Nexus, The Black Dog, Street Rats and Lemonade

Mar 23, 2011 00:26

Logan: *sitting on a table at the Black Dog, nose in a magazine*

Josh: *sitting across from his mom, making a mind shatteringly complex three D diagram for something*

tLogan: *climbs up on the table and walks over to slap her alt in the back of the head*

Logan: Ya mind? I'm readin'.

tLogan: *snerks and grabs a seat, then orders a beer*

woman: *hesitantly entering the Black Dog after getting lost on her way to someplace else. Is all of five foot nothing, with a general feeling of having lived on the streets for awhile, despite her well-groomed appearance*

tLogan: *takes her beer and goes down to investigate, watching the young woman as she leans against a table leg*

woman: *looking a bit unsure now that she sees how crowded the bar is. Golden eyes normally hidden behind sunglasses take in her surroundings, lingering for a few moments on tLogan*

grey harpy: *strides in right past the woman, staring wide-eyed at anything and everything* Woooow! It's all so big! *giggles and skips between the tables*

well-dressed boy: *walks calmly, though just as wide-eyed as the harpy, and settles in the edge of the doorway. Stands still with improbably good posture, taking everything in*

woman: *Flinches before she can stop herself*

Mal: *urges her divaCon over to greet the small newcomers*

DivaShot: *Slight frown as he notices the woman's reaction to the other two people* *looks just slightly uncomfortable in his black and white maid's dress* *to the harpy and the boy with her* Welcome to the Black dog... Do you want to sit at a table, or at the bar?

harpy: *is already wandering between the tables, oblivious to their greeter*

boy: *ponders the question, then replies softly* Which position offers the better view?

DivaShot: The bar has a good view of the entire room... I think Rhinox is working today... *attention going to the woman nearby* Are you with them?

woman: *Slight headshake, is looking just a bit panicked now*

Mal: *tilts her head at the frightened looking woman, and then gently thumps DivaShot on his lacy and ribboned headdress* Leave her alone. And Rhinox is off, doofus. There's just Nem.

harpy: *flaps up onto an interesting-looking table* Hello! *smile a mile wide*

boy: Then I shall take the bar, thank you.

DivaShot: *ignores the thump* Alright... There's a ladder, or Tarantulus could give you a lift...

Mal: *straightening ribbons now* George, what did you do to this?

boy: *another thinking pause followed by a completely confident answer* I do not want to inconvenience anyone.

Mal: *funny look for the boy* If it was an inconvenience we wouldn't offer it, buddy.

DivaShot: I tied it the way it's supposed to be tied, Mal... *slight sulk, before turning his attention to a large mech wearing a dark blue cloak* Hey, Tarantulus, there's a person here who needs a ride up to the bar...

Tarantulus: *Turns from where he's discouraging a two-toned blue mech from eating something off of the floor. Is a tall being, with what appears to be two sets of eyes in the black helmet he's wearing. The lower half of his face has a few scars, and is light blue in color* Alright... *moves to approach and will offer his hand to the boy as a spot to sit*

boy: *not fazed by the bot's appearance, or anything in here for that matter. Will thank the first woman and compliment her dress before sitting properly on the big hand*

Mal: *suddenly cackling so hard she nearly falls off DivaShot's shoulders*

DivaShot: *Ignores Mal. Is happy someone thinks his dress is pretty*

Tarantulus: *Trying so hard not to snicker*

tall blue and red femme: *looks down at the boy, and then leans down and whispers* George is a boy.

boy: *tips his head at the blue-and-red person, wide-eyed inquisitiveness unchanged* But... boys do not wear dresses.

DivaShot: *slight huff* Says who?

femme: *childlike innocence and sternness to her* George does.

boy: *not harsh, it's just a fact. Mirrors the femme's innocence* It is custom.

femme: *thinks this over* I guess he has different customs.

Tarantulus: *nod* And no two realities have the same exact customs... Dahlia, is Tarop-tim eating that dustbunny?

Dahlia: *still looking at the boy* No. I ate it so he couldn't.

boy: *ponders the idea of customs being anything but set in stone*

harpy: *squawks as she falls off someone's head, flapflapflaps up to someone else's shoulder none the worse for wear*

Dahlia: *distracted as the feathery girl gets fussed over and offered treats*

harpy: *yay treats! 8D*

Tarantulus: *Soft sigh, will move to bring the boy over to the bar, passing a table that has two humans sitting at a smaller table on top*

boy: *enjoys the view and marvels at every variation in the building and its patrons alike. But his outer expression remains neutral*

blond guy: *talking with his friend about sales and materials*

blonde girl: *pointing out something on a laptop screen*

boy: *will carefully climb down once they reach the bar* Thank you, sir.

