TFMX: TickTick. HSV, Location unknown.

Apr 29, 2011 00:53

Working with the brighter-colored of the Autobot field medics was far from an ideal scenario, TickTick decided. Yeah, the kid wasn't half-bad in a fight, being a triple-changer and all, but he wasn't exactly the most cooperative of mechs. Adding to the frustration was that he reminded her of someone she had briefly met at a party many,many lifetimes ago....


A thousand years, a thousand more,
A thousand times a million doors to eternity
I may have lived a thousand lives, a thousand times

A fancy party, one of many she had attended just this solar cycle. So much like the other dull shindigs she had attended, and likely would attend while on this job. Unlike most of those parties, this one was to honor her target's latest achievement. She might not have another chance to get close for another six orns, so she had to make sure to get as close as possible. It was a routine she was well-acquainted with, having been built just for the purpose.

What she wasn't acquainted with was accidentally bumping into a nervous-looking mech who bore no faction symbols. The idiot at least managed to avoid disturbing the poison that she had intended for her target, a prolific Destron academic who had been seen making deals with a known drug dealer.

"Sorry... I didn't see you there..." Oh great. He was from the Quadriate sector... But he didn't look like the typical Quadriate mech... For one thing, he was small, almost as small as TickTick herself, "Were you looking to speak with Blast-cap?" Decision time. Admit that she was and possibly get close to her target or arrested, or lie and say she was on her way out the door... Then again, it wasn't as though this dolt knew why she was here...

I could speak a million lies, a million songs,
A million rights, a million wrongs in this balance of time

"Actually, I am... I'm a fan of his..." Putting on her sweetest smile, TickTick could have cheered when the Quadriate mech smiled and offered to bring her to Blast-cap.

"I'm actually his roommate at the Academy... He doesn't think his writing's any good, but I keep telling him that he's going to be famous if he keeps submitting his writing to the social feeds..." The mech was nothing short of gentlemechly as he guided her through the crowd, pausing only to snag two cubes of energon from a passing server. If only the idiot knew he was helping set up his friend's downfall... "Oy! Blast-cap!"

I may be numberless, I may be innocent
I may know many things, I may be ignorant
Or I could ride with kings and conquer many lands
Or win this world at cards and let it slip my hands

Blast-cap had turned, attention going to the mech and TickTick, and then he had chuckled, "Subsonic Pulse, let the poor thing go... You've probably traumatized the poor dear..." The oily tone to Blast-cap's voice was almost enough to set her dentae on edge, but millenia of training and practice had taught her all too well to maintain her facade. Putting on an even sweeter smile, she quickly, and unnoticeably, slipped the dose of poison into the cube she had been given by the well-meaning Quadriate mech. He would have no idea that he had assisted in the downfall of his friend, which suited her just fine.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Blast-cap. I've been following your work for quite some time," With that, she offered her target the cube of energon. Thankfully, the Quadriate mech had noticed someone he obviously knew, as he excused himself and left to speak with whoever it was... Moments later, everyone in the room was treated to the sounds of the mech in distress, which provided TickTick with the perfect opportunity to slip away unnoticed. As she left, she noticed her target frowning and drinking from the tainted cube without paying attention. Good. He'd be gone within the joor...


I could be cannon food, destroyed a thousand times
Reborn as fortunes child to judge another's crimes
Or wear this pilgrims cloak, or be a common thief

"Hey! Are you even listening?" TickTick frowned at the orange and black medic, who was scowling at her with those same optics that she had tricked into unknowingly assisting with Blast-cap's assassination. TickTick thought it amusingly ironic that the idiot had offspring who was currently supposed to be keeping her aft safe.

"Just do your job, and I'll do mine."


Song: A Thousand Years by Sting, lyrics by Sting
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