Drift: *doing a bit of exploring away from Anna and Roger's family. He's stayed with them a bit longer than he had intended, and now he's worried about his fuel situation. He's also musing about the fact that he got to hold Eddie's baby, and about just how wrong Megatron is. These people don't know anything about fighting, and are so far away from trying to be strongest that they won't make a decision until they find something that everyone can agree to. But there's no way they're garbage. Once more he thinks of that newborn baby, and how her family has held nothing back from him that he's needed or asked for, not even their greatest treasure* *frowns as he catches a sound over the wind and turns toward where it seems to be coming from*
small speck of bright light: *visible through the snow*
Drift: *moves to approach the light, thinking about how many different ways he'd love to make Megatron suffer*
light: *...is a door. Or a portal, rather. Just standing in the middle of nowhere*
Drift: ... *wary now. There's no reason for there to be a portal in the middle of nowhere... is there?* *hesitantly approaches the portal, half expecting something nasty to come out and attack*
portal: *just lets out a bit of steam where the warmish air contacts the local air. And some sounds. And the light*
Drift: *edges closer to the portal, will look to see if there's anything on the other side*
sign: *is there! So is a very big black being who is watching him with ironic amusement in her crimson optics*
Drift: *wary expression is a go*
being: *snorts and walks off, something small and pink buzzing around her head as something smaller and golden tawny skitters across her back*
whales: *singing up in the sky in there*
Drift: *steps through the portal* ... *looking around now*
sign area: *kind of empty right now, though there are plenty of couches of all sizes and shapes*
Drift: ... *raised brow ridge* Okay then....
random organic being: *scoots over and grabs something out of a bowl under the sign, then scoots away again*
Drift: *attention goes that way, before he's moving to inspect the bowl*
bowl: *full of little electronic gadgets, some on straps and some on rings*
Drift: *reaches for one of the gadgets, intends to study it*
gadget: *has interesting, but not recognizably dangerous, readings*
Drift: *going to fiddle with the gadget a bit and try and find out what it does*
swishflash: *Drift standing on an asteroid!*
Drift: *startled* *reflexively tightens his hand on the gadget, pressing the button in the process*
Nexus: *all around him again*
Drift: ... *looking down at the device* ... The... slag?
portal: *sound comes from it behind him*
Drift: *turns to face the portal*
portal: *seems to be shrinking*
Drift: Ack! *scoots for the portal, doesn't want to be stuck here if the only other place to go is an asteroid!*
wall: *right in front of him. Doesn't fall when he hits, either*
Drift: *shakes his head to clear the stars from his vision after he ends up running into the wall*
portal: *closes with a flash, leaving him in the sand drifted hallway of an abandoned complex on an Earth not of his own reality*
Drift: *scanning the area*
complex: *devoid of higher life forms, though there are weeds and a few rodents and lizards. And a lot of bugs. It looks as though a bomb hit this place, but the hall he's in is mostly intact except for parts of the roof*
Drift: ... The slag.... *moves to see if he can find some sign of intelligent life*
hallway: *curves around, and then one wall is missing a large chunk. Through the hole he'll be able to see a pitted and ruined courtyard, and what looks like an obsidian monument sitting in the center of it*
Drift: ... *wants to see what that monument is for, walks through the hole in the wall and into the courtyard*
monument: *bears a plaque and a list of names. 'They gave their all in the fight against terrorism. Duke, Scarlet, High Tech, Long Shot, Heavy Duty, Tunnel Rat, Shadow, Snake Eyes.'*
Drift: ... *small frown* *quietly, though he doesn't quite understand why he feels the need to be so quiet* These people... fought and died...
male voice: *from behind him* Yeah. It wasn't fun.
Drift: *startles and whirls to face the voice*
human man: *tall, muscular. With short cropped blond hair, a black suit of some sort, and calm blue eyes. He's giving a very faint energy reading, but no life signs at all* Hi.
Drift: ... Hi... *just a bit spooked and confused, especially by the lack of life signs*
man: *quietly, as he studies the tall stranger* You're not from around here.
Drift: Er... No... *yeah, real intelligent there, Drift* I think I got turned around....
man: *quirks a brow* Yeah?
sun: *glints off the side of the monument and reveals the fact that there are portraits etched into the monument beside the names. This man's picture is there, beside the name 'Duke'*
Drift: *small nod* I was doing a bit of exploring... And found a portal... *notices the man's picture and name, but will wait for him to introduce himself*
man: I thought I heard something. *frowns and looks toward the hole in the wall* A portal, huh?
