TPF. Autobot HQ and a MECH stronghold. Changing Situations

Dec 11, 2011 00:36

WakeJumper: *absently watching the monitors. Has been in a bit of an odd mindset since he spoke with Fixer*

Denver: *in a MOOD.... And in a dress!*

Jack: *concentrating on homework. Has NOT looked at Denver all afternoon* *has, however, given Miko many stink eyes*

Miko: *is totally ignoring the stink eyes. She's just glad she won the bet, and that Denver didn't try and chicken out*

Eclipse: *headtilting and puzzling over Denver's change in appearance* *confused bitty is confused!* *click*

Panacea: *big yawn as she lazily examines her doll for any new plastic treats. Pokes at the funny little circles of soft material that seem to have been sewn on instead*

Optimus: *seated on her new chair, an arm and her chin resting on the back of it as she sits astride of it and watches the monitors*

Ratchet: *working on fixing some of the scanning equipment and grumping quietly about getting a bit of a zap earlier*

Muhlisha: *over between two crate piles. Just totally schooled Torque on the use of electricity. Is snoring softly as she sleeps on him now*

Torque: *snoring softly as he recovers from his Muhlisha-issued schooling*

Denver: *arms crossed over her chest, is gonna scowl at Miko for a bit*

Keepsake: *wanders in* Ratchet what's the local name for... *names the chemical she's looking for*

Ratchet: *names it off as he works*

Eclipse: *babbles to Sissy and points at Denver* *something's not right here!*

Keepsake: *looks at Denver's ankle length dress and denim jacket ensemble* *wince* Yeah, that doesn't look good at all. *turns and goes back to her boom experimentation*

Optimus: *face palm*

Rockface: *scooting in, intends to offer Arcee some of the copper he found* *stops short when he sees Denver* ....Er.....

Optimus: *gives him a stern look* Uncomplimentary comments are uncalled for.

Jack: *under his breath, with a frown for Rockface* Seriously...

Rockface: .... *gonna go see if he can find Arcee then*

Panacea: *glances over and tries to repeat something she thinks she just heard her Dad mutter. It's something she hears Keepsake say all the time*

Muhlisha: *drowsy snerk*

Torque: *snuggle*

Denver: *gonna sulk over there on the couch now*

Eclipse: *squeaks and clicks at Panacea*

Bumblebee: *comes zipping in and lets Raf out, then transforms, busts a move, sees Denver, and cries*

Raf: Bee? What's wrong?

Denver: *grouchily* Ah tol' Miko th't th's w's a bad ahdea.

Miko: *as she works on homework* You don't look that bad, Denver....

Raf: *sees Denver then, and his face falls with sympathy* Oh yeah, that's today. *heads for the stairs, intent on giving his friend a hug*

Bumblebee: Bweeeeeeee. *such a kicked puppy look for Miko*

Denver: *as she moves to hug Raf* Gonna go 'ome 'n change soon 'nough...

Eclipse: *squeeee! Crawly crawly to Bumblebee, wants to see Raf!*

Bumblebee: *looks down, and then scoops the bitty up and gives her a gentle kiss on her helm before he sets her up on the balcony with the kids* Beedeeboop.

Jack: *looks at Miko's smug expression and scowls, then looks over at Ratchet* Where's Bulkhead?

Ratchet: *without looking up* He and his girlfriend are still on patrol.

Miko: *looks up from her homework* Wait, when'd Bulkhead get a girlfriend?!

Optimus: *glances over* Bulkhead made Witchblade's acquaintance late yesterday, when a call was sent out for assistance for the pink mech known as Scattershot.

Miko: ... Is that why Bulkhead was acting so weird? *oblivious much?*

Optimus: He was mildly kiss drunk. *looks back to the monitors*

Raf: Kiss drunk? *pushes his glasses up*

Denver: *blink blink* *puzzled look*

Ratchet: *as he continues to work on repairing the console* It's a side effect of an energy transfer done by putting one's lips to another Transformer's lips....

Bumblebee: *notices the pair over between the crates and points to them*

Denver: ... *looks* Ewwww!

Jack: *is NOT looking that way*

Miko: *taking a hint and not looking either!*

WakeJumper: *looks over at the kids to see what's going on*

Muhlisha: *blink blink, conks out on hubby again* Zzzzz...

Raf: *sudden curious look* Ratchet?

Ratchet: *finished working on the console for now.... will turn to look at Raf* Yes, Raf?

Raf: How do you guys snore? You don't breath? And humans usually only snore when they lay on their backs.

Ratchet: *moving to scan Torque and Muhlisha* Well... In Torque's case, it's because of how smashed his intakes are....

Optimus: *absently, without turning from the monitors* I thought you repaired that, love.

Panacea: Mama.

Optimus: *gets up, gets bitty, sits down again*

Ratchet: I did.... That's the strange thing...

Denver: *snerks and shakes her head* Sh'ld prolleh go 'n change.... *and then she's grinning as she remembers something* Ah c'n grab th' box 'f toys f'r th' girls whahl 'm do'n th't.....

WakeJumper: .... Toys for the girls?

Optimus: *looks over, as Jack and Raf do the same* What sort of toys, Denver?

Panacea: *waves her doll a bit, and then mugs it, face intent*

Denver: S'me 'f mah ol' Matchbox cahs. Th'y's dah-cast metal.

Optimus: I think they might enjoy those. *looks to Ratchet*

Ratchet: I think those should be sturdy enough....

Miko: *giving Denver a surprised look* You used to play with Matchbox cars?

Denver: *a bit defensively* Ah did. Wh't 'f 't?

Jack: *looks up* Oh yeah, I still have your collector case. It's vintage now. I added a few more cars to it. The Incredible Hulk one and some others.

Denver: *surprised* Realleh? Sweet.... *grin*

Miko: ... *looking back and forth between Jack and Denver* Okay then.....

Jack: Yup. *grin* I didn't take the Wolverine one out of the package, though.

Denver: Naaahce... *geeky grin*

Miko: *trying to figure out just what's going on here* .... You know... I never really pegged you for a Matchbox kinda guy, Jack....

Jack: *grin fades to embarrassment as he glances over at Miko. Rubs the back of his neck* ...They're cool.

Denver: *nods in agreement* Yep...

Eclipse: *clicks at Denver* *heard 'metal', is curious*

Raf: *to Eclipse* Denver wants to share some of her doubles and stuff from her toy car collection with you.

Jack: *blinks, and then grins at Raf*

Eclipse: *blink blink, squeee! Happy babbles!*

Raf: They're smaller than my remote control car.

Jack: Oh yeah! Denver, remember that car you wanted? The one where you could take off the top and it had a different body underneath? I found one at the thrift store the year you left.

Denver: *blink blink* Seriousleh? *grinning now*

Jack: The rare one. *yes, Jack looks just a little smug*

Raf: *grinning as he listens*

Bumblebee: *also listening. Tiny toy cars are cute!*

Denver: *and now it's her turn to look a bit smug as she remembers something she got on one of her many flights from whereever she was living at the time* Ah managed t' fahnd th't 'un y'u were want'n, too.... Few yeahs back, 'n a dollah store 'n Ahowah....