Tarantulus: *Soft chuckle* You're welcome. *Will go see if anyone else needs help*

tLogan: *walks over to the nervous looking woman, and lo, she'd be no taller than the other if not for her cowboy boots* You alright, kid?

woman: *Startles and gives tLogan a wary look*

tLogan: *going to say something else, but at that moment a massive white femme walks in and carefully sets a frustrated red haired woman on the floor* *eyebrow*

Rachel: *dressed in grungy green workout clothes, is aggravated by the world's existence right now, though not as tired as the last time*

woman: *more flinch, tries to scoot away from Rachel*

Whiteout: *to Rachel* There. *straightens and strides away*

Rachel: *grumbles, but sees the scared woman next to her and feels bad. Tries to keep her anger in check as she glances around for a familiar face*

harpy: *flaps up trailing feathers* Hello! You look familiar...

tLogan: *studies all three young women, then has a pull at her beer mug* She's proly an alternate 'o somebody y'know, darlin'.

woman: *Trying not to have a panic attack, which is made more difficult by the fact that she does not know how to cope with this sort of thing. Will take a few steps towards the door*

tLogan: *holds up a hand to the harpy, asking her to wait a minute, then reaches out and gently taps the frightened looking one on the shoulder with a finger* *gently* Hey, kid. Where ya goin'?

harpy: "Alternate"? *meeps at the hand*

Rachel: *can't just let the poor woman run out into the robot-filled streets. Will try to look as helpful as possible* You're alright, no one's going to hurt you. Is this ah... your first time here?

woman: *More flinch, though this flinch is also accompanied by a slight wince* *Quietly* P-Please don't touch me....

tLogan: *bit of a frown* If you kin get somethin' past my shields, kid... *frown deepens with concern*

harpy: *squats in place, makes a concerned coo*

Rachel: *anger is steadily abating due to having something else to focus on. Holds up hands to show that they're empty* Hey, we're not going to hurt you...

tLogan: *looks down at her beer, and then offers it to the frightened young woman*

woman: *headshake, tries to scoot away a bit more* I... I'm not... not old enough... *is starting to shiver slightly*

tLogan: *glances at the red head and the harpy, then back to the golden eyed girl* *softly and kindly* Y' hungry?

harpy: *a bit too loudly. She's being helpful!* There's lots of good food here!

woman: *bites her lower lip, small nod, flinches again*

tLogan: *startles a bit and then turns and puts a finger to her mouth to the harpy* Shhhh, darlin'. Not yet. *turns back to the scared girl* Kin I buy ya somethin' ta eat?

Rachel: *quick glare at the bird-girl before turning back to the woman* We could get you a soda, or juice... And a quieter table...

harpy: *sad bird is sad. And ruffly*

tLogan: *starts to gently and non frighteningly herd all three young women toward the bar* I kin git salad, 're somethin' more starchy.

woman: *quietly* I... I don't want to be an inconvenience... *bites her lower lip as her stomach growls*

harpy: *will be herded. Oh hey, there's Alex! Flies over to him*

Rachel: It's not a problem, really. *walks toward the bar, glances encouragingly at the woman*

woman: *Ducking her head a bit and taking deep breaths. Her shivering has started to get worse, and she seems on the verge of either passing out or running away screaming*

tLogan: *quiet and gruff* Yer safe here, kid. And y'ain't no inconvenience, like Red said.

Rachel: *ah, she's getting worse! Wishes she knew what to do!* And like she said, it's safe. It's physically impossible to hurt you. I think.

tLogan: *nods* Anti Violence field, 'n a heck of a vigilant bartender 'n bouncer. *watching the girl as she herds her*

woman: *hand going to her forehead to rub at her temples a bit, is feeling very overwhelmed and confused, as well as concerned, curious, happy, and a whole other mess of emotions that she's not even sure are hers at this point* *Softly repeats her earlier statement* Don't touch me....

Rachel: *helps in the herding* No one will touch you. I'll make sure of that. Come on.

tLogan: *looking at the girl who is her own height and watching how she's acting* *quietly* Y' pick up thoughts?

woman: *slight freeze, small headshake and another wince as the headshake makes her head hurt worse* Feelings...

tLogan: *gets the two to the base of the ladder* Be right back. *PINpoint swish and slight flash, and she's gone*

Rachel: *glances at Logan, wishing she had half the perceptive abilities. Indicates the ladder and steps back from it* You can go up here. We'll be out of feet range of the robots. *helpful smile*

woman: *hesitantly moves to climb the ladder. Has to pause about halfway up as things start to dip and sway, but manages to make it up to the bar and away from the ladder on her own*

tLogan: *back where she left from with another flash and slight swish. Looks up, presses some buttons on her watch, and arrives on the bar by the table the boy and the harpy are at*

woman: *Has apparently decided that the best course of action is to sit with her knees drawn to her chest, and her head ducked as she takes deep breaths and tries not to think about how high off the ground she is*

Rachel: *goes up the ladder after the woman, ready to catch her should she need to, but glad it doesn't come to that. Notices the two creepy children at the table and frowns. Squats by the woman* Can I get you anything?