Drift: *nods* Yeah... *slight quirk of a grin* It lead to a pretty weird place...
man: *turns and heads toward the hole, his frown going suspicious and wary* What kind of weird place? *he leaves no footprints in the sand*
Drift: *notices this* *will describe the Nexus... or try to* There was a really bright sign, and huge organic creatures in the sky...
man: Hmm. Doesn't sound like anywhere I know. *through the hole and walking down the busted hall, his steps soundless*
Drift: *moves to follow* Where is this place, anyway?
man: *glances at him* A secret military base in Arizona. Formerly the headquarters for a special unit that was in charge of combating the threat of a global terrorist organization known as Cobra.
Drift: ... *blink blink* *'Arizona' means nothing to him* Okay then...
man: *looking now at the wall where the portal had opened* That doesn't mean a thing to you, does it?
Drift: Not... really... I don't even know what planet this is.
man: It's Earth. *touches the wall and bows his head slightly, then lets his hand drop and turns to look up at Drift* And you're from Cybertron.
Drift: *surprised expression is a go* How'd you know that?
man: *quietly* I think you'd better come with me. *holds out a hand*
Drift: *hesitantly reaches for the man's hand*
man: *strong grip on his wrist* Brace yourself.
Drift: *braces*
man: *pixels and fades, and suddenly reappears, only now Drift is standing in an undamaged hallway, the walls and floor painted a familiar orange colour and echoing with the distant sound of loud music*
Drift: *surprised blurt*
skinny guy: *races past them, his hands on his head and a falcon in his wake* Sheeeeeeets, Billy, I didn't mean it!!!!!!
man: Tunnel Rat, you have monitor duty tonight.
Tunnel Rat: *in the distance* I knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
Drift: *blink blink* *expression sharpening as he picks up stronger electrical readings from the one called Tunnel Rat*
man: This way. *glances at Drift and then heads up the hall the opposite way that the pair had gone* This is the Pit.
big black guy: *comes out of a door and nods to the blond guy* Duke.
man: Heavy Duty. You all patched up?
Heavy Duty: Yeah, I'll remember ta transform next time before the shootin' starts.
Drift: *blink blink* *he wasn't expecting to be meeting with Transformers... Especially not ones who look human*
Duke: *slaps Heavy Duty on the arm, and then nods toward Drift* This is Heavy Duty. But I didn't catch your name.
Drift: For now... I'm Drift.
Heavy Duty: Drift huh? You like drivin'?
Drift: *hesitantly* It's been awhile since I've driven... *quieter* Since I left Cybertron.
Heavy Duty: Huh. Yeah, guess gettin' outta dodge don't leave a lotta time for fun. *looks at Duke* You takin' him ta First Contact?
Duke: *nods* She knows we're coming. I just heard High Tech tell her.
Drift: *wonders to himself just what the slag's going on* Who's First Contact?
Duke: *high fives Heavy Duty and then turns and leads the way down the hall* The lady that helped us finish our mission.
Drift: ... *moves to follow* Huh.
Duke: *around a slight curve, and then down a straight away that ends in a set of double doors which slide away to let them into a large control room. Nods to the image of a blond-haired young man that's on the big main screen, and then looks toward the pale yellow Cybertronian femme who is standing at the computer with her hands on either side of a keyboard as she frowns at a smaller screen*
Drift: *looking around, slight pause as he spots the Cybertronian femme*
Duke: First Contact, there's someone here that wants to talk to you.
First Contact: *looks up absently, and then nearly shoots across the room to get away from Drift*
Duke: Whoa, what?
High Tech: Buh? Connie?
Drift: *bhuh? expression* Er...
First Contact: I see your eyes and your weapons! I know what you are!
Drift: ... *quietly* What I was is not who I am now.
First Contact: *trembling, her optics nearly white as she gives him a look like the deer might give the hunter*
Duke: First Contact, I think you need to calm down...
Drift: *quietly* I'd better leave...
Duke: Stay put. *goes to the femme and puts a hand on her shoulder* First Contact, he walked right through Snake Eyes when he first got here. Snake Eyes didn't pick up any threat. I think he's just someone else in your boat.
First Contact: *intakes deeply, and turns back to look at Drift again*
Drift: *looks a bit uncomfortable at the idea that he walked through someone*
Snake Eyes: *suddenly standing near Drift, his arms folded over his chest*
Drift: *startles and skitters sideways*
High Tech: Don't worry. He doesn't bite. *worried look for First Contact*
First Contact: *another deep intake* I'm sorry.