Jack: *eyes widen* What is it?

Denver: *grin* Th' Lamborghini Countach th't got released back 'n 2000.

Jack: *stares* *then falls over*

Denver: *laughs* Ah got two 'f 'em! 'Un f'r y'u, 'un f'r me!

Jack: At the dollar store!

Denver: Yep.... 'N Ah got th' last two.... 'Cord'n t' th' clerk, th'y'd been th're f'r a few yeahs...

Jack: *slight flail, and then sits up to look around for Arcee*

Arcee: *giving Rockface an odd look as the green mech tries yet again to flirt with her*

Jack: *Matchbox cars forgotten* Hey... *off the couch and down the stairs to defend his partner*

Raf: *watches him go, and then looks at Eclipse as she squeals* No. Denver hasn't got them yet.

Denver: Gotta git 'em fr'm th' 'ouse.... *frowns as she realizes something* Ah ain't sure which 'f th' toys Eclipse'll lahk best, 'r which 'uns Pansy'll lahk best.....

Ratchet: *as he moves to gently touch Panacea's head* She seems to like soft toys that she can explore and interact with.....

Denver: ...Lahk plushies?

Raf: Well, she likes that doll that Miko made her. And remember what she did to Miko's singing cartoon doll?

Denver: .... Ah've gotta few stuffed animals she mahght lahk.....

Miko: Luna's NOT a cartoon doll, Raf.... *slight huff*

Eclipse: *squeeeeeal!*

Raf: *blinks at Miko as he baby dances with Eclipse* What? But I thought she came off that Sailor Goon stuff.

Miko: 'Sailor Moon'....

WakeJumper: *so lost right now*

Denver: Well, mebbeh Eclipse c'n 'elp pick out which stuffed animals t' give t' Pansy....

Raf: Do you want to help Denver pick toys for you and Pansy, Eclipse? *tilts his head so he can see that eager little face, his own face creasing into an affectionate smile for the energetic robot baby*

Eclipse: *babble babble, clickstorm* EEEEEE!

Raf: *laughs and heads over to offer Eclipse to Denver* *to the teen* Be careful with her, okay?

Denver: *chuckles* *teasingly, as she reaches for the excited robot baby* Who're y'u tellin' th't to, Raf?

Eclipse: *excited babbling as she moves to cling to Denver*

Raf: *gives Denver such a serious look, then blinks and looks over to where Jack is quietly reading Rockface the riot act*

Bulkhead: *quiet whistle as he pauses on his way over to the balcony to turn and watch*

Rockface: *looks like he wants nothing more than to run. Nobody ever said humans could be scary!*

Arcee: *is facepalming so much right now*

WakeJumper: .... Here... *will transform and open his doors so Denver can get Eclipse situated*

Eclipse: 0_0 *excited squeal*

Raf: *blink, attention snaps back to his bitty friend* Do you have her car seat, WakeJumper? *ready to go get it if needed*

WakeJumper: ...Better get that....

Raf: *runs to where it's usually kept behind the couch, and soon returns with the reclining infant carrier seat* Look, Eclipse! It's your rocky chair. Just remember it's popped on its stand right now. *climbs into the orange and black SUV to install the seat and the mirror so that Eclipse can see where she's going*

Eclipse: *more happy babbling and squealing*

Denver: *so amused as she moves to put Eclipse in the car seat*

Raf: *blinks and peers more closely at something, then jams his hand between the seat and the back*

WakeJumper: Ack! Hey!

Raf: *pulls out a half eaten plastic dollar store cookie cutter* Look, Eclipse! Your cookie.

Eclipse: Eeeeee!!!! *reach*

Raf: *gives it to her, then grins and waves gently before he turns and jumps out* Sorry, WakeJumper.

WakeJumper: Was wondering where that got to....

Denver: *getting in and buckling up* We'll be back soon. Wit' all th' toys. *grin*

Raf: *grins and scoots out of the way, over by Bumblebee's legs. Waves some more*

WakeJumper: *makes sure Denver and Eclipse are securely buckled, and then he's closing his doors and moving to head up the tunnel*

Bulkhead: *grins, and then realizes that Miko is giving his girlfriend a deathglare* Uh...

Raf: *doesn't notice, he's scooting off to go play with his radio control car with Bumblebee*

Miko: *GLARING at Witchblade now*

Ratchet: *shakes his head and moves to fuss over Optimus and Panacea*

Optimus: *looks up and back at him as he walks up behind her. And there's her quiet smile*

Bulkhead: Uh... *glances toward the Prime, then back to his partner* Miko?

Witchblade: *has no idea why she's being glared at. But she's going to SMIRK in response!*

Miko: *irritated huff, storms off to sulk*

Bulkhead: Hey! Miko... *follows*

Witchblade: *looks around and goes to kick Torky a bit*

Torque: *snorts quietly and gives Witchblade a dazed look before snuggling against Muhlisha a bit more*

Ratchet: *will gently touch his forehead to Optimus' and give her a small smile of his own*

Optimus: *smile grows a bit, but then vanishes as she looks over toward Rockface, Jack, and Arcee* Arcee? Is something wrong?

Arcee: Er.... Well....

Rockface: *looks very panicked now*

Jack: *lips in a thin, angry line*

Optimus: *frowns as she turns to look at them more fully*

Ratchet: *raised brow ridges*

Rockface: *wants nothing more than to slip away and hide right now*

Optimus: *will wait for explanation*

Witchblade: Rocky's got it bad for 'Cee, but Jacky told him to go ride through the debris field.

Jack: *blink* No I didn't...

Arcee: *facepalming at how blunt Witchblade is being about the matter*

Optimus: *expression goes stern* Arcee, may I speak with you a moment?

Arcee: *from behind her hand* In private?

Optimus: *apologetic look to Ratchet, then turns attention back to the blue femme* Yes, if you like.

Ratchet: *will reach for Panacea then, understanding in his optics*

Arcee: *peeking from behind her hand, can see Optimus' reluctance to hand the sleeping sparklet over to Ratchet* Alright... *moves to head for the hall that leads to quarters, since that's a bit more private than the main room*

Optimus: *quiet sigh as she hands over her daughter. Winces as Panacea startles and starts up her little crackly complaining sounds, but gets to her feet and moves to follow Arcee*

Ratchet: *will baby dance with Panacea and click to her softly*

Arcee: *going to lean against a wall now*

Optimus: *stops and looks down at the shorter femme* *quietly* Arcee, what was happening there?

Arcee: *quietly* Rockface shared some of the copper he found when he was patrolling.... I never told Cliffjumper that I like copper....

Optimus: *tilts her head slightly. Gently* Many Cybertronians are fond of it.

Arcee: *quieter* This isn't the first time Rockface has tried to give me a gift, Optimus...

Optimus: *nods understanding* Do you want me to speak to him?

Arcee: No... *a bit sheepishly* I ... I kind of like.... that someone's noticing me....

Optimus: *blinks, and then smiles slightly* Do you want me to speak to Jack?

Arcee: I'll do that....

Optimus: *nod* Should I send him to you? *slightly turned back toward the control room, from which angry and frustrated sparklet sounds are coming*

Arcee: I'll talk to him on the drive home...

