be old enough to worry about starting a family.

hsvLumen: My mom's only about a year older than me, Rhinox...

Rhinox: *calmly, as he looks up at him* I rest my case.

hsvLumen: Thrrrrpt

mLumen: Thrrrrrpt! XP *at hsvLumen*

Ratchet: *Snerk*

mEclipse: He's just an idiot because his dad's an idiot too. *Finishes what she's working on and grabs the scope that was on her back*

Dinobaby: Hrrrrrrrm. Idiot! *laughs and then resumes chewing on Small Cheetor's hand*

Rhinox: *mildly* Not all WakeJumpers are like yours. *offers to let mLumen go*

mLumen: *Puppy kissies!*

Rhinox: *laughs and squints, turning his face away slightly*

Mal: *up on the bar top!* *right over to Ratchet's hand* So. Are you gonna do it?

Ratchet: Maybe....

Mal: Fffft. *looks in his cube*

Ratchet: *has finished off most of his second cube*

Rhinox: *notices that and hands mLumen to Mal while he mixes another*

mLumen: *Puppy kissies for Mal!*

Mal: *arms around the little guy's neck as he sits on the bar in front of her* Sometimes I'm really glad I don't have a face.

Rhinox: *shoves Ratchet's new drink toward him and then hops down to see what's going on between the bar layers. Rumbles happily as he winds up getting another kiss*

Ratchet: *considering look for this third cube*

Mal: *as he hesitates* Besides, you should be glad Fixer likes you, because it could be a lot worse. *looks over toward the sound of a small explosion and excited talk from a table near the bonsai display, where a female Wheeljack is triumphantly telling her mate Ratchet that see, you can too blow up water*

Ratchet: ... *attention going that way... and then he's knocking back the third cube and burping a very claxxon-like burp*

girlJack: *applauds the burp, and then is all interested upon seeing the other Ratchet*

Ratchet: *wobbles a bit, then he's introducing his face to the bar*

Rhinox: *startled look over the edge of the bar* Slag.

Mal: *laughing butt off*

hsvClarion: Doc, he just keeled over.

hsvRatchet: *moving to get up* I think he's had enough to drink....

hsvClarion: *scooting along beside him so they don't have to unlink. Her arms are wrapped around one of his*

hsvRatchet: *To Rhinox* Has he paid his tab?

Rhinox: *nods to the money pile* And then some.

hsvRatchet: *Snorts as he scans his counterpart for coordinates* I don't recall Red Alerts being capable of that....

Rhinox: *gives him the right coordinates and then hops up and counts out the proper change for the drinks before pushing the change over toward its owner* He's just getting out of the war.

hsvRatchet: *nods* He's from the same reality as the young Kriti...

Rhinox: I don't know about a Kriti. But I know he's from the same reality as that little Starscream and Eclipse.

hsvRatchet: The Kriti I'm thinking of hails from the same reality as the Starscream and Eclipse you're talking about, but she's being raised in one of the sibling realities to my own.

Rhinox: Raised by who? *curious*

hsvRatchet: That reality's Perceptor and his mate, Kia.

Rhinox: Did you hear that, Kriti?

Rhinox's visor: How could I not? I'm right here, yanno.

hsvClarion: *startles slightly and looks at the visor*

hsvRatchet: ... *Scans the visor* o_o

visor: *Transforms to a tiny femme who clings to Rhinox's head*

Rhinox: *grinning* Ratchet, meet Kriti.

Mal: The meanest pint of badaft in the Nexus. *still glad she has no face, but not letting go the puppy, either*

mLumen: Thrrpt... *snuggle*

hsvRatchet: *a bit brain-broken, but gives himself a bit of a shake*

tKriti: *jumps down to poke at kvRatchet and whisper something in his audio about kissing Fixer when he gets home*

hsvClarion: *heard that!* Hey, now. *amused femme is hiding on mate's arm*

tKriti: *Wicked grin as she moves to scale Rhinox's arm*

Rhinox: *helping hand for the tiny femme he regards as a daughter as he turns to walk over to mEclipse and check on her progress with tShowtime's transformation cog*

hsvRatchet: *Snerks and shakes his head as he moves to gently shake kvRatchet*

hsvClarion: Doc... he's wasted.

hsvRatchet: *sighs as his counterpart only murmurs nonsense* So it would seem.

tShowtime: *waiting patiently while mEclipse makes the final connections that will allow transformation*

mEclipse: There... Try transforming, Show...

tShowtime: Alright. Here goes.... *And then Dinobaby will have a femme sitting on him*

Clarion: *glances over toward the little hissy laughing giggly guy, and then gathers up her courage and pokes the drunken Ratchet in her own mate's worst ticklish spot*

Ratchet: *Squirms and tells Sunstreaker to quit poking him*

hsvRatchet: *snerks and carefully lifts his counterpart* Let's get him where he belongs....