Drift: *giving Snake Eyes a wary look for the moment*
Snake Eyes: *looks back, and then pixels and vanishes*
Drift: *sooo spooked*
First Contact: *quietly, as she steps forward hesitantly* You don't have anything to fear from him. If he thought you were a threat you'd have never lived to reach this room.
Drift: ... *attention going back to First Contact now, still slightly spooked*
First Contact: *hesitantly extends a hand* *softly* I'm sorry. Please don't be afraid.
Drift: *quietly* This is.... I don't understand.... *confused mech is confused*
First Contact: Come over here and sit down. I'll try to explain. *glances at Duke*
Duke: *over looking at the monitor that she'd been looking at*
Drift: *moves to sit where indicated... and then he's noticing a spot where his paint's chipping away... will poke at the spot and knock off more paint chips*
First Contact: *quietly* You're alive.
Drift: Last time I checked... yeah... *poke poke poke... frooowwwns at the paint chips*
First Contact: *settles in a chair and hugs her knees* I never was. I'm a probe drone that was sent to study this world a few thousand years ago.
Drift: ... *blink blink* How many vorns?
First Contact: *tips her head back to think as she absently pinches her nose, then tells him a rough guess* I don't even know the exact time span, I was lost in space after my shuttle ran into a comet, and then became part of its tail.
Drift: ... *boggling slightly* Slag....
First Contact: I got here a few years before GI Joe was started. They built their first base right over my observation post.
Drift: ....
First Contact: When they died I used the scans I'd taken of them to make cybernetic clones.
Drift: *blink*
First Contact: And they finished the job their predecessors had set out to do. Cobra is only a memory now.
Drift: ... *quietly* How long did that take?
First Contact: One night.
Drift: ...
First Contact: None of Cobra's sensors were built to detect Cybertronian technology. And a hard light shell is nearly undetectable even for us. *glances toward where High Tech is hunkered down on the main screen to look at what Duke's looking at* But as soon as Cobra fell there was someone else ready to step into the hole they left.
Drift: ... *small frown* Were they out for revenge?
First Contact: *startled* Revenge?
Drift: Remnants of Cobra? *trying to understand this. In his world, the strongest lead*
First Contact: The people trying to fill in? Some of them. Others were former rivals.
Drift: ... *more frown, and a slight flicker of his optics as his tank reminds him that he's been running on less fuel lately*
First Contact: What's wrong?
Drift: *quietly, not wanting to admit to weakness* Nothing...
First Contact: *holds out a hand toward him, her optics flickering* You're low on fuel.
Drift: I'll be alright.
First Contact: *shakes head* Drop the tough guy act. Things work a lot better without it. *turns to the screen* High Tech, could you ask someone to bring a bottle of fuel from the mess?
High Tech: *second image appears on a small nearby screen* On it, Connie. *grins at her and at Drift*
Drift: *slight huff, doesn't think he's being stupid...*
red haired woman: *face of a child, walk of a warrior. Big brown eyes study Drift as she lugs a twenty gallon jug of something over and offers it to him*
First Contact: Thanks, Scarlet. *smile*
Drift: Er... thanks... *puzzling over this as he accepts the jug*
First Contact: What's wrong?
Drift: *quietly* I feel like I should be helping out, but I don't know whether that's needed....
Scarlet: Helpin' out?
Drift: *small nod*
Scarlet: How you mean?
Drift: *quietly* I was taught that a person should help out wherever they can.... *look, he's learned that after only a week with the Clarksons!*
Scarlet: *slight chuckle and a smile* Well, that's kindly of you, but we've really got things under control here.
Drift: *about to protest, until another 'Low Fuel' warning sounds*
First Contact: *points to the bottle* Drink.
Scarlet: *watching Drift with a bit of a frown now. She hasn't heard First Contact use that tone very often*
Drift: *sheepish expression, before he's drinking, albeit slowly*
fuel: *thick and sweet. NOT energon*
Drift: *pauses to give the fuel a puzzled look*
First Contact: Bio diesel.
Scarlet: 'N a few minerals.
Drift: Huh... *small smile*
Scarlet: *looks at her wrist* Speakin' of food, my stomach thinks my throat's ben cut.
First Contact: *still startles at that line, but nods* You and Duke are off for the night. Go ahead and refuel.