Optimus: Alright. In the meantime I'll ask him to clean the back storeroom. I think that is where the mice are hiding. *pauses and gives Arcee a smile* I forgot. I have not said thank you.

Arcee: *blink blink* For what? *trying to remember if she's given Optimus advice*

Optimus: For being a friend when I needed one, during the time when my processor was damaged.

Arcee: *soft 'heh'* You'd do the same for any of us....

Optimus: Yes, but I do not think I could be so effective. *again the smile, and then she's turned to go and retrieve her baby from that baby's upset and worried father* *notices that Beau and June have arrived while she was speaking to Arcee*

Beau: *slight cringe* What's got Panacea so upset?

Ratchet: I think she'd rather be held by Optimus.... *soft clicks*

June: *looks around* WakeJumper and Keepsake have Eclipse somewhere?

Optimus: *walks up behind Ratchet and reaches over his shoulder for Panacea*

Panacea: *mad mad mad...* Mama!

Ratchet: *transfers Panacea back to Optimus* Denver and WakeJumper went to get a box of toys for the sparklets, and Eclipse went with them to help pick out soft toys for Panacea....

rumble: *comes from the bowels of the base*

Optimus: Keepsake is in her lab. *holds Panacea and the sparklet's battered and beloved doll to her chest and watches as the little one settles down*

June: o.0

Beau: ... *transfers the bags he was carrying to one arm so he can facepalm*

Rockface: *going to hide somewhere for a bit, laters!*

Optimus: *nods a greeting to June and Beau, then goes over and bends down to talk to Jack for a moment. Watches the boy go to do the cleaning she's asked him, and then comes back and once more sits in her chair... backward*

Arcee: *coming back to the main room, nods a greeting to June and Beau as well*

Ratchet: *chuckles and moves to work on repairing another console, since today's been pretty quiet*

June: *leans on the railing of the balcony* Ratchet, when's the last time Optimus rested?

Ratchet: A few hours ago, when Panacea and Eclipse were both napping.

June: How many is a few?

Optimus: Five. *rubs Panacea's tiny back*

Ratchet: *absently humming something as he works*

June: *studying Optimus with a close frown*

Optimus: *amusement growing* I've been resting on this chair the rest of the time, June. There is no need for me to lay down again yet.

June: *blink blink. Still not used to these quirks of humour that sometimes pop out of Optimus now* Alright. I guess I better get to work on the nursery. *glances at Beau*

Beau: *blink blink* Oh, right. *moves to escort June down to the nursery*

Optimus: *lifts her head and listens* ...Ratchet?

Ratchet: *pauses in his humming* Yes, Optimus?

Optimus: Is Miko... shrieking at Bulkhead?

Ratchet: ... *listens* ... *cringe* Yes.

Optimus: *deep sigh and face palms*

Ratchet: *sighs* It's comforting to know that Miko cannot actually harm Bulkhead.... I would hate to see what she could do if she was Cybertronian....

Optimus: Bulkhead's body may be resistant to damage, but I am not so sure about his feelings.

Ratchet: *soft sigh as he nods*

Optimus: *starts to get to her feet*

Ratchet: *moves to put a hand on Optimus' shoulder* I hear June stepping in....

Optimus: *lifts her head and listens again, then settles back onto the chair*

Witchblade: *perks and heads toward the hall* Bulky?

Bulkhead: *stomps out* Leave me alone. I'm going on patrol. *transforms and is gone*

Witchblade: *uncertain scowl as she watches him go*

Muhlisha: *quiet cussword from between the crates, and then sets about waking her husband up*

Torque: *groggy as he's shaken awake* Huh? What's going on?

Muhlisha: Bulky's hurtin'. *sits up*

Torque: *rubs at his optics and moves to sit up*

Muhlisha: *pokes him in the old scar that's so ticklish that it triggers his fight or flight*

Torque: *startles badly and jumps to his feet*

Muhlisha: He said he was goin' patrolin'. His partner just bawled 'im out.

Torque: *frown* I'll go talk to him. *transforms and moves to follow Bulkhead*

Witchblade: *watches him go too, and then heads off in another direction*

Muhlisha: *soft thud as she conks out again*

Optimus: ...When did we fall into a soap opera? *sounds so rueful*

Ratchet: .... I have no idea.

Keepsake: *is that distant cackling as the base shakes faintly once more*

Ratchet: *headshake* *attention goes to the monitors as a sudden alert from WakeJumper blips on before getting cut off* What the?!

Optimus: *all senses at alert* WakeJumper, report!

WakeJumper: *radio silence*

Optimus: *reaches out and switches channels* All Autobots, report to base. All Autobots, report to base. Code red.

Rockface: *coming in at a run. Was on the mesa*

Torque: *nearly clips a wall as he speeds back in*

Bulkhead: *engine a mighty rumble as he roars in behind his friend*

Jack: *running in just ahead of his mom, hand on the radio clipped to his waistband*

Raf: *there in Bumblebee's grasp as the young Autobot hauls him back from playing with the toy car*

Beau: *hurrying in as well*

Miko: *following June at a run*

Torque: What's the situation, Optimus?

Optimus: *looks around and sees that everyone is here except for the party that went to get toys* *tersely* We just received an SOS from WakeJumper, but it was cut off abruptly. WakeJumper is not responding to hails on any channel.

Raf: *worry worry, hugs himself*

Torque: ... What was his last known position? *thinking of the one thing he knows would stop the young mech.... Decepticons*

Ratchet: He was at (x/y) and had been for a few minutes...

Beau: .... That's the house.... 0_0

Optimus: Muhlisha?

Muhlisha: *banging self on head* Here.

Optimus: Are you able to lead?

Muhlisha: I've done it after a 'Con stomped my head.

Torque: *on alert, and not showing any of the easy-going nature he usually displays* *seriously* Muhlisha's done it when we've had parties the cycle before on Tau. A few kisses aren't going to mess her up.

Keepsake: *snorts* Nothing stops her. *absently juggling a boomstick in one hand*

Optimus: Keepsake, contain your weaponry. Muhlisha, Arcee, you lead. Divide into two groups. One go to the farm, and the other fan out and look for evidence of MECH or Decepticon activity. *no. She's not even going to try to go out*

Arcee: *nods and looks to Bulkhead and Rockface*

Muhlisha: Torque, Bee, Keepie, yer with me. *turns and transforms* We'll do the scannin'.

Arcee: It might be easier if we go 'Con hunting. WakeJumper might need backup with firepower....

Muhlisha: *stops to consider* Bulky's got boom, so does Witchy. And you guys know the humans better.

Bulkhead: *is giving the Prima worried looks at her willingness to stay behind*

Rockface: *frowns and speaks up* But what if Wake reacts like he did the time Dockboss accidentally parked the barge on him?

Muhlisha: ...You still got Bulky. *tranforms back to bot and looks at Arcee for her opinion*

Arcee: *frowning at Rockface now* How he reacted when he got a barge parked on him?

Torque: We'll explain later.

Ratchet: Arcee and Bulkhead know the usual 'Con and MECH haunts... and you know WakeJumper better than any of us....