tLogan: *walks over to the girl too, then goes to one knee and offers her a little electronic looking disk on a web strap* *softly* Here, darlin'. Try holdin' onta this.

woman: *peeks at Rachel and tLogan before hesitantly reaching for the disk* *Soft murmur* Don't want to be an inconvenience....

tLogan: Darlin', if you were inconveniencin' me I'd be gone. *looks for her beer and sighs as she realizes that she left it behind*

Rachel: That's true. She's a stubborn git. *smirk*

tLogan: *curious glance to Rachel*

woman: *shaky hands as she realizes that, for the first time in a very long while, things don't feel anywhere near as discombobulated as they were before. Ducks her head and takes several deep, relieved breaths*

Rachel: *smiles as the woman settles down* My name's Rachel. What's yours?

woman: *Quietly* Legacy Bates...

tLogan: *still with the curious look toward Rachel* 'N I'm Logan. Let's go set at the table 'n I'll git some grub.

Rachel: *bit of surprise at the look, but gets up and offers her hand to Legacy*

harpy: *waving energetically* Sit here!

Legacy: *Small nod, moves to get to her feet, wondering to herself just what the disk is, to make things quiet*

tLogan: *rising to her own feet as she turns and lifts a hand to catch the bartender's attention. Then she realizes that that little robo munchkin is riding the lolita maid along the bar toward them* What, now you're playin' waitress?

DivaShot: Only because Mal said to...

tLogan: *slight grin* I'll bring yer mug back next time I come. *looks over at the others*

Rachel: *frowns again at the creepy kids, decides to let Legacy choose* Where do you want to sit?

harpy: Over heeeeere!

Legacy: *hesitant, will hold onto her arm with her free hand* Um... *Unsure, tips her head slightly*

tLogan: *goes to sit by the harpy and the quiet boy*

harpy: *bounces in her seat* Hi Logan! I'm Elena!

Rachel: *confidentially, to Legacy* Man, sugar high much?

boy: *smiles at Logan more with his eyes than with his mouth*

tLogan: Elena, huh? Pretty. *smiles at the boy, and then looks over toward the other two*

Legacy: *Small nod, watches the boy warily. Three years of living on the streets has taught her that it's not the obvious ones who are the real threat*

tLogan: *makes a Loonie come out from behind the boy's ear. Or seems to. Something about that quiet curiosity is urging her to check his reactions*

Elena: Thanks! *sits down, but is constantly distracted by everything, including the trick* Oooo! How'd you do that?

boy: *doesn't flinch as she reaches behind his ear, and turns gracefully to see what she has. Feline eyes widen imperceptibly, and there is slight wonder in his voice* Yes, please explain.

Legacy: *slight raised brow as she sees the trick* Huh...

DivaShot: ...You can make money appear out of thin air?

tLogan: *blinks and looks at the bot with surprise as Mal hugs his head and snerks* ...Y'mean you never saw this trick before?

DivaShot: Not with money....

Rachel: *sighs and walks nearer the table so she can see/hear better*

Elena: So shiny... *reaches for the coin*

tLogan: *looks over at Legacy quizzically, wondering if the girl will come to the table, then glances at Rachel and closes her hand over the Loonie* Let's git some grub before I teach ever'body how t' pull money outta ears.

Elena: *aww, shiny is gone. Pouts, but then perks again* Yes! Teach me!

Legacy: *edges closer to an empty seat on the side of the table opposite to the boy*

DivaShot: *small pout*

Mal: *little hands over DivaShot's eyes as she watches Rachel*

DivaShot: *fidgets a bit and hopes Mal remembers that his antennae are sensitive*

boy: *also glances at Rachel, contemplates her*

Rachel: *embarassed by all the staring*

tLogan: *looks at DivaShot, then over at the menu on the wall behind the bar. Nods to the menu* What'll ya have?

Elena: *oh, hard decision. Especially since she can't read* I don't know, what is there?

boy: *will read off menu items quietly to Elena*

Legacy: *looks at the menu, a slight frown coming to her face as she reads the different types of food*

Rachel: *snerk to herself* What's that cheesecake that Josh got the last time?

tLogan: *eyes to Rachel* What was it like?

Rachel: *thinks* A little bitter, I think... With almonds.

tLogan: *face clears* That blue-black chocolate?

Legacy: *attention going to tLogan at the mention of chocolate*

Rachel: *perks* Yes! It was very dark.

Elena: *chocolate? Blech!*

DivaShot: *careful headtilt* I don't think we have the exact kind of cake... but our cook's made something similar....

tLogan: *nods and looks to Rachel* That good enough, darlin'?

Rachel: *looks a bit disappointed, but shrugs* Yeah, that's fine.

Elena: *finally hears something she likes from the menu* Ooh! Bar-beh-kew please!

Legacy: *Pulls an interesting face at the thought of barbecue*

Mal: Barbecue dino chicken, or barbecue dino chicken ribs?