Clarion: One more poke, Doc. *optics wide as she lifts her finger*

hsvRatchet: Alright, but just one.

Clarion: *JAB. Duck!*

Ratchet: *awake! blink blink, and then he's out for the count*

tKriti: What a n00b.

Mal: Don't insult n00bs. *snorts from where she's now joined Dinobaby and tinyShowtime in mEclipse's lap*

tKriti: Why, is that your job or something, Mal? *smirk*

Mal: Thrrrrrrrrrrrffffffffff

tShowtime: *Snuggles Dinobaby and apologizes for landing on him*

hsvRatchet: *dramatic sigh*

hsvClarion: *peeks up at him* Now what?

hsvRatchet: Now we take him back so his friends don't worry about him. PINpoint is in the usual compartment....

hsvClarion: *grins and stands on her toes to get it. Makes sure to very gently poke him in the side of the compartment, because it feels so funny when he's been tickled lightly*

hsvRatchet: *Squirms* Clarion... *Tone would be a warning to anyone else but her*

hsvClarion: *turns the grin up toward his face, her optics dancing with laughter and love that is transmitted over the link wire*

hsvRatchet: *Databursts the coordinates to the PINpoint* It's set... *pulls her close to his side*

hsvClarion: *hugs him and shutters her optics* -Ready.-

hsvRatchet: *Makes sure he's not going to drop kvRatchet* -Let's go.- *Will push the green button and bring both mate and counterpart to kv*

Skywarp: FACEHUGGER! *Latches onto hsvRatchet's face with a :D expression*

hsvRatchet: *Highly amused, but opts to deadpan* And I'm Samus. You just got owned.

Skywarp: *Gigglefit!*

Clarion: :o

hsvRatchet: *Rumbly chuckle* Where's someone who can help carry him to his quarters, Skywarp?

Skywarp: Um... Oh! I know! :D *teleports to go find Ironhide*

Clarion: *thinking it's strange that she's not even afraid of that Seeker as she stands and holds onto her mate's arm*

hsvRatchet: -That Skywarp is a sparklet. The only things he cares about are playing, having a full tank, being able to fly, and being in snuggle piles with his friends.-

Clarion: *quietly* -Yeah, but Doc... I'm even afraid'a Wolfie.-

hsvRatchet: *'Hrm's quietly while he waits for Skywarp to return with whichever adult the Seeklet managed to track down*

Ironhide: *being led by an excited Seeklet* Wh't 'n tarnation's goin' on 'ere?

Clarion: *meeps and hides!*

hsvRatchet: *Cheerily* Here. I believe this belongs to you. *Gives kvIronhide Ratchet and then PINpoints his mate home*

Starscream: *followed Ironhide and Skywarp to the door, is now staring with wide optics as Silverbolt II rubs her nose on his leg and sneezes*

Eclipse: *peeking over Starscream's shoulder* Wow... What happened to Ratchet?

Ironhide: *as he tries not to drop his friend* Ah think 'e 'ad a few too maneh at th' Black Dog....

Starscream: o.0 He's... drunk?

Ironhide: Looks lahk 't... Ah'll git 'im t' quarters so 'e c'n sleep 't off....

Starscream: Is he going to be sick? *worried Seeklet*

Ironhide: Naw... 'E'll jes' 'ave a bit of a processor ache 'n th' mornin', nothin' t' worry 'bout.

Starscream: Oh. *relieved, but then cocks a wary optic toward the door as Wheeljack's laughter greets him* Oh no, now what's he blowing up? *scoops his foal up and then turns and books it back into the city*

Skywarp: *teleports to see what's going on*

Ironhide: *Shakes his head and carries Ratchet inside and towards quarters*

Rodimus: *through his open door as Ironhide passes it* I told 'Jack not to play with those mechanical swallows. Um... but shouldn't you be taking him to the med ward?

Ironhide: First Aid don' need t' trouble 'imself dealin' wit' a 'angover, Prahm. Ratchet c'n sleep 't off 'n 'is quarters.

Rodimus: *pops into the hall* What? Wait. Ratchet's drunk?

Ironhide: Looks lahk 't. *Continuing on down the hall, even as Ratchet murmurs something about tropical fish*

Rodimus: *following* Wait, wait. Where'd he get the booze... so I can close off the source, of course.

Ironhide: Wh're d'ya think, Prahm? 'N 'f y'all try 'n close off th' source, Ah'll letcha 'splain t' 'Clipsie 'n Starscream whah th'y can't go on cookie runs.