Muhlisha: Alright. *transforms and heads for the door* My team, roll out!

Bumblebee: *squeals and gets Raf set down safely, then follows*

Keepsake: *zoom!*

Torque: *transforms and rolls out*

Arcee: Let's go. *transforms*

Rockface: *also transforming*

Bulkhead: *last worried look for Optimus and then a quick sad glance toward Miko before he transforms and revs*

Muhlisha's team: *gone down the tunnel and away*

Witchblade: *transforms... and flicks wings out from her undercarriage for a moment before folding them back*

Arcee: *will lead her team out*

Optimus: *watches them go, and as soon as they're gone Ratchet will see her concern and guilt at letting her people go without her*

Ratchet: *moves to put a gentle hand on Optimus' shoulder* *softly* They know you would go if you were stronger.

Optimus: *deep sigh and nods, then puts her hand over his for a moment before turning her attention to the monitors* Beau, will you let Bill know what has happened?

Beau: *small nod* *blinks as he realizes he's got his hand on June's shoulder. Faint blush, and then he's moving to make the call*

June: *looks at Jack and Raf, then turns to Miko in wordless offer of continuing their conversation*

A short while later, along the highway that runs by the MacKenzie farm....

WakeJumper: *in a blind panic now. Lost sight of the helicopter that took Denver and Eclipse, and he still can't get any radio contact with anyone*

Torque: //There's WakeJumper.... Intercept and restrain?//

Muhlisha: //Just lemme see how good his brain's workin'.// *pauses as she sees that sports car come out of the side road, and then smacks it into the ditch in passing. Speeds up and honks her horn at WakeJumper*

WakeJumper: *startles badly, swerving and nearly going into the ditch himself*

Knockout: *dazed as he attempts to get out of the ditch*

Keepsake: *flips him a nice little present as she passes in a cloud of dust*

Knockout: *string of cursing that fades into the distance as he's blown to kingdom come*

WakeJumper: *transforms and crouches into a battle stance at the sound of the explosion*

Muhlisha: //He's outta it. Stand back and let me get 'im.// *guns her engine*

Torque: //Slag....// *backs off and lets Muhlisha do her thing*

WakeJumper: *gearing up to charge the perceived threat*

Muhlisha: *isn't the queen of playing chicken for nothing! Swerves not one inch, nor slows down. Meets the charging bot head on*

WakeJumper: *knocked flying, bounces when he meets the pavement* *has been knocked senseless*

Muhlisha: *quickly checks her surroundings, then transforms and pins the stunned mech* Okay, Keepie.

Keepsake: *also transforms. Scans, and then nods and brings WakeJumper back online*

WakeJumper: *Awake!!! And even with Muhlisha restraining him, he's putting up a Pit of a fight*

Keepsake: *purses lips and glances at Torque* Yup. He's bat#$@#$@#.

Torque: Slag..... *shakes head* This is about as bad as when he got the barge parked on him....

Keepsake: *takes out the big scary tranq gun that usually scares WakeJumper spitless. Waves it around*

WakeJumper: *struggling and trying to free himself, growling and trying to attack*

Keepsake: *hits him with enough of the sedation program to render him dozy*

Torque: *as WakeJumper's struggling slows* Sheesh....

WakeJumper: *bleary blinking and a groggy attempt at struggling*

Keepsake: *sits on him and opens up his head, then tinkers a bit. Has a tool between her teeth and is humming*

Muhlisha: *turns her head* Huh, here comes that slaggin' 'Con again.

WakeJumper: *whines and tries to get his limbs to cooperate. Doesn't like being sat on*

Torque: Should I give him a warmer welcome than Keepie's boomsticks? *dirty rotten grin*

Muhlisha: Just don't knock yourself out. *attention back to trying to see what Keepsake's doing to WakeJumper's brain*

Torque: No worries. *grin goes wicked and then he's running to intercept Knockout.... with his fists!*

Knockout: *startled yell of "Oh, SLAG, no!" and then he's running from Torque*

Torque: *blasting something he ganked off the human airwaves as he gleefully chases Knockout*

Keepsake: *absently* Benny Hill, heh.


Torque: Right! *transforms and resumes the chase!*

Keepsake: Okay, that makes 'im backfire. Not what I wanted.

Muhlisha: *laughing!*

WakeJumper: *wants up!* *part of his processor is currently running in a low-power state, while the rest is actually overly active*

Keepsake: Ah hah! There it is... *bit more careful tinkering, then triggers a reboot for him*

WakeJumper: *slumps as he reboots*

Muhlisha: *checking to see if she can reach Arcee over comms*

Arcee: //No sign of MECH or the 'Cons.... Any luck on your end?//

Muhlisha: //We know which way they went. Or we will as soon as Wake stops gassin' and remembers who he is.//

Arcee: //.... Remembers who he is?//

Muhlisha: //Yeah, he was a little bit berserk. Oh yeah, and that shiny 'Con was here.//

Arcee: //....Oh, great. Knockout's around...//

WakeJumper: *soft sound*

Keepsake: Easy, gas man. Can ya hear me?

Muhlisha: *perks and forgets about Arcee for the moment*

WakeJumper: *so confused* Keepsake?

Keepsake: Yup. And I got no idea why you're backfirin'.

Muhlisha: *lets go of WakeJumper to flip her friend in the head for the fib*

WakeJumper: *wincing and moving to sit up* *...or not....* Ugh.... Dizzy....

Keepsake: Here, lemme undope ya a lil'. *picks up the gun*

WakeJumper: 0_0 *trying to get away!*

Muhlisha: *laughing* Welcome back, Wake. *grabs him and holds him still*

Keepsake: *lessens the sedation to 'be calm' level*

WakeJumper: *shuttering his optics and cycling air. HAAATES that sedation gun!*

Torque: *is that whooping in the distance*

Keepsake: *fixes the sedation, and then stashes the gun* There. *looks up, and then flips Witchblade a rude salute as the tricolour femme goes over*

Witchblade: *saucy flapping of wingflaps!*

WakeJumper: *going to try and sit up again* What's going on?

Muhlisha: *frowns at him* You don't remember?

WakeJumper: *slight frown as he goes back over memory files* The last thing I remember.... is Denver and Eclipse going into the farmhouse... 0_0 Then the people in black! *trying to scramble to his feet* They took Eclipse and Denver!

Muhlisha: *cracks knuckles and grins* Which way?

Keepsake: //Hey, 'Cee, kin ya hear me now?//

Arcee: //Funny. What's the situation?//

WakeJumper: *points* They had a helicopter.... *starting to panic again*

Keepsake: //We're sittin' here waitin' fer you ta catch up.// *looks at WakeJumper and puts a hand over the compartment where she keeps the tranq gun*

Arcee: //We're on our way.//

WakeJumper: *cringes*

Keepsake: Circulate deeply, ya slagger.

WakeJumper: *trying to comply*

Muhlisha: //Torky, quit playin' kick the can 'n get back here.//

Torque: //Aww, alright.... Hey 'Bee, do you want a go at this guy?// *is dragging Knockout back with him*

Bumblebee: *zips up and starts telling Muhlisha what he found at the farmhouse. Glances over at Torque and beeps laughter, but shakes his head*

Muhlisha: *looking at the pictures Bee databursted her, but then reaches over and snags Knockout* Give 'im here a click.