Elena: *droops* Which one tastes better?

Mal: They both do. One's just more meat, and the second one's more fun.

Legacy: ... *shudder. She's not a meat eater by any stretch of the imagination, so both options sound revolting to her*

tLogan: *gently, to Legacy after she's seen that shudder* Y'wanna salad, darlin'?

Legacy: *Small nod*

Elena: Ooh! More fun!

Mal: How about barbecue meat plant? It's really good too.

Elena: *plant? Eww!*

Legacy: *Quietly* What's meat plant?

tLogan: *quirks a grin* Giant mushrooms. It ain't bad.

Rachel: *looks dubious about a giant meat mushroom as well*

tLogan: *looks to DivaShot* Y'got samples?

DivaShot: I can get some...

tLogan: *looks at the human girls to see if they'd like to try that*

Legacy: *looks intrigued*

Rachel: *shakes her head*

tLogan: Jes bring an order 'o the skewers, 'n an Asian salad. *looks at Legacy* Y'want orange sections in yer salad, darlin'?

Legacy: *Quietly* Please.

tLogan: Sunflower seeds?

DivaShot: *jotting things down as Legacy nods again*

tLogan: Spicy 're tangy dressin'?

Legacy: *considers* Spicy.

tLogan: *nods and looks at the waiter to see if he's got all that*

DivaShot: *thumbs up, grin*

Elena: And don't forget my bar-be-kew!

tLogan: Yeah, darlin'. Don't gitcher tail in a knot. *chuckle* Zat all ya want?

Elena: *thinks* Um... water?

tLogan: Y'ever had lemonade?

Elena: *thinks, shakes head*

tLogan: *to DivaShot* Pitcher 'o water without ice, 'n a pitcher 'o lemonade the same* *looks from Alex to Rachel to see who'd like to order next*

boy: I do not require food right now.

Rachel: *waves off the waiter* I already had dinner. I'm good.

DivaShot: *Write write write* I'll be right back with the drinks. *scoots off*

tLogan: ... *wonders what Mal's laughing about so hard*

Legacy: *going to study the disk she's holding now*

disk: *electronics in a sturdy and slightly decorative case*

Legacy: *carefully turning the disk over to see if there's something on the back*

disk: *has a sealed hole with a screw in it there*

boy: *also curious about the disk*

Elena: *gazes at Legacy* You have pretty eyes!

Legacy: *startles and looks up* Er... *not used to her eyes being complimented, since most people recognize that the color isn't normal, and why that is*

tLogan: *standing slightly to look for the waiter*

Elena: *sincere wonder* They look like the sun...

Legacy: *hunkering down almost on reflex*

tLogan: *notices Legacy's reaction and produces several beer can tabs from her jeans pocket, which get set where Elena can see them*

Elena: *distracted* Ooh, what are those? *grabs and bites experimentally*

DivaShot: *Back with the pitchers of water and lemonade, and enough glasses for everyone*

Rachel: *snerks and pours a glass of water*

boy: *interested in the new drink, though won't ask for a glass*

tLogan: *passes out the glasses, keeping an eye on Elena as she does to make sure that the bird girl doesn't hurt herself* *to DivaShot* Y'got Red's cake wrote down?

DivaShot: *nods and holds up his order pad* Is there anything else you want added to the ticket?

tLogan: A pound'a buffalo wings, 'n another mug 'o Draft. And the kid's toy 'o the day.

Mal: That's the locking block house with the little man.

tLogan: *nod* Sounds good. *looks at Rachel*

DivaShot: *Write write write, nod*

Rachel: *finally sits down* Nope, still just the cake. *practically chugs the water*

tLogan: Alright. *looks back to the waiter and frowns sternly as she sees Mal aiming a little poky digit at his antenna*

Mal: *stops!*

Legacy: *hesitantly reaching for a glass of lemonade*

DivaShot: *finishes writing* I'll be back with your order soon. *moves to take the order ticket to the kitchen*

tLogan: *turns to Rachel* Y'ben here before?

Rachel: *as she pours a 2nd glass of water she notices the creepy boy staring at the lemonade* Um... do you want a glass?

Legacy: *pulls a face at the flavor of the lemonade*

boy: Yes please.

Elena: *laughs at the funny face* Me too!

Rachel: *pours glasses and hands them out* Yeah... You and your kid were there, remember?

tLogan: *other brow goes up* I ain't got any kids, darlin'. Think y'met my alternate.

Rachel: *confused* Wha...? But I could've sworn...