Scarlet: *salutes, and then nods to Drift and goes to collect the blond guy*
Drift: *small nod, resumes drinking, though he's stopping once his tank's about three-quarters full*
First Contact: *watching High Tech drift around the screens, her cheek on her knee and a slight frown of absent curiosity on her face plates*
Drift: *and now he's thinking about what First Contact has told him, and what he's learned over the past seven solar cycles* *optics flicker a bit as his system registers the good fuel*
First Contact: *surprised snerk as she sees High Tech dance and flex his arms, her brow plates raising as she wonders just what he's doing*
Drift: *is glad he's sitting, as he doesn't think he could stay standing at the moment* *soft chuckle as he thinks about watching Robbie jump into the hot spring*
First Contact: *lifts her head and looks at him when she hears the chuckle* What is it?
Drift: *quietly* Just thinking about one of the people I've met... And how he looks when he jumps into hot springs.... *has a surprisingly gentle smile when he's not trying*
First Contact: *brow quirk* Is he young?
Drift: I think so...
First Contact: Organic?
Drift: *nod* *quietly* They're human.
First Contact: *slight smile* Young humans are funny. *glances toward the screens* So are young former humans.
High Tech: *shaking his booty and pointing his finger toward an icon on the screen. Big grin on his face*
Drift: *soft snerk as he watches High Tech*
First Contact: He was only in his early twenties when he died. Something tells me that growing up isn't planned for his programming any time in the foreseeable future.
Drift: So he's a youngling then.... *something he understands! Sort of*
First Contact: A young adult who still clung to childish nature in some ways. *chuckles as she sees that High Tech is now hunkered down and busy typing away at a virtual keyboard as he hums to himself*
Drift: *soft 'heh' as he nods and stretches*
Heavy Duty: *looks into the room* Hey, Connie, you want anythin'?
First Contact: No thanks, Heavy Duty. I'm fully charged.
Heavy Duty: *grins and thumbs up* Alright. *lifts bottle of bio diesel and chugs as he walks away*
Drift: *surprised to find himself relaxing*
Tunnel Rat: *books it past the door* Noooooo!
Billy: *swoop!*
Drift: *startles and moves to try and get to his feet*
First Contact: *hand on his arm* There's no alarm.
Drift: *slight frown*
First Contact: That's a game they play. Billy was a hand raised bird before she died, and she thought of herself as human. She knows she isn't now, but she still likes to flirt with and play with Tunnel Rat.
Drift: Oh.... *doesn't even blink or point out that Billy's a boy's name. Is used to Eddie being a girl's name*
First Contact: *slight snerk* And Tunnel Rat's never turned down a chance to play if he could help it. Unless there were bugs to eat first.
Drift: ... *soft snort* Does he miss eating bugs now?
First Contact: No. He still eats them. Everyone but High Tech asked for his modification that lets them process organic fuel. *pulls up her knees again and puts her cheek on them*
Drift: *blink blink* Modification?
First Contact: Yes, he developed it after studying scans and layout blueprints of my body. Heavy Duty was the first one to get it, because his body is nearly Cybertronian normal except for his ability to change shape without a Transformation Pod.
Drift: *blink blink* Transformation Pod?
First Contact: *puzzled* They never became popular?
Drift: I don't even know what that is...
First Contact: *surprised now* It's an experimental technology that was sent in my shuttle. It lets me change my shape so that I resemble the natives. Only I've found that using hard light holograms is easier.
Drift: ... Huh....
Tunnel Rat: *going the other way* AHHHHHHAHAHAHA!
Drift: *quick glance over his shoulder*
Billy: *zips past the door, keeking gleefully*
Drift: *snerk* *attention going back to First Contact* Is there a reason for the differences in construction amongst your teammates?
First Contact: I had the hard light and nanotech specs with me. They chose what they thought would suit them best, or in High Tech, Heavy Duty, Long Shot and Shadow's case, they designed something that would fit them.
Drift: ... Huh...
First Contact: And then Snake Eyes further modified his hard light shell. It's undetectable even to Cybertronian sensors now unless he wants you to know he's there.
Drift: I'll say....
First Contact: Duke and Scarlet are the other hard light bots. Tunnel Rat's nanotech. And Shadow... is just a plain bot made to look human, but he's got a link with Billy that lets him see through her eyes. She's hard light and has an alternate mode.
Drift: *small nod, filing this information away for now*
First Contact: *looks at the fuel bottle and frowns, then looks at him* You didn't drink very much.
Drift: *slightly sheepish grin* I was starting to get dizzy....
First Contact: *blinks* Dizzy?
Drift: I've been rationing my fuel so I could get to a station...