Rodimus: ...Hey! Is that where my PINpoint went? *has been ransacking his quarters for the elusive gadget*

Ironhide: Naw, Ah think Prowl loaned 'is t' Ratchet.

Rodimus: Slag. *turns and goes back to his quarters, muttering about being a slob and Arcee being right*

Ironhide: ... *Shakes his head, enters Ratchet's quarters, and sets the inebriated mech on his berth* Wonder wh't gotcha all inna hurry t' git hammered? *will head out after dimming the lights*

Back in dv

Perceptor: *startles awake as small feet land on his face*

Kriti: *Clickstorm, is trying to get to Mama, wants to play!*

Kia: *also startled when her mate did, but now she's laughing softly as she holds out her arms, her Jamaican accent gentle* How do you feel, my Miss?

Kriti: Better. Stuff's not jangly. :3

Kia: I am glad. *slips into the pool and swims to meet the youngling, then turns on her back and offers herself as Mamaboat*

Kriti: *moves to climb onto Mama's belly, snuggles happily*

Kia: *hugs the little one, and then laughs as Perceptor rises from the 'depths' with a swish that sends her and her cargo floating toward the side of the pool*

Kriti: *Gigglefit, reaches to try and splash Papa*

Perceptor: *grinning as he knocks cleaning fluid out of his audios* Are you hungry, Miss?

Kriti: Mmmmyup.

Perceptor: Ah, then we should do something about that. *walks to the side and hops out, then hunkers down to offer his arms to Kriti*

Kriti: *Snuggles Mama a bit more before reaching for Papa*

Perceptor: *lifts the little femme into his arms and cuddles her, then rises to his feet and assists Kia from the pool before leading the way to the towel pile* And now here is Miss Kriti's favorite part. *wraps her all up*

Kriti: *Happy clickstorm* Dolly! :D

Perceptor: *drying his little one as Kia dries his back* Yes, there is Dolly. Look at her smile. One might construe that she has enjoyed her nap and is overjoyed to see you feeling well again.

Kriti: *chatters, chirrups, and clickstorms to the soft toy as she's dried off*

Perceptor: *gently finishes the drying process, and then drops the towels into the bin before scooping Dolly up and offering her to her mother* There you are, Miss. Now what shall we eat?

Kia: *trying to contact kvRatchet. Is puzzled by the continued failure of the medic to respond*

Kriti: *As she moves to hold Dolly close, she gets a bit of a considering look* Hmm.... Sammiches? *doesn't remember if they brought sammiches or not*

Perceptor: I can certainly make sandwiches. *grinning once more as he heads for the big front room, his processor awhirl with plans to layer slices of energon blocks between slices of other colours. Stops short as he reaches the living room and catches the scent of a 'deepfried' pickle and gummi ham pizza* ...Jazz?

Jazz: *looks up with a grin* Look, Bitty! I gotcha treat ta celebrate yer feelin' better.

Kriti: Ooooooo! Thank you, PapaJazz! :D

Perceptor: *chuckling as he goes over to the energy counter and sets Kriti down on her feet* Would you like sandwiches as well, Miss?

Kriti: *considering look* It's okay to have both?

Perceptor: Perfectly alright. *startled glance at Kia, but then nods to her before looking back to Kriti with his smile firmly in place*

Jazz: *playing happy music as he cuts the pizza up into Kriti-approved squares*

Kriti: Mmmkay. :3 *Moves to watch Jazz cut the pizza up*

Perceptor: *wishes he had something a bit more sandwichy looking, but soon has sandwiches of pink slices held between blue. Offers the plateful to Kriti*

Jazz: *looks up from talking to Kriti about pizza and snerks at the sandwiches*

Kriti: *Happy clicks, will set the plate where everyone can have a sandwich* Thank you, Papa. :3

Perceptor: You are quite welcome, Kriti. *will settle on the big mattress as Kia takes a place beside him, and once he's bowed his head and given thanks, will urge the members of his family who are present to eat. Also checks to make sure Jazz has let Blackie know that it's safe to bring Bumblebee back from the Nellis base, where she'd brought the chibi femme so that her angry squealing couldn't disturb Kriti. Soon the family is reunited. Supper becomes a campout on the big mattress, and shortly thereafter Kriti is snuggled contentedly between her parents with Bumblebee and Dolly in her arms as she settles down for the night*

Kia: *softly* Good sleep, my Miss.

Kriti: *As she goes into a sleep cycle* Night, Mama, night, Papa, night, Blackie, night, PapaJazz, night, Bumble....

bittyBee: Thrrrpt!

Jazz, Blackie, and Kia: *laugh before settling down to join Perceptor and Kriti in sleep*

((co-written with random_xtras))
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