Legacy: *looking for sugar to sweeten the lemonade with some more*

tLogan: *sympathetic look* Yeah, there's two 'o us. *glances at Legacy, hazards a guess, and pushes the sugar and creamers stand over to her*

Legacy: *small smile, will add small amounts of sugar into her lemonade, tasting after each addition's been stirred in, until she's happy with the flavor*

Elena: *stares at the glass still in Rachel's hand, bounces a little*

Rachel: *spirits droop, and she slides the 2 glasses to the children slowly*

Elena: *decends upon the glass! Slurp!*

tLogan: Jaime give ya her number? *sits back in her chair and looks at Rachel with concern, nodding absent thanks as a massive black hand comes down from above and sits her beer in front of her*

DivaShot: *carefully carrying a tray with the table's orders on it. He hasn't quite mastered balancing a tray on one hand yet*

Rachel: *AH big hand! Is distracted* Ah- Wait, who?

Elena: *face scrunches* Sour!

boy: *takes a graceful sip. Eyes widen slightly in appreciation*

tLogan: *passes sugar packets to Elena* Jaime. My alternate.

DivaShot: *Sets the tray on the table and begins passing orders to the people who placed them*

Elena: Ooh, food! *bounces as she watches the plates passed around*

boy: *sips again, also watching the waiter with interest*

Rachel: *runs a hand through her hair* Ah, no. Only thing I remember is they live on the edge of town. In some crazy future bunker. *pales as she realizes she wouldn't even be able to find it*

Logan: *takes out a red and blue iPhone and calls up a phone number, then turns the screen so Rachel can see it as she uses her other hand to snag her order of wings* Ain't a future bunker, kid. It's an eco house. *soft snerk at the term*

Rachel: *unamused snerk, looks at the phone*

tLogan: Hurry up 'n copy it down. *checks on Legacy and Elena*

Legacy: *boggling slightly. It's been a very long time since she's had so much food on one plate, or even on two... Usually, the salads she gets at the closest grocery store to the shelter she frequents are barely the size of two hands cupped together, and nowhere near as fancy... And then there are the meat plant skewers...*

Elena: *currently getting BBQ sauce all over her face*

boy: *softly* Elena, do not make a mess.

Elena: *protesting* But we're not in the mansion anymore!

Rachel: *looks to her skimpy workout gear before replying dryly to tLogan'* I don't have anything to write on...

tLogan: *attention back to Rachel and then nods to the pad in DivaShot's hand*

DivaShot: *Will tear off a sheet and offer it to Rachel* Here....

tLogan: *in the meantime is setting the locking block set in front of the boy*

Rachel: *takes the paper and holds out her other hand* Borrow your pen?

boy: *curious monotone* What is this?

tLogan: *to the boy* Somethin' ta fiddle with while ever'body else's eatin'.

DivaShot: *offers the pen*

Legacy: *nibbling at her salad, is eating slow to make it last as long as possible*

Rachel: Thanks. *jots down the number and hands back the pen*

DivaShot: *Smile* No problem... *attention going to someone down at floor level, squeaks and skitters off*

boy: For me?

tLogan: Yup. Fer you.

boy: *small smile* Thank you. *picks it up and turns it over carefully*

Elena: *NOM*

Rachel: *picks up a fork and pokes at her cake* Does my phone even work here?

tLogan: *looking under the table to see what scared the lolita off* It should. Ain't seen one that didn' yet.

Feathery, lizard-looking creature with bright plumage: *Carefully making its way up the ladder*

tLogan: *perks and straightens* Hey, Dinobot!

fDinobot: *once he's standing on the bar top, he'll nod a greeting to tLogan, before seeking out whichever bartender is available today* *seems to be in a bit of a grumpy mood*

boy: *sets down the toy and turns inquisitively toward the ladder*

Rachel: O.o Is that... a velociraptor?

tLogan: *snerk* It's a Predacon, darlin'. Jes' like the guy in the skirt.

Nemesis: *over to grab a glass the size of a shower from the rack. Looks down at Dinobot* What do you want?

fDinobot: A box of cinnaSeekers.

Nemesis: Which size?

Legacy: *soft, pleased sound as she tastes one of the meat plant skewers*

Elena: *gasp* Feathers! *jumps up from her chair*

Rachel: *tired sigh* Why can't I get sucked somewhere peaceful on a bad day? *stabs cake, takes bite*

fDinobot: *turns his head slightly, is watching the noisy ones at the table with one eye* *To Nemesis* The larger size. They are for Locket....

tLogan: *eyebrow at Rachel* What ain't peaceful?

Rachel: It's too confusing. Doesn't make any sense.

Elena: *approaches the feathery lizard, still covered in BBQ sauce* You're so pretty!

Rachel: *sighs and eats more cake. It's not quite as good as Superman's but it'll do*

fDinobot: *soft hiss* *Gruffly* I am already claimed.

Elena: *blink blink head-tilt*

fDinobot: *low growl as he moves to try and get the box safely over to the ladder so he can get it down to the floor* *loses a couple of brightly-colored feathers in the process*

Elena: *runs after him* Wait, let's be friends!