First Contact: *concerned* We should get High Tech to look at you. You won't need to ration anymore now that you're here.
Drift: I'll be alright...
First Contact: Why are you afraid?
Drift: I'm not afraid... *yes, yes you are, Drift. Change is a scary thing, but it's not always a bad thing*
First Contact: *softly* Yes, you are.
Drift: *going to try changing the subject* You mentioned that it only took a night for your team to bring Cobra down... Was it for revenge?
First Contact: *startled* No. They were fulfilling the function they'd been created for. And the only way to truly stop Cobra was to end the lives of the leaders.
Drift: And you said some of the stragglers from Cobra tried to get revenge in the group that came after them?
First Contact: No. I said some of the stragglers from Cobra were people who tried to step into the gaps left in global illegal dealings after Cobra Commander and his lieutenants were decommissioned.
Drift: *small frown, is working this over in his processor*
First Contact: Revenge is a cruddy reason to do anything.
Drift: ... *frown*
Tunnel Rat: *comes wandering in* Yo, High Tech! Wanna play?
High Tech: Give me a minute, I'm not done coding the game.
Tunnel Rat: *flops in chair* Awww. Alright.
First Contact: *looks at the pair, then up to Drift* Let's go somewhere else.
Drift: *nod*
First Contact: *on her feet and walking toward the door*
Drift: *moves to follow, still holding the jug of fuel*
Tunnel Rat: *jabbering about a termite nest he found today*
Drift: *makes a mental note to find out what termites are later... is following First Contact*
High Tech: *behind them as they turn into the hall* I don't want to know how many you ate.
First Contact: Blech. *shudder*
Drift: ... *will ask about that later, too*
First Contact: *leads him down the corridor, past doors that are closed, and an open one through which Heavy Duty can be seen laying on a bunk as he listens to some sort of loud music with a heavy beat*
Drift: *doing his best to keep up with First Contact, pausing only briefly to listen to the music Heavy Duty is playing*
First Contact: *waits for him and then continues, her hand going up to rest on his leg* How dizzy are you?
Drift: It's not as bad as it was earlier...
First Contact: *nods, and then turns right to lead him through a door and into a room littered with soft furniture and dominated by a massive TV screen* This is the rec room.
Drift: *looking around curiously. He's never seen furnishings like this before, and that shows clearly on his face*
First Contact: The whole base is set up according to human custom. *settles on a large, comfortable leather couch, her optics trained on Drift's face*
Drift: *reaching to poke the couch, before he decides the floor looks more comfortable, will sit down nearby*
First Contact: *absently lifts her hand and scans him, this time checking for general health*
Drift: *has a few old injuries that likely were pretty severe when he got them, as well as a few more recent injuries that suggest he was in a crash of some sort. Hasn't been refueling properly for about seven solar cycles, and it shows, as he's also slightly overcharged*
First Contact: *slight frown* You're starved.
Drift: *slight frown* Well, I've been rationing fuel... *yes, repeating himself*
First Contact: *shakes her head* That's the effect of real starvation that I see. *rises to her feet* I better go get you a mineral supplement.
Drift: *gonna try and get up... only to faceplant* Ow...
First Contact: *pauses with dismay, then kneels to try and turn him over* Don't do that, alright?
Drift: *slight pout as he rolls over onto his back* I'm fine....
First Contact: *soft meep as she winds up losing her balance and falling over him slightly* Ouch.
Drift: *moves to sit up* Are you okay?
First Contact: *blushing* Yes... Yes, I'm fine. *blinks and blushes harder as she pushes away from him*
Drift: *puzzled by the blushing*
First Contact: *lowers her head for a moment, then gives him a quick snug before shooting to her feet and out of the room*
Drift: *blink blink* ....
First Contact: *returns several minutes later, composed and holding two fist sized balls of something that smells very very very good*
Drift: *perks when he catches the scent*
First Contact: *kneels next to him and holds the balls up* Heavy Duty says this is candy. It's a mixture of various minerals and bio diesel.
Drift: *reaches for the balls* It smells good...
First Contact: *gives him the first one* Do you know how to chew?
Drift: ... Chew?
First Contact: *takes a nibble from the ball she's still holding to show him, in the process releasing more of the scent*
Drift: *will imitate her, expression brightening when he tastes the candy's flavor*
First Contact: *smiles* Yes, like that. I think you should eat both of these, based on what I can see of the integrity of your support structure.