Torque: *transforms and stretches* Have fun... *grins and moves to see if WakeJumper needs help up*

Knockout: *just a bit dazed from being used for a game of 'Kick the Can'* *notices that the 'Bot holding him is more solid looking than some of the femmes he remembers... But still, what can a femme do?*

Muhlisha: *lifts him up off the ground by her grip on his scruff. Isn't even straining* Okay, now...

Knockout: .... *okay, that's a bit worrisome...*

Muhlisha: I wanna know everything you've seen around here.

Knockout: *'meep's and panics* I was just trying to find Scattershot!

Arcee: *pulling up nearby* ....Scattershot, as in the pink guy?

Muhlisha and Keepsake: *start laughing*

Knockout: .... *warily* What's so funny?

Bumblebee: *gravely* Buweeeee...

Rockface: *is shaking with muted laughter*

Witchblade: *flips into root mode as she lands, then stumbles because she's laughing so hard*

Knockout: *'urk' sound as he sees Witchblade* *remembers all too well what happened the last time he met that femme!*

WakeJumper: *quietly, still fighting down the urge to panic* Scattershot's bonded....

Witchblade: To my twin sissy. *snerk* *then looks up and catches Bulkhead's expression. Grin vanishes and turns to slight sadness*

Knockout: ... You're joking, right?

Bulkhead: *arms folded across his chest* Nope. She's not.

Knockout: ....Scrap....

WakeJumper: That's a good way of summing up his processor now...

Knockout: .... *facepalm* I'm almost afraid to ask.... But what happened? And is it contagious?

Bumblebee: *looks down, muttering*

Muhlisha: *shrugs* Find out later. We got squishies ta hunt, so quit buggin' us. *drops him and turns away*

Torque: *gonna hoist WakeJumper to his feet now* Maybe we should get a bridge.... I dunno if Wake'd be safe for driving... *so amused right now*

Muhlisha: Somebody'll just haveta herd 'im. We got the direction but not the destination... *pauses and looks at Knockout again as she hears a message over a 'Con frequency. Breakout is telling his friend about the MECH chopper he just saw, and his plans to use it for target practice*

Keepsake: *also perked and frowning at the Decepticon*

Bulkhead: *looks at the Taubots, looks at Bumblebee* ...What?

Bumblebee: *shrug* Beebeewooo...

Knockout: *decides to risk a reply* //Be careful. There are Taubots in the area.// *gonna try and make a break for it now!*

Rockface: *rebel yell, will move to tackle the 'Con*

Muhlisha: *boots Rockface* Knock it off. We don't need that right now. Ratchet, can ya hear us?

Rockface: But the idjit warned another 'Con we're here....

Ratchet: //Loud and clear, Muhlisha. What's the situation?//

Muhlisha: We just picked up a 'Con transmission giving coordinates nearer to where MECH's taken Denver and Eclipse. We need a bridge.

Bulkhead: *looks down at Rockface* 'Con transmission? *frown*

Rockface: Yup. *repeats the conversation between Breakdown and Knockout*

Arcee: ...So we'll also have Breakdown to deal with once we find where MECH has taken Denver and Eclipse. Great. *sighs* The sooner we get going, the better.

Keepsake: *watching Knockout burn out across a field, and then sniggers as a boom heralds his flipping over endwise. Transforms to alt mode*

Muhlisha: Good idea. Transform, guys. Ratchet?

Ratchet: //Be careful. MECH can jam our communications, and if they're expecting us, which I'm sure they are, they'll be ready to do so...//

Muhlisha: No problem. We'll just jam some things for them too.

Keepsake: *revs excitedly* Oooo, I can boom them! Fatty said so.

Ratchet: //We'll get the bridge open once you've found Eclipse and Denver.//

Muhlisha: ... So we gotta waste time drivin' all the way to those coordinates?

Ratchet: //Do you have coordinates then?//

Muhlisha: *frowns a bit as she transmits them* I said we did. Everything alright there?

Ratchet: //If by 'alright', you mean that Lt. Col. MacKenzie is in the midst of what appears to be a panic attack, then yes. Everything's alright here.//

*and there's the ground bridge*

Muhlisha: So stop beatin' 'round the bush so we can get those kids back. *roars through the bridge*

Witchblade: *swoops through right after*

Bumblebee: *zooom!*

Keepsake: Bahahahaha! *through*

Torque: *helping WakeJumper through*

Arcee: *following Torque and WakeJumper, with Rockface following her*

Knockout: *despite being blown sky-high, he's going to attempt to follow the Autobots and Taubots. He wants to have words with the one wielding the explosives.... Because she scratched his paint!* *JUST barely makes it before the bridge closes* *nearly has a collision with Rockface though*

Rockface: Yaah! *BRAKES*

Muhlisha: //Do I wanna know whose nose just went up whose tailpipe back there?// *pulls to the side to scope their surroundings*

Rockface: *transforming and glaring at the red sports car that nearly rear-ended him* Oh, great.

Muhlisha: //Alt mode, afthead!// *still checking out surroundings*

Rockface: *grumbles, gives Knockout a good kick, returns to alt mode*

Knockout: *indignant! Will attempt to teach the green 'Bot a lesson*

Witchblade: *turns and swoops back, a quick dip and a twist... and her wing just flipped Knockout onto his back* *then she swoops up to check the landscape herself*

*the area looks a bit desolate, and there are remnants of what was likely a prosperous silver mining town that became a missile base at one point. Most of the older buildings have long since fallen apart, and most of the Quonset huts look to be heading that way, save for a few which, from this distance, seem to be in better condition. The only sound is the wind blowing sand and dirt around*

Bulkhead: ...Not the same place we went last time.

Arcee: They've figured out that it's smarter to move, probably.... *frowning and scanning for life signs*

Bulkhead: Or there wasn't enough 'a the last one left for them ta wanna keep it. *also scanning, and keeping an eye on Knockout*

Knockout: *slightly stunned. To anyone in general* She really made from Lockdown?

audio-splitting signal: *HI THAR!*

WakeJumper: *yelps*

Rockface: Ow! .>.<.

Arcee: *hands over audios now*

Bumblebee: *just spun out and rammed into Muhlisha* Bweeee!

Witchblade: I pinpointed it!

Keepsake: I'M COMIN', CLIPSIE!!! *roars toward the source of the signal, not flinching one bit*

Rockface: *charging in behind Keepsake*

Arcee: *watching his back*

WakeJumper: *trying to get to the source as well, isn't having much luck, even with Torque guiding him*

Muhlisha: Transform and get the @##@@s. *folds out and goes in*

Bulkhead: *here he comes, Wake under one arm!*

MECH goons: *some of them are trying to figure out how to fix the electronics that shorted out, some are trying to get their ears to quit ringing, and some are aiming at Breakdown as he kicks a hole in their wall*

Eclipse: *another shriek, and then she's taking aim at the big that she doesn't know*

Breakdown: *sudden yelp* What the fragging scrap??? *turns to stare in the direction that wrench just came from*

Denver: *somewhere in the mix, cussing up a storm*

Bulkhead: *swings WakeJumper, since his hands are full*

Witchblade: *strafing!*

Muhlisha: *breaking slag!*

WakeJumper: @_@ *broke slag, and got knocked stupid*

Torque: *charging in, fists swinging*

Eclipse: *more shriek!*

Keepsake: *charges over and grabs baby sister, then shows her a boomstick* :D?