Rachel: *almost face-palming*

fDinobot: *more growl, startles when a blue femme moves to help him with his purchase, feather poof!*

tLogan: *decides she's had enough amusement at Dinobot's expense, will ring a little bell she just found in her pocket*

Elena: *eeps at the poof, and eyes and grin go wide*

tLogan: *okay, the kid doesn't go for bells. Makes the cellphone play Beethoven*

Elena: *small frown and growl at the distracting noise*

fDinobot: *scrambles for the ladder and nearly becomes a splat on the floor*

tLogan: *you can't prove that snerk! It wasn't as loud as the bartender's anyway!*

Showtime: *picks the feathery mech up and carries him, and his purchase, out to the storage room apartment*

Elena: *oh no, he's gone... squats and pouts*

tLogan: Hey, darlin'. Yer barbecue's gettin' cold.

Legacy: .... *Wonders what that was all about* *Quietly* He left feathers behind...

tLogan: *attention going back to her meal* Yup. He's moltin'.

Elena: *still pouting, picks up a feather and turns it over* .... *is getting BBQ sauce on it*

boy: *staring at Rachel*

Rachel: *O.o at the creepy boy*

boy: *unaffected*

Legacy: *as she reaches for the second meat plant skewer* Is that why he was so grouchy?

tLogan: Maybe, but 'is wife's sick, too.

Rachel: *sets down fork with a clatter* Ok, why are you staring at me?

tLogan: *looks up*

Legacy: *glances over at Rachel*

boy: *matter-of-fact* You are familiar. You look exactly like someone I know.

Rachel: *blink. That's the 2nd time she's been told that today*

tLogan: *watching to see if Rachel wants to reply, or if she needs to explain alternates*

Rachel: .... *processes* There's a "me" in your *points to him and Elena* world? *not quite sure she's comfortable with that*

tLogan: *sip of beer as she watches*

Legacy: *blink blink, is pretty well lost*

Elena: *walks back to stare at Rachel's hair* Yeah, you look like Miss Rachel!

Rachel: And... who is she?

boy: She is a pyromancer who sometimes visits my father's house.

tLogan: *rattles Elena's plate slightly, hoping to distract the girl from touching Rachel's hair*

Elena: *wasn't going to touch it this time, but is distracted none the less*

Rachel: Your dad's house, huh? And who's your dad?

boy: Lord Lossehelin, the vampire.

Rachel: o.o

tLogan: *small growl escapes before she can catch herself, but tries to cover it with a bite of chicken*

Legacy: ... *Blink blink*

Rachel: Your dad... is a vampire? O.o

Elena: *sits back down, continues scarfing though not as fast* Yeah. *acts like it's the most normal thing ever*

tLogan: Lossehelin his first name, last name, 're his title?

boy: That is his surname.

tLogan: So yer Junior Lossehelin.

boy: Yes, I have inherited his name. My full title is Alexander Lossehelin.

Rachel: But vampires can't even have kids!

tLogan: *eyes to the red head* There's other ways ta get kids than the default one, darlin'. *doesn't mention what she can smell about the boy*

Alexander: You are correct. While he cannot procreate in the typical sense, he did create me from the best of nature's offerings.

tLogan: *gruff voice surprisingly gentle* That might not be the best kinda talk fer the dinner table, son.

Alexander: *turns to her* I am sorry. I do not mean to offend you.

Legacy: *Starting to feel just a bit uncomfortable, but that may be due to having eaten more than she's used to*

tLogan: Ain't offended. Jes' wasn' sure if you knew. Y'ain't that old, are ya? *glances at Legacy as she registers a change in the girl's scent*

Alexander: *feels better that she isn't offended* It has only been six months since I was completed.

Rachel: Wow, 6 months?

tLogan: *slight grin* Yer doin' pretty good, fer six months

Alexander: *small smile* Thank you.

Rachel: *notices the fangs when he talks* So, are you a vampire too?

Alexander: No, Father wished to create a true living being.

tLogan: *distracted by the sight of the cook scaling the bartender. Grins and shows her own fangs*

Legacy: *eyes wide as she notices the fangs on both Alexander and tLogan*

tLogan: *turns back, dark eyes going to Legacy as she catches the girl's reaction* What's wrong, darlin'?

Legacy: *Quietly and hesitantly* Are... Are you like me?

tLogan: I'm X positive, yeah.

Rachel: *look of tired support* Me too.

Legacy: *surprised, and a bit flabbergasted*

Elena: What does that mean?

tLogan: Y'know what genes are?

Elena: *shakes head*

Alexander: There are several kinds.

tLogan: *nods to Alexander* *to Elena* They're like code that sez how yer gonna look 'n act.

Elena: *grimace* I hate codes!

Alexander: *helpful* But these are not like the codes of propriety.

tLogan: They're the story God writes ta make ya who ya are.

Legacy: *has turned her attention back to her salad, is pushing what's left of it around with her fork and wondering if she should try and finish it or not*

Rachel: *grimace* Sometimes that story isn't all that great.

tLogan: *looks down at her plate* They're always good. The world's jes' so screwed up they don't always come through the way they were supposeta.

Elena: *missing the point* No god's gonna control me. I'm gonna be whatever I want!

Legacy: *Quietly* That's not what He does....

tLogan: He don't control ya, darlin'. He made ya. *offers the bird girl her last wings*

Elena: *pouts, but takes the wings and scarfs them*

Rachel: *pokes at the last of her cake*

tLogan: *absently rubs between her knuckles as her eyes focus elsewhere*

Legacy: *nibbling at her salad, despite feeling pretty well full. She's not exactly sure when her next good meal will be, or even what it will be...*

tLogan: *then blinks and comes back to herself with a start as something pops into the air above her head and starts scolding vociferously in a chattery small voice* *face palm* Beauty, calm down. I wasn' lost.

little golden swamp dragon with brown tiger stripes: *SCOLD!*

Alexander: *sips lemonade*

Elena: *pretty thing! Makes birdy chatter*

Rachel: O.o

Legacy: *blink blink* o.o

tLogan: *soothing sounds, and puts up a hand invitingly*

Beauty: *BITE hand! Cuss hand! Lick hand and make apologetic sounds*

tLogan: *brings her down and rubs her back soothingly*

Rachel: And that's why this place isn't calm. *goes back to eating cake*

tLogan: *snorts and offers Beauty the bell from her pocket* Pets do this all the time.

Beauty: *scolds the bell*

Legacy: ... *slight headtilt, studying Beauty*

Rachel: They don't teleport in my world. And they aren't tiny flying dragons either.

Elena: *still making encouraging coos. Wants to be friends!*

tLogan: They don't in mine, either.

Alexander: But you have a dragon.

tLogan: My husband has a dragon. She just thinks she has us. *scratches Beauty's eye ridge, and then watches as her little pet tiptoes over to investigate those coos*

Beauty: *scolding softly all the way*

tLogan: *to Rachel* Still jes' a pet.

Elena: *happy coos! Holds out a bone drenched in BBQ sauce*

Alexander: Miss Rachel from our world owns a dragon made of fire. It is her familiar.

Rachel: *O.o at creepyboy*

Legacy: ... What's a familiar?

tLogan: *nose wrinkles silently and slightly. Her feelings about familiars are about the same as her ones on vampires* Beauty's jes' a pet. Even if she does think she's my 'n Optimus' mother.

Alexander: A familiar is a sorcerer's companion, often an animal. They are bonded and the sorcerer's magic flows through them both. Miss Rachel's familiar merely happens to be a creature of pure fire.

Rachel: *trying to hide that she actually finds that idea pretty cool*

Legacy: Huh...

Alexander: *was helpful! Inward yays*

Beauty: *scold a bone! Lick a bone. Thrrpt!*

tLogan: *cracks up because she can't help it*

Elena: No? *holds out a different bone*

Beauty: *sniff sniff. Thrrpt! Soft scoldies*

Elena: *small protesty chatter. Holds her hands up to show: "that's all!"*

Nemesis: *is that big black hand that just set down a plate of seared meat in front of Elena*

Beauty: *perk, trill!*

Legacy: *is now frowning a bit at what's left of her salad and blinking just slightly*

tLogan: *looks at Legacy, concern in her eyes* Y'need a place ta sleep, darlin'?

Legacy: *quietly* I'll find a place...

tLogan: *grabs a napkin and draws a little map, then offers it to the golden-eyed girl* Go there. Tell 'em Logan sent ya.

Elena: *perks at the smell of raw meat! Will snatch a piece and watch Beauty eat*

Alexander: *watching the little dragon intently*

Rachel: I should be going too.

Legacy: *small nod as she looks around for a waiter to ask for a box to carry what's left of her salad in*

Mal: *notices the look and bucks slightly to steer the waiter over there*

DivaShot: *Still bibbling slightly even though fDinobot is gone, but will move to approach the table again*

tLogan: *to Rachel* Don't fergit ta call Jaime. She's worse'n an old hen sometimes.

Beauty: *noms ALL that meat! And then drags her belly over and crawls into tLogan's shirt with her. Prrrr*

Elena: *coos a sad goodbye*

Rachel: *tired snerk* Who else'm I gonna call in this joint?

Mal: Ghostbusters?

DivaShot: *Soft snerk*

Legacy: *Quietly asks for a carry-out container*

Mal: Hey, she's asking for what you were just using for a fan, George!

DivaShot: *Razzes Mal and goes to grab one of the carry-out containers*

tLogan: *patting her shirt and looking to herd kids home, or in Legacy's case, to a nice bed at Aoife's place* *to Elena and Alex* Y'ben here before?

Alexander: No. I suppose it would be wise for us to leave as well. Father will be worried. Though... *looks uneasy* I do not know how to return home.

tLogan: *digs in pocket again and pulls out a small blue keyring with a single button* Nem, you wanna set this?

bartender: *doesn't look toward them* Who for?

tLogan: Lex here. *nods to the boy*

gadget: *beeps*

tLogan: Thanks. *holds it out to Alexander* That'll git ya home.

Alexander: *takes it gingerly* Thank you. Will the portal to this place stay in between the hydrangeas? *looks hopeful*

Rachel: *grabs a fiver out of her armlet pocket and sets it by the empty cake plate*

tLogan: I dunno, kid. But if it don't yer PINpoint'll bring ya back ta the sign. *then pushes the fiver back to Rachel* It's already paid for.

Elena: *peeer at the tiny metal thing*

Alexander: *also studies it* Is that what this is called?

Rachel: *tired and not up for argument* No, it's ok.

tLogan: *to Rachel* It's already paid for. *back to Alexander* Yup. That's the local name. *checks on Legacy*

Legacy: *carefully transferring the last of her leftovers to the carry-out container*

Rachel: *sighs, rolls eyes, and stuffs the bill back into her mini-wallet*

tLogan: *shakes her head in slight but fond exasperation* 'N I didn' do it. My ol' man's got it set up so I 'n ever'body I bring in gits fed.

Rachel: Old man? *snort* I'd be scared to see who birthed you.

tLogan: *hairy eyeball* Not that old man. The one I married.

Rachel: *raises eyebrow* Still scared.

tLogan: *snorts and then turns back to the kids and urges them gently to go on home* *then, to Legacy* 'N you go find Aoife's before ya fall over.

Legacy: *Small nod, quietly thanks Logan for the meal and moves to head for the ladder*

Rachel: *gets up to follow Legacy, cop instincts kicking in* Hey, I'll come with you.

Alexander: *will rise and begin coaxing the protesting Elena away*

tLogan: *also rises as a shadow falls over the group*

tOptimus: Are you ready to come home, Logan?

tLogan: *informs him that he's worse than Beauty, and then checks to see if Legacy or Rachel is frightened by him*

Rachel: *is indeed frightened*

Legacy: *doing a quail chick impression*

tOptimus: *steps back, gentle blue optics darkening* I'm sorry. I won't harm you. Either of you.

tLogan: Easy, kids. He's nothin' you gotta fear.

Rachel: *breathing heavy, but moving again* Don't sneak up on me like that!

tOptimus: *surprised* Sneak up on you?

tLogan: *hunkered by Legacy with a hand on the girl's back*

Legacy: *Taking deep breaths and trying to get the fact that tOptimus isn't nearly as big as the Sentinels she's seen through her head*

Rachel: You guys are really sneaky for being made of metal. *rubs wrists*

tOptimus: *looks down at his feet, thinking of how his footsteps sounded coming over, then looks back up* My apologies.

Rachel: *hopeful look to Legacy* There's a lot of robots here, but I haven't seen any Sentinels yet. *holds out a hand to help her up*

tLogan: *doesn't look up from Legacy* I got her, darlin'. *talking softly to the frightened girl. Is in mama Wolvie mode*

Legacy: *quiet hiccups as she begins to calm down*

tOptimus: *as his wife gently rubs Legacy's back and continues to talk to her* I don't think Sentinels would be welcome here.

Mal: *in passing* Especially the ones with big chins.

Rachel: *frowns at the robot's comment. Will stand guard until Legacy feels better*

Legacy: ... *giving Mal a baffled look now, her earlier fright pushed to the back of her mind*

tLogan: *softly* Ya wanna ride ta Aoife's, darlin'? *knows she won't be able to settle down till she sees the girl safe*

Legacy: *surprised by the offer, small nod*

tLogan: Ya feel better ridin' in a truck instead 'o on a robot?

Legacy: *bites her lower lip and nods again*

Rachel: *hey, how come nobody offered her that option either of the times she's come here?*

tOptimus: *to Rachel* Excuse me. *steps back and transforms to a red cab over, with a trailer that just showed up out of no where*

Legacy: *boggling now*

Rachel: *meeps and skitters back!*

tLogan: *looks up* *soothingly* Easy, darlin'. He won't hurt ya.

Roller: *pops out of the back of tOptimus' trailer and rolls around merrily* Doo te doo te deep deep doo!

Rachel: O.o

tLogan: *glances toward the sound and snorts* 'N neither will he. Op, will ya control the rugrat?

tOptimus: *calls to his small symbiont*

Roller: *zooms back into the trailer with a cheery whistle*

Legacy: ... *blink blink*

Rachel: *grumble, complain, massage forehead*

tLogan: *reaches over and gives Rachel a rough pat* Yeah, I can't explain that guy either. But he's family. *turns back to Legacy* Y'ready ta go?

Legacy: Y-yeah...

tLogan: *says bye to Rachel, and then gently chivies Legacy off the bar and into the truck, which then drives out of the Black Dog and away*

Rachel: *sighs, looks around the craziness of the bar one more time, and goes back to the table to snatch the dregs of the lemonade. Grabs her phone out of the armband holder and turns it over for a while*

((Co-written with random_xtras and ssjmihoshi))
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