Drift: *blink blink, small nod. Is enjoying the first candy*
First Contact: *idly scans the one she's holding, absently wondering just what the heck Heavy Duty put in here to get something this good for Cybertronian systems. Then looks up quizzically* Duke never did mention where he found you.
Drift: *pauses in between bites* I was at the memorial in the courtyard when I met him...
First Contact: You landed there? We hadn't detected any incoming vessels.
Drift: *headshake* Came through a portal... I thought it was the one I had come through originally after winding up in the weird sign place with the flying organic creatures...
First Contact: *blinks, then lifts a hand to scan his processor, including his thoughts*
Drift: *no processor damage, but he is remembering the big, black, spiky creature he saw, the sign, and the whales*
First Contact: *quiet amazement* It... seems like some sort of meeting place between realities. *optics widen then, and she looks up at him* Then... you probably aren't from my Cybertron, and that's why you're so large and have such odd systems.
Drift: *blink blink* ... Huh....
First Contact: *worriedly* I wonder how this happened.
Drift: *bluntly* Maybe I walked through the wrong door.
First Contact: I mean how those doors opened in the first place. *frowns, but then checks on the candy he was eating*
Drift: *has forgotten about the candy, it seems like*
First Contact: Let's focus on what we know for tonight. *points to the supplement*
Drift: *blink blink* *attention back to the candy, resumes eating*
First Contact: *has another tiny nibble of the one in her hand as she thinks about what she's just learned*
Drift: *finishes the candy, and then his optics are flickering a bit as his systems begin to use the minerals for repairs*
First Contact: *looks up at the ending of eating sounds, and offers him the second one*
Drift: *small smile* Thanks... *reaches for the second candy*
First Contact: *gives it to him, then absently leans against him as she resumes thinking*
Drift: *happily making the second candy vanish. Then he's blinking and trying to stay upright.
First Contact: *startles slightly as Heavy Duty's music booms louder before being shut off. Her shoulder pushes against Drift in the process*
Drift: *tips over*
First Contact: Meep! Oof! *turns and blinks at him* Are you alright?
Drift: *bleary blinking, small nod*
First Contact: *lifts a hand and scans him*
Drift: *self repair working, and he's close to shutting down to process the energy in his fuel tank*
First Contact: *sighs, and then quirks a brow and puts her audio receiver to his chest* ...I'd forgotten what being alive sounded like.
Drift: *blink blink* Huh...
First Contact: How old are you?
Drift: *tells his age. He's fairly young, despite clearly having seen a lot of fighting*
First Contact: *hand on his chest, chin on her hand* How old is adulthood for your version of Cybertron?
Drift: *slight shrug* I have no idea...
First Contact: In my reality you'd still be counted as a rookie.
Drift: *soft snort* Been fighting my whole life....
First Contact: *mouth droops at the corners, and her free hand pat pats him gently* *quietly* Well, you're older than me experience wise. I've spent most of my existence in stasis.
Drift: *slight frown* That stinks....
First Contact: *and then startles as she realizes something else, her optics widening with dismay*
Drift: *concerned expression* What's wrong?
First Contact: If you're not from my reality... Then there probably aren't any survivors from my Cybertron after all.
Drift: *small frown* You never know... They might be someplace else...
First Contact: I should be picking up random radio signals, like we do from other cultures. But there's nothing.
Drift: Hrm....
First Contact: Nothing but a bunch of drones. *glances toward the door as she catches a fleeting sense of Snake Eyes*
Drift: *bleary blinking, slight frown as things start to not make much sense*
First Contact: *lifts her head and snaps back to business* You need to go to bed.
Drift: *slight nod, optics dimming slightly*
First Contact: *gets up and tugs on his hand* You need to get up to do that.
Drift: Yeah.... *moving to try and get up*
First Contact: *trying to help him, but she's not built for strength*
Drift: *splatsleep*
First Contact: Eeek! *fell on him again*
Snake Eyes and Heavy Duty: *come in then*
Heavy Duty: *slight chuckle* What'd you do, Connie?
First Contact: He's not used to having the fuel and supplements he needs.
Heavy Duty: *wince* Ah. Well, let's get 'im ta bed. *stoops, and then easily heaves the larger bot over his shoulders*
Drift: *slight squirm, sleepy murmur*
Heavy Duty: Okay, looks like we're go. *grins and turns to carry Drift out to the oversize pallet that one of the maintenance drones has set up in an empty room*
Snake Eyes: *nods and gets Drift's legs*
First Contact: *watches them carry the young mech out of the room, and then sighs and goes back to the control room to continue her relentless patrolling of radio waves*
((co-written with