Eclipse: *blink blink* Bweeee! *reaaaach for the boomstick*

Keepsake: *laughs and gives, then aims sparklet*

Breakdown: *blink blink as he realizes what he's seeing here* TAUBOTS! *dives for cover*

Eclipse: *babble babble wheee! Tosses boomstick!*

Denver: *just kicked Silas' kneecaps and boxed both of the man's ears, beeline for Keepsake*

Keepsake: *scoops up the Denver and sets the girl on her shoulder, then ducks as the boomstick goes off!*

Torque: *from where he's smashing up more of MECH's equipment* Niiiice!

Eclipse: *snuggaSissy and clickstorms*

Breakdown: *face to face with Bulkhead. Glaaaarrrre. Pause...* Marco.

Bulkhead: *snerk* Polo! *sets WakeJumper down and uses his fists on stuff!*

Breakdown: *BOOM! Snigger*

Witchblade: *goes overhead* Ohhh girls just wanna have fun!

WakeJumper: *dazedly* Did anyone get the number of that bus?

Denver: *grumbling and cursing*

Keepsake: *unsedates the other medibot in passing* *then gives him his human*

WakeJumper: *only slightly less stoned now, will cradle Denver in his hands and click softly*

Denver: *acks and tries to keep from flashing her panties*

WakeJumper: *trying to clear the fog from his head so he can scan Denver and make sure she's not hurt*

Breakdown: Hey, Knockout, what the scrap're you doing? The fun's over here. *BOOM*

Knockout: *getting to his feet after making sure they're still there*

Bumblebee: *duct taping a bunch of MECH guys together* Beedeedee.

Rockface: *having a blast knocking stuff over and stomping on it*

Muhlisha: *pauses to give Denver a cellphone* Call yer brother.

Denver: *grumbles and proceeds to do so*

Torque: *just grabbed the scarred-up guy* So what should we do with this one?

Silas: *just stuck Torque's finger with a taser*

Torque: *startled curse, drops the human*

Bumblebee: *makes a grab for the human, intending to apply duct tape!*

Silas: *another go with the taser!*

Bumblebee: *squeal! Careful swat!*

Silas: *string of curses to rival Denver*

Bee: *finger flicks the taser away, might accidentally finger flick the man over toward Denver, too*

Denver: *rude hand gesture for Silas, reassuring Beau that she's alright* Ah'm wit' Keepsake, 'Clipse, 'n th' othah Autobots, Beau. No, Ah dunno wh're 'zactleh....

Bumblebee: *snags Silas and starts mummifying him*

Silas: *puts up a fight*

Denver: *lowers the phone for a moment and punches the black clad man in the side of the head* *phone back to ear* Naw, th't w's nuth'n.

Bumblebee: *sticks Silas to wall*

Muhlisha: *pauses and borrows the phone* Whaddya want from here other than the data?

Beau: //If there are any members of MECH still in the area, they need to be arrested.//

Muhlisha: *looks around, and then aims the little cellphone screen at assorted taped and wire bound heaps of MECH people, as well as the guy stuck to the wall*

Beau: //Bill... You'd better take a look at this...//

Back at base

Optimus: *surprised* That is Silas.

Beau: *holding his cellphone screen to the big screen on the monitor* So now what?

Fowler: 0_0 //I'm on my way. Get out there yourself.//

Beau: Alright.... I'll meet you there.

Fowler: *nods, already turning* //Fowler out.//

Optimus: *quick look at Ratchet*

Ratchet: Will you be alright here, Optimus?

Optimus: *surprised* You are going?

Ratchet: Unless we can convince someone to come back.....

Optimus: I'll be alright. *rises slightly on her chair to give him a farewell peck*

Panacea: *little grumpy sounds and wriggles against Mama's chest without waking*

Ratchet: *forehead to Optimus'* *and then he's opening the ground bridge*

Beau: *running to catch a ride with the medic*

Later, back at Autobot HQ...

Denver: *coming back from changing clothes, is still in a bit of a mood* Stupid idjits wasted mah tahm... *grumble grumble*

Eclipse: *snuggled against Keepsake and purring quietly*

Bulkhead: *ignoring Witchblade, who is sitting and frowning at him between glances at Miko*

Bumblebee: *boogieing in the corner as Raf laughs. Just told his friend the whole story about the rescue trip*

Muhlisha: *jammed back between the crates on her favourite pillow*

Torque: *dozing contentedly*

Beau: *still chuckling at some of the pictures he got*

Rockface: *trading BS for BS with Arcee*

Keepsake: *watching WakeJumper and frowning slightly*

WakeJumper: *working on repairing one of the consoles, has been keeping to himself since everyone got back*

Optimus: *nodding to what Fowler's saying... or is she? Her head just drooped right down and landed on the back of her chair*

Ratchet: *soft snerk, moves to gently lift Optimus and Panacea*

Fowler: *frowns as he watches* She's still not feeling good?

Ratchet: She is recovering.... All the excitement earlier likely wore her out....

Optimus: *blinking blearily and holding Panacea carefully* Ratchet?

Ratchet: *gently* Let's get you laying down, Optimus....

Optimus: *tries to get up and stumbles slightly, but goes with him* Excuse me, Bill... Beau.

Beau: *nods* Good rest, Optimus. *and now he'll go fuss over Denver*

Jack: *stops frowning at Miko and frowns with concern after the Autobot Officers*

Witchblade: *sighs and shakes her head, then goes and looks at what Miko's doing*

Miko: *working on homework and sulking*

Witchblade: *quietly* Yer decimal's in the wrong spot.

Miko: *scowls at her homework, furious erasing*

Raf: *comes up on the balcony and goes over to Denver as she plunks onto the couch. Gives her that cute kid grin*

Denver: *arm around Raf's shoulders for a one-arm hug*

Raf: *will settle next to her and give her sympathetic snuggles* *quietly* Are you sure you're okay?

Denver: 'M fahn. Jes' miffed th't 't took so long f'r me t' change outta th't dress. *makes a face*

Raf: *adds a frown to the sympathy* Well... it didn't look that bad. *looks down at his hands*

Denver: Th' last tahm Ah wore a dress.... *quieter* Ah w's younger th'n y'u....

Raf: *softly* A funeral?

Denver: *small nod* Beau 'n mah mom's....

Raf: *more snuggle as he leans back against her. Expression shows that he doesn't know what to say*

Denver: *quick look around to make sure Raf's the only one who can hear her* *softly* W's kahnda nahce.... Gitt'n looked 't bah th' populah gahs....

Raf: *perks and looks up, the corners of his mouth twitching* They were looking at you?

Denver: *nods, blushing a bit*

Raf: *teeny grin, and then offers her something*

Denver: *blinks a bit as she reaches for what is being offered*

Raf: *puts a little toy car into her hand* It's been in the bottom of my backpack for a long time.

Denver: *small smile, snugglesquish*

Raf: ^_^

Bumblebee: *soft little sound like a chuckle, but then bweeees softly and looks over at WakeJumper*

WakeJumper: *tinkering with part of the console now*

Raf: *glances up at Denver again. Quietly* He doesn't look very happy.

Denver: *quietly* 'E trah'd t' stop th' derps fr'm grabb'n 'Clipsie 'n me.... *moving to get up*

Raf: *nod nod, folds his legs after she's up. Is watching her now, a serious frown of concern on his face*

Bumblebee: *very softly* Bwee...

Denver: *going to try and talk to WakeJumper now*

Witchblade: Nah, nah, Miko. Yer usin' the wrong code on that.

Miko: *frustrated sound*

Witchblade: *puts up a hologram of the text book info she just found on the net* See, it's triga... how the scrap d'you say that?

WakeJumper: *absently* Trigonometry. *works*

Miko: *mutter* You can't even pronounce it.....

Witchblade: So sue me, it ain't like this' my first language.

Miko: *grump grump grump*

Witchblade: *reaches around the girl and uses a finger to check the corner of the paper* ...You don't gotta do that one. *looks* Yer done.

Miko: 0.0 Wait, what?! *checking as well*

Witchblade: See whatcha wrote here? *showing*

Miko: .... How'd I miss that?!

Witchblade: *purses lips and quirks a brow* Stress?

Miko: *frowning now*

Witchblade: *finger goes to the edge of the textbook, and she's peeeeeking to see what that page with the blue edge is. And leaning over Miko as she does it*

Miko: *looking a bit uneasy now*

Witchblade: *slight boggle* Ewwwww. *lets go of the book and backs off a bit*

Miko: *gets curious and peeks too* Ewwwww! *just spotted that squished spider, and chucked her book*

Jack: *was sitting on the floor with his back to the couch. Catches the book with the side of his head as he turns to see what the squeal was about. Blinks, and then falls over*

Witchblade: ...Oops.

Miko: .>.<. *flaaaail*

Denver: .... *coming over to see if Jack is alright*

Keepsake: *scowl* What'd ya do, Witchy?

Witchblade: $#$@##$@ you. It wasn' me. *folds arms over chest and looks daggers at the other femme*

Denver: ... 'S a squirhsed spahder 'n Miko's book..... *snerks*

Bulkhead: ... Give it here, I'll clean it up.

Bumblebee: *shakes head and snags book. Knows what would happen if Bulkhead tried*

Jack: *groans and squinches up his face as he lifts a hand to the spot he got beaned*

Witchblade: *perk* He's rebootin'.

Denver: *gonna check to see if there's blood or not* *winces* Gotcherself a good nick th're..... *looks for June*

Jack: *squints one eye open and looks at his fingers* Blood. ...I'm grounded.

Keepsake: He's leaking? *leaning over to look, absently tucking Eclipse under her arm like a doll as she does*

Denver: Yep... *gonna get a kleenex from the pack in her pocket and use it as a makeshift gauze*

Miko: *facepalming at her own derp, grouching quietly as she does*

Raf: *comes running back from the hall with June at his heels*

June: *as she comes up the stairs* Jack? Don't move.

Fowler: *coming over too, a frown of concern on his face* What happened?

Keepsake: He got hit with a book and offlined. Then he rebooted, but he's lookin' kinda glitchy.

Denver: 'E's gotta pretteh good gash... *worried*

June: *kneels by her son and yanks a wipe out of her pocket. Rips it open, uses it on both hands, and then reaches for the tissue* Let me see.

Fowler: *over beside her, all ready to help... and accidentally pushing Denver aside*

Denver: *acks and skitters back*

Miko: *flails and makes a bit of a panicky sound*

Raf: Hey... *scoots over to Miko* Don't worry, he's gonna be okay. His mom and Agent Fowler'll make sure.

June: *talking to Jack as she examines the wound. But then suddenly stops and blinks at Fowler as she realizes how close he is*

Fowler: 0_0 *blush!*

June: *blink. Resume tending son*

Jack: I'm okay, Mom. Ow!

Keepsake: *grin* He's complainin'!

Denver: *chuckles* Fuss'n worse th'n th' tahm 'e got stuck 'n th't tree.... *why no, she had nothing to do with that*

Jack: I wasn't bleeding that time. *tries to sit up, and gets pushed back down*

Witchblade: *slight frown, and then turns her head* Hey, Beau. Fattie's trying to horn in on your girl.

June: 0_0

Jack: 0_0

Fowler: 0_0

Raf: .>_<.

Beau: .... *facepalming*

Fowler: *GONE*

Beau: *going to work on the nursery, kthx*

June: *blushing as she resumes caring for her gobsmacked son*

Denver: *snickerfitdie* XD

Miko: .... o.o Did that just happen?

Eclipse: *sleepy little sound, beeeeg yawn, snuggle, purr*

Keepsake: *absently hands baby sister to WakeJumper. Is soo interested in human repair*

Witchblade: *looking around* Uh. Yeah, it did. Was it somethin' I said?

Denver: *brb, laughing herself silly*

WakeJumper: *uneasy now*

Eclipse: *little sound* *snuggles and purrs more*

Raf: *pokes glasses up nose and clears throat, then jumps up and fetches the first aid kit. Kneels by June and opens the bag, carefully taking out the sutures and a razor*

Jack: Whoa! What's the razor for?

June: The cut's in your hair. I need to shave it a bit so the sutures will stick, and to make sure no hair gets in it.

Jack: I'll look weird! The girls at school... people will laugh at me.

Denver: Ah've got a couple'f 'ats y'u c'n borrow.

Jack: *looks so objectionable to hats! But his mom is giving him that Look and is already shaving*

Denver: 'T least 't ain't gum....

Jack: *would flail but for fear of Mom*

Miko: ...Gum?

Denver: Yep.... Ah 'ad a bulleh stick gum 'n mah 'aih 'un day, 'n Jack cut 't out f'r me.... *chuckles* Onleh.... 't looked awkward, so Ah talked 'im int' cutt'n th' rest t' look moah even....

Jack: >_>

June: ...So it wasn't Farly Robertson.

Jack: *sooo guilty face*

Denver: Naw. Farleh Robertson's th' 'un who put th' gum 'n mah 'aih.

June: Do you realize that I called his mother about the hair cut and she punished him?

Jack: Well... maybe the fact that she never doubted it, and he didn't squeal on me, says something. *still awkwardly looking away*

Denver: 'E sh'ldn't'a put gum 'n mah 'aih 'n th' first place.

June: It's still not right to lie about people!

Witchblade: Hey, if it's the only way for them to catch the licks they got comin'...

June: NOT helping! *scowls at the femme*

Witchblade: *scowls right back* Inside voice, sissy.

Denver: Ah nevah said 'e w's th' 'un who cut mah 'aih.... Ah said 't w's 'is fault.

June: *to Witchblade* Excuse me, could you mind your own business?

Witchblade: Hey, I was over here first. So take yer attitude 'n... *growl*

WakeJumper: *hand over Witchblade's mouth* If you wake Eclipse, I'm not saving your audios.

Miko: *boggling just a bit at seeing somebody who can actually comfortably stand up to June Darby* ....Er.....

Witchblade: *turns her optics to the side. And then KISSES WakeJumper's hand*

WakeJumper: *quick to get his hand back!* *shakeahand* That was low, Witchy.....

Witchblade: *smirrrrrk. And then turns back to June*

Miko: *runs to get Bulkhead, since she has a baaaad feeling about this*

Bulkhead: *sitting on his berth, has a wire plugged from his stereo right into his head, and so is screened from the world by a veil of heavy metal thunder*

Miko: *moving to try and scale the berth* Bulkhead!

Bulkhead: *sees her and unplugs* Miko? What're you doin' in here?

Miko: Witchblade and Jack's mom are arguing! *flailspazz*

Bulkhead: Uh. Okay... *doesn't get it*

Miko: Jack's hurt, and it's all my fault! *close to tears now. Everything that's happened since class let out has gotten to her*

Bulkhead: *frown of concern as he scoops his partner up* Hey... How's it your fault?

Miko: Never mind now! They're gonna kill each other or something!!! *more flail*

Bulkhead: *on his feet and heading for the control room* *quietly and sadly* ...Though it'd get Witchblade outta the way.

Miko: *quiet, isn't sure what to say now*

Bulkhead: *strides into the control room and scoops Witchblade up in mid-hiss, then turns and hauls her and Miko out and up onto the roof. Once out, he sits them both down, and then transforms and turns his music on*

Witchblade: *blink blink* What the @#$@#$#@ #$#$@# @$#@$!@? *doesn't cuss often, but cusses a lot more intensely than Keepsake does*

Miko: *wibble*

Witchblade: Bulky?

Bulkhead: *music!*

Witchblade: *uncertain scowl as she looks around*

Miko: *sits down on the ground and hugs her knees to her chest* *isn't sure what to do now*

Witchblade: *isn't either* What'd ya haul me out here for? Y'don' even want anythin' ta do with me anymore.

Bulkhead: *speaks up unexpectedly* I do. But Miko's important ta me, and I don't wanna hurt her.

Witchblade: *turns a sudden deep frown onto the teenager*

Miko: *quietly* I just.... Don't want to lose my best friend....

Witchblade: *frown darkens* What, you only got room fer one?

Miko: *even quieter* He's the first friend I made since coming here for school...

Witchblade: :/ 'N I'm dry calcien.

Miko: ... Dry calcien? *peeking over her arms now, and giving Witchblade a puzzled look*

Witchblade: Tailpipe scum?

Bulkhead: She means somethin' gross.

Miko: *small frown* *quiet* That's not true......

Witchblade: Then watcha got against me? *blink* ...You wanna be his girlfriend?

Miko: *blink blink* He's my best friend, Witchblade....

Witchblade: Yeah, okay. I got that. What I don't get is why I can't be yer friend too.

Miko: *frown* I never said that.....

Witchblade: Then I ain't seein' the problem here. *brow quirk* *then turns her head as Miko's favourite song comes on* Turn it up, Bulky. I like that one.

Miko: *looks over* What station is this? *grin*

Bulkhead: It's my playlist. *scaring vibration sensitive beetles all over the mesa top*

Miko: *more grin* Sweet!

Witchblade: *bobbing her head, a wide grin on her face*

Miko: *gonna start rocking out soon*

Bulkhead: *turns it up just a bit more*

Witchblade: That's the stuff. XD

Miko: *air guitar!* XD

Witchblade: *totally headbanging now!*

Bulkhead: *very happy big green SUV-shaped sound system. Will play the song again once it finishes*

Miko: *has completely forgotten about being upset, is rocking out!*

Witchblade: *scoops her up and stands her on top of Bulkhead. Can you feel the vibrations, Miko? ...Is your brain jellyfying?*

Miko: *acks, and then she's laughing*

Witchblade: *grins at her, and then starts dancing as the next song comes on*

Miko: *rocker horns!*

Witchblade: *could be the next Solid Gold dance star... if the show were still on*

Bulkhead: *whistles at his girlfriend, and then gives a happy rumble as the playlist ends* Yeah! Victory party.

Miko: Totally! :D

Bulkhead: *transforms and catches her, then sets her down* Marco Polo?

Miko: ...NOT IT! XD

Witchblade: Not it. *smirrrk*

Bulkhead: *laughing* Scrap. Okay. *hand over optics*

Meanwhile, back inside....

Denver: *carefully mussing Jack's hair to hide the shaved spot* Hmm.... 'T ain't so bad....

Jack: *wince wince. Has headache but doesn't want to admit it*

WakeJumper: *slight wobble as he moves to sit down on some of the crates, gives himself a bit of a shake*

June: WakeJumper? *straightens from where she was looking through the first aid kit* Are you alright?

WakeJumper: Just.... A bit tired.... I'll be alright... *skidplate meets the ground*

Eclipse: *groggy protest*

Muhlisha: *pushes up at the clang and comes ambling out to frown at her tall and burly friend* Wake? Sup? *rubbing one optic*

WakeJumper: *looks a bit out of it now* Really.... tired.... all of a sudden....

Muhlisha: *comms Keepsake, who had gone to check on a pressure gauge*

Keepsake: *comes in and scans WakeJumper. Doesn't look worried. Just like she ate part of someone's unguarded copper stash*

Eclipse: *sleepy, upset squeaking*

WakeJumper: *trying to stay awake* *the lines of micro-soldering that now link areas of his processor are starting to heal and integrate, which is likely what is causing the big lug's grogginess*

Keepsake: Aww. Yer just upgradin' a bit. Grab 'im 'n put 'im ta bed, Muhlisha.

Muhlisha: *steps forward to do so*

WakeJumper: *groggy puzzlement* Upgrading? Thought... I was done.....

Keepsake: This' a lil' repair I did on yer cogs while I was sittin' on ya. *turns away and walks out of the road*

Muhlisha: *hefts him and Eclipse up without even grunting*

WakeJumper: *was going to protest, but he's just slipped into recharge mode*

Eclipse: *clicks and snuggles*

Denver: *blink blink* *slight frown* *to Keepsake* Whah'd y'u need t' repair 'is cogs?

Keepsake: He was missin' a few connections. Looks like 'e made some other ones instead. *shrugs and watches Muhlisha haul her baby sister and sister's favourite bot out of the room, her expression thoughtful as she realizes that she's mended the physical part of the problem, but that she can't do anything for the emotional scars it's already caused*

Denver: *more frown* 'S 'e gonna be alrahght?

Keepsake: Should be. *bit of a sad grin as a solution to WakeJumper's problem occurs to her*

Torque: *just fell off the crate and mashed his intakes.... Again*

Denver: ... *looks that way* .... Fail.

Keepsake: *snerks and glances at June shaking her head and Jack face palming, then peeks at the sleepy Raf cuddled next to Denver* Yup. *goes to fix her friend. Again*

((written with random_xtras